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The next morning I wake up a bit earlier than expected, and see Nathan's head on my chest with his arms wrapped around me. I loved this feeling, so I decided to not disturb.


About an hour later I feel a kiss on my cheek.

"Wake up lazy." chuckles Nate as he pulls the covers off me.

"Hm?" I turn over pulling the pillow over my face.

"Time to meet the parents, they're expecting us in about an hour."

I immediately sit up causing him to laugh. I must have fallen back to sleep this morning because he was dressed and looked ready to go.

"Alrigh I'm going to take a shower and get myself ready. Is that okay?" I ask.

I know it's a silly question but as I've said before, I feel weird just making myself comfortable.

"Of course, I'll be waitin downstairs ya." He smiles.

"Got it."

As he leaves the room closing the door behind him, I stand up and neatly set the bed and head to the shower.

I don't know what to wear or how to act with his parents. I'm not entirely sure about their preference for their son. I'm not going to listen to the stereotypical "strict Indian parents" where it has to be an Indian girl. From what Nathan has told me, they're very open and accepting. I'm just going to be myself and hopefully that's enough for them and their son.

I get out the shower quickly, knowing I have no idea what to wear so I saved some time. I put on a set and choose a sky blue summer dress and slip on my white laced Toms. I try about a thousand different hair styles before I decide to go ahead and leave it loose, parting it in the middle. I lay low on the makeup and simply put on my lucky bracelet and an anklet that Jessie had given me a few weeks ago.

Just as I'm putting my perfume, I hear footsteps.

"Maddie we've got to head over there soon..-"

I turn to see Nate standing by the door.


"Nothin, wow..ehh you ready..?" He asks as he gazes at my eyes.

"Ya all ready." I say as I grab my purse and walk towards him.

He opens the car door for me and helps me in.


"No problem."

On the drive to his parents house, I look out the window feeling the butterflies rave inside of me. I play with the hem of my dress and push a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You look pretty Maddie, beautiful trust me."

"Thank you." I smile turning so that he doesn't catch me blushing.

"You Alrigh?" He asks.

"Ya just a bit nervous that's all."

"They'll love you, I mean I already do and that's all that matters righ."

He takes one of his hands off the wheel and locks fingers with mine. My gaze goes towards him and I smile lightly.

"Alrigh we're here."

As he gets out the car to open the door for me, I breathe in quickly.

You can do this Madison, these are his
Parents and possibly a part of your future. Be yourself, nothing less, nothing more.

I notice two figures at a kitchen window looking in our direction. Nathan holds my hand and helps me out of the car, walking us towards their way.

"Don't be nervous." he whispers with a kiss to my head.

He knocks on their door and his mother greets us.

"Nathan you've finally brought her." she says as she pulls him in for a hug.

He smiles and returns the embrace.

"This is Madison." he introduces.

"Lovey to meet you Mrs..-" she pulls me in for an embrace as well before I could finish the sentence.

A feeling of welcoming overtakes me and I instantly feel better about today.

"Come in come in." she says as she turns aside gesturing her husband into the living room.

About an hour later I've spoken to both Mother and Father and finally figured out where Nate got all his traits from.

"I'm going to go prepare lunch I'll be right back." She says as she stands up to head to the kitchen.

"Would you like some help?" I blurt without thinking.

I don't want her to think I'm intruding or questioning her cooking. But she seems happy I asked.

"Of course, Thank you." she smiles.

Without hesitation I excuse myself from Nathan and his father and walk towards the kitchen, catching a smile from Nate.


"It was lovely meeting you Madison please come again if you'd like." Says his mother.

"The pleasure is mine, thank you for having me." I smile.

I hug her as Nathan says goodbye to his father. After goodbyes, we walk to the car and drive off.

"That was fun wasn't it." he says.

"Not bad at all, your mom is sweet, and you clearly got your humor from your dad." I chuckle.

"Ahh that's righ Maddie I'm a proper baller." he laughs.

I smile and check my phone, giving my mom a quick message letting her know I'm okay.

"I'm surprised you helped my mom with lunch." he says.

"Ah I mean I'm not a chef but it's still a form of bonding I suppose."

"I liked it, thanks for the effort. It means a lot to me."

I'm glad I can make him happy, even with the simplest of things. I suppose I made his parents happy as well.

We arrive back to his place and get inside.

"Alrigh now that that's over with what you wanna do." he asks.

"Hm what's something you want to do?"

"Loads of things. We got a whole week lets make the most of it." he smiles.


A bit late but I hope you guys had an amazing Fourth of July! Madison seems to be having quite a good time so far...What do you think should happen next?


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