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As I'm getting home, I get a call from Luna.


"Hey Maddie, can you come over?"

"Sure ya I'll be there shortly."

We hang up and I turn the corner and walk up to her house. Her mom lets me in and I head upstairs finding Luna and Yasmin.

"Maddie oh my god glad you're here. We were talking about Saturday night. It was so crazy."

"What did you two do?" I set my purse down and sit on her bed.

"Oh my god, what didn't we do." says Yasmin.

I look at them and see smirks left and right.

"We danced then met these guys and it was just so hot."

I laugh and remember back to that night. Shortly after, I get a text from Nathan. I smile and backhand a reply.

"Maddie when are you going to Ireland?" Asks Yasmin.

"Probably this August. Maybe before my birthday or a little after. Just as long as I'm spending time with him I don't really care when. But the sooner the better."

"So how'd your mom react?"

"Haven't told her yet."

"Uh oh." they both say.

"Ya but I'll tell her when school is over. She's been askin me what I've been wantin lately so I'll probably tell her about it."

"Good luck." Yasmin laughs.

I pay no mind and continue to text Nathan. Somehow I'm excited yet really nervous about meeting him. Just thinking about it has my heart beating like crazy. He always teases me saying how he'd crush me with his hugs, but I wouldn't mind.

I would take any chance I have to get hugs and kisses from him. Waited a year and nearly 7 months now so I think it's been long deserved.

"Hey Maddie.. I know that you like Nate. But have you ever thought about the possibilities of being catfished? Or even what if you don't like him in real life. Or what if you decide to stay with him and not come back." says Yasmin.

"Yas I'm pretty sure he isn't catfishing, Nathan is very straight up about himself. I want to meet him in real life, I want us to be something.. possibly he could even be my mate but if things go wrong it'll be okay, if he doesn't like me I'll be okay. But I trust him enough and I feel all of it is worth the risk. If I do end up with Nathan, I can't forget about you two now can I? Of course I'd visit and even have you guys come out there for a visit as well."

I chuckle and begin to imagine those things actually happening. Hopefully Nathan and my friends get along.

"Maddie, just look at me and tell me. Are you sure you want this."

That wasn't even a question.

"More than anything." I admit.

"Then you've got our full support. Just making sure you weren't second guessing." says Luna.

"Not at all, I've never been this sure about anything. But I mean it when I say Nathan makes me happy. Although at times our situation is difficult, I wouldn't trade what we have for anything or anyone else out there. And you know I keep true to my word."

They look at me and smile.

"Maddie you've got him, he has you. If you keep it going like this, you guys will be unbreakable." says Yasmin.

"I really do hope so."

Later on we finish our homework together and watch a couple movies.

"Alright guys it's gettin late, I'll see you in class tomorrow."

"Alright Maddie get home safe."

I grab my phone and purse and head home. When I arrive, the lights to my house were off. They're probably sleeping. I head up to my room and lay in bed texting Nathan. He's been stayin up with me later than usual lately, somethin might be up.

"Nate don't u have class tmm."

"Ya but I had to get a bit of studyin done and now I'm talkin wit u lol."

I check the time and see it's around 11 pm. That means it's 4 in the morning for him, and I know he has to wake up at 7:30.

"Nah nate go to sleep ya u can't keep stayin up late like that, ur over workin urself."

"Maddie I'm alrii I swear, besides I sleep in the afternoon as well Bc I know I'm stayin up late, I balance it sorta lol."

I know this isn't good for him, but I don't want to sound too controlling. So I try to advise him.

"I don't really think u should keep doin that, especially havin to get up early and all. But if that's what u wanna do I'll b here if u ever want to talk."

"I know, thx Maddie but I g2g alrii, I'm
Goin to bed so I guess that's good lol. Alrii have a good night ya love u."

"Love u too."

I hate that he has to go through all of this. The stress is getting to his head but all I can really do is be here and support him, help him up if he crashes.

I sigh deeply as I close my eyes, and rub my temples. Just one more month and that's it. We can do this.

I know we can.

Late update I'm sorry, but I hope you guys are enjoying. I love readin your comments and messages, and thank you for your votes. I feel like I'm
Doing something right lmao.

The book isn't quite at its end yet, I feel as if though there's still lots to tell so I'll be sure to make it great. I'm starting a new book that will be published as soon as this one is completed.. but it'll be a huge change to what I do now.. sneak peak will be posted shortly.

Enjoy and thank you once again.. ~N

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