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"Nice to meet you as well, and thank you."

My mother walks in the room and takes a seat by Masons mother. I sat near his father and Donavin, and Emily sat beside Mason across from me.

I give my mother an annoyed look and she smiles.

"Your daughter is very beautiful might I say." Says Mrs.Dias as she looks at me.

"Thank you." Ma says as she looks at me with a glare.

"Thank you." I say.

"So Mason, you're studying to be in law correct?"

"Uh yes ma'am. I got a full scholarship and ready to go next fall."

"I see, you must have a very bright future." my mother says as she looks at me grinning widely.

I pick at my food and look at Donavin. He looks at my untouched plate and pinches my arm under the table.


"Madison you okay?" Asks Mason.

"Ya I'm fine."

I could feel my mother staring at me.

"I mean.. yes.. sorry I'm okay thank you for your concern."

I know it's not Masons fault my mother is trying to set me up with him. I feel bad for him in a way. But I'm not going to give my mom the satisfaction of me dating a preppy rich boy and boring stick in the mud just so that I can be "prepared" for life.

I don't need someone to take care of me 24/7. I would much rather do it myself. Every time I rely on someone they leave me cold. So I've learned if I want things done then I have to fend for it on my own. I could care less about a man with money. What attracts me is the smarts, the personality, the heart. My mom wants me to be happy right?

Well money isn't always happiness. Not when there's no love involved.

"Madison? Mr. Dias asks what you'd like to major in."

"Oh yes sorry. I would like to aim at majoring in English and most likely minor in musical theory."

"English major huh." says Mason.


"They don't make much. It's a competitive field and not many make it."

"Not with that attitude they don't."

"All I'm saying is that women should stay in the house while the men take care of the bills, what use would you really have in the career world?"

He's really freaking pushing it. I feel like kicking him in the balls to make him feel like the piece of shit he is.

"Well I believe that us women have lots that could advance the careers we have today. It's an amazing feeling to prove that we have more value than what some of you arrogant, inconsiderate, sexist, degrading, air headed men think. Just because I am a lady does not mean I am completely oblivious to the world surrounding us. There's many men out there that think alike as you. But what you don't realize, is that this isn't only a mans world. For what is a king without his queen? You so-called men, can try and consider that."

Everyone stares at me and I pat my lips with my napkin and place it gently on the table.

"Now if you will excuse me, I must go. It was so lovely meeting you Mr. And Mrs. Dias, please visit us again it was a pleasure. And same to you Mason. Goodnight."

I stand up and walk up to my room leaving everyone in the room in complete silence. Besides my siblings of course. Emily giggling to herself and Donavin smirking ear to ear.

I usually won't do this stuff, especially with guest. But I've gotten sick and tired of being degraded and I will not tolerate it any longer, I don't care who you are.

I have more respect for my self and what I stand for, than any degrading son of a bitch.

I zip myself out of the dress and kick off the heels as I jump in the shower. When I get out I get dressed and lay in bed.

I could see myself changing, and it's for the better.

I have a voice. And it deserves to be heard.

And tomorrow? My mother is going to hear it from me.

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