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I walk up to my mother's room and knock softly. I hear sniffles and shuffling around.

"Yes come in." she whispers.

"Ma.. I'm sorry."

I stand by the door as I look at her sitting on the bed. I can tell she was crying, her and I get the same way.

She looks at me and gestures me to sit beside her.

"Madison I want you to be happy. I love you and you're a young lady now, I can't treat you like a child. I've raised you better to know right from wrong, to speak your mind. Express your feelings. And I've been a horrible mother by shutting them down. I'm the one that should be sorry."

She reaches for her drawer and takes out my phone, giving it to me in hand.

"I think he misses you, and I know you miss him as well." She smiles weakly.

I look at her in amazement. Is this really my mom? Just about an hour ago she was givin out to me for wanting to be with him. But now she's.. letting me?

"What are you doing?" I ask, not able to believe this.

"I'm realizing, that your happiness is in this boy. And I don't want to take that away from you. I don't want you to hate me, or have to go behind my back. If I tell you no, you'd find a way to do so. You're my daughter, you're very determined. I don't want you having to be scared to tell me things, like I was with my mother when I was growing up. So here, call him. I'll be more than happy to give him the chance."

"Nah no way.. you're kidding."

"Nope, call him before I do." she chuckles.

I jump and hug her tightly. I text Nathan tellin him my mom finally wants to Skype and he immediately told me in 5 minutes.

"Ma in five he's goin to Skype. Please don't be mean or anythin, he's really good to me."

I look at her with cautious eyes and she nods in agreement.

*buzz buzz*

My eyes light up and I answer eagerly.

"Ya hello."

"Hey Maddie you alrii ya."

"Where's his face?" She whispers.

I give her a look and she backs off.

"Ya I'm alrigh, you ready?"

"Ya of course." he chuckles.

Just be himself, nothin more, nothin less. I put him on speaker and I tell my mom he's on.

"Hello?" She says.

"Hello Mrs.Rosario."

"I've heard lots about you from Madison, do you mind telling me a bit yourself? What are you studying?"

She plays no games. Straight to the questions. Jeez.

"Yes of course. I'm in college studying to work with computers as well as other tech related courses."

They get into conversation about tech and all that and I know damn well my mom doesn't really know any of that stuff, because I don't, but her facial expression seemed impressed with his use of language. They argue about which is better, Apple or Samsung. It was funny because Nathan actually knew what he was talkin about.

"You agree righ Maddie." he asks.

Bitch puttin me in the middle. I agree anyway because it's true, Apple is better. All my phones have only been iPhones so I pay no mind to the Samsung lmao.

But we're all entitled to our own opinions.

A few minutes pass by and she questions him about things related to me. I'm praying this doesn't go wrong.

"Nathan, what is it you like about my daughter?"

He pauses briefly and answers.

"Well, there's lots to like. I mean her maturity is what captured me. She holds her self together, and is very independent. Her sense of humor is great company to be around. She could make anyone smile. She's well, she's Madison." he laughs.

"What are your plans with her, do you consider the future?"

She's pushing it. I look at her with warning full eyes, scared she might have gone too far.

"Honestly, my plan is to keep her happy, provide for her, as well as love her. The list can go on if you'd let me, but the bottom line is that I'm goin to be there for her. And yes I have thought about a future, I hope to someday meet her in person."

Shit I forgot to tell him about the tickets. I won't say it now because my mom will go crazy.

Baby steps Madison.

"Let me ask you this, why out of all the places in the world, even nearest to you, you chose my daughter all the way in the United States. What is it about her that makes you want to be with her."

My mother stares at me while we wait for his reply.

"Madison is like no other girl I've met before. And ya loads of people say that, but the difference is that I actually mean it. I feel like she can understand and relate to me. We don't share many common interests so we always have somethin to talk about. She's very, very independent and I love that about her. I want her, flaws mistakes and all. And I intend on keeping her happy."

"It was a pleasure to meet you Nathan, I can tell my daughter would be in great hands with you."

"Thank you Mrs. Rosario."

"Please, call me Kenia." she smiles.

This is perfect.

When they hang up, I look at my mother for her approval.

"Madison, he's quite the charmer. His accent won me over." she laughs.

I let out the biggest sigh in the history of all sighs. It was a sigh of major relief. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I don't have to hide anymore.

"So.. you approve?"

She looks at me for a brief moment, then pushes my hair back.

"You have my blessing Madison, but if he hurts you.. I'll make sure he never, ever wants to visit the United States again."


He'd slag the hell out of her. Just thinkin about it I laugh. He was very respectful to my mom, yet had his sense of humor and seemed at ease. He wasn't the kiss ass type either. I noticed he was 100% himself and I loved him even more for doing so.

We hear the doorbell ring, and that's most likely the girls.

"Thank you so much ma, you won't regret it."

"Oh I won't, but if he hurts you, he will."

I laugh as I walk downstairs. I open the door and see the girls ready for a sleep over. Can't wait to tell Luna and Yasmin everything. Jessie already knows most of it.

I'm One step closer to Nathan. But we're still miles and miles apart.

Hopefully, not for long..

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