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"Ma can we talk?"

"Sure what's up."

"It's about Nathan."

She stiffens up and I could see her not wanting to look up from her phone.

"What is it."

"I think that maybe I'd like to have a boyfriend. I mean it couldn't be that bad and-"

She starts laughing.

"Are you mad? A boyfriend?! Madison you don't even know him, and I'm not letting my daughter date a pedophile and that's final."

I clench my jaw trying to hold back from saying something I might regret, but she's really getting on my damn nerves. She continues to play that stupid game and I feel like snatching the phone out of her hands so she can actually hear me out.

"Mother, he's not a pedophile and you don't know him to be saying that. Why are you always so quick to judge?"

"Because long distance does not work Madison. It's only a game. You two won't last."

"You don't know that, and you don't know him. Stop degrading us mother he's not like everyone else out there."

"Madison, you sound like an infatuated child. Now I don't want you two involved like that. Got it?"

I look at her and she doesn't look up at me. I walk up to my room and close the door quietly. I tired of this bullshit. She pisses me off. Why is she so difficult? She's making this way too hard for no damn reason.

I push my curls out of my face and sigh in frustration. As I close my eyes I think back to day 1. The first day my world changed.

I scan through all the memories we've had and the laughs we shared. The feelings I get were all still there. I smile and sigh again.

*buzz buzz*

I pick up the phone and see Luna calling.

"Hey." I say as I recollect myself together.

"Hey girl how's everything?"

I'm not going to tell Luna about the talk, all she will say is how sorry she feels and that it'll get easier. Both things I already know. So I decide to block it out and sound fine.

"Yeah everything's great. What about you?"

"It's good, hey listen are you going to the party this weekend?"

"I really don't want to but I bet Yasmin is making me go."

"It'll be fun don't worry we can drive together."

"I don't know Luna I don't feel right about Adam. He's really touchy and creepy towards me."

I replay the images by the locker. I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"It'll be okay Maddie don't stress it. Dress cute and no jeans!"

"I'm not making any promises."

"Fine I'll go to your house on Saturday and get you all dolled up myself."

"Whatever." I say as I roll my eyes.

She continues to talk about what she might wear and what boys she plans on running into. She gets into conversation about James and I zone out.

Maybe my mom is right. He and I won't last. I'm no good for him and I'm just careless for chasing after a guy that probably doesn't even like me.

Actually, no. It's not true. I can't just let people bring me down. I've had enough of that shit and I'm not going to tolerate it any longer. I'm sick of the negativity and I'm tired of the doubt. I'm going to stay by Nathan as long as he chooses to do the same.

If I fall and he doesn't catch me, then I'll learn from my mistake, slowly but surly. But Nathan is worth the risk, it hurts at times, but it's not killing me.

"Maddie you there?"

"Yeah sorry.. Andy needed some food so I was filling up his bowl. Continue with what you were saying."

"Okay yeah anyways I think James has a new girlfriend and she might be at the party and I'm sorta jealous I don't know why but...."

Blah blah blah ... blah .. blah blah.

My mind is soaring with thoughts. I need sleep. A long, long escape. But for now I'm like Cinderella. My mother is that annoying step mom that won't allow me to go to the ball because she doesn't want me with Prince Charming.

But guess what?

I'm going anyway.

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