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The weekend shortly arrives and I head over to my fathers house. Hopefully the girl isn't a handful.

As I walk inside, I see my dad and his girlfriend along with the girl. She had short brown hair, light hazel eyes, and freckles on her tanned skin. She was cute.

I walk over to greet them.

"Hey dad." I say as I hug him.

"Hey Maddie, this is Catherine."

"It's lovely to meet you." she says as she shakes my hand.

"The pleasure is mine."

I smile and look down at the girl.

"Hi I'm Madeline." she says eagerly.

"Hiya I'm Madison."

I kneel down to shake her hand and she pushes it away to hug me.

Her embrace gave me a weird feeling. But it was a good kind of weird.

"Alright Maddie we'll be back by 12 the latest."

Both Madeline and I look at my father.

"Oops I meant Madison sweetie." he laughs.

"Hey we have the same nickname!" Squeals Madeline.

"That's because we're awesome." I say with a light chuckle.

"Alright you two have fun. Madison if she's too much trouble, please feel free to call me."

"No worries, you two go out and have fun."

As they leave, I close the door and walk over to the living room and see Madeline watching t.v.

"Hey Maddie you hungry?" I ask.


She looks down at her tummy and nods at me.

"Alrighty whatcha want to eat?"

"How about ice cream!"

I smile as I see her skip over to the refrigerator, trying to tippy toe for the freezer.

"Need some help there?" I laugh softly.

"Mhm." she hums.

I pick her up and open the freezer.

"There's no ice cream." she pouts.

"I'm sorry Sweets, how about I make you a proper dinner and then maybe, if you finish, I'll take you to go get ice cream. Sound good?"

"Yeah! I want mac and cheese!"

"Hmm you're forgetting one little word." I say.

She looks at me in confusion then easily catches on.

"I want mac and cheese please!"

I smile and put her down gently.

"Let's get to work then Mini me."

After she ate, we sat down to watch Disney Channel. They were giving the all time favorite movie, Cinderella.

"Her dress is poofy." she says.

"Ya to the max."

She looks over at me squinting her eyes.

"You Alrigh?" I ask.

"Maddie can I ask you something?"

"Ya what's up."

"Are you a princess?"

I chuckle softly and look at her.

"I would like to think we are all princesses. Even you're one."

"Well duh. Look at my dress!"

She stands up and twirls around in her pink ruffled dress. Reminds me of when I was her age, the sassy phase. It's mad cute.

"I'm super jelly of your dress." I smile.

"You're pretty Maddie, and your hair is long like that princess Pocahontas!"

"Thanks Love. But wanna know what every princess needs?"

"Yeah a prince."

I was thinking about ice cream but she caught me off guard with that.

"Uh well not every princess needs a prince, sometimes you can be just as good a princess without even having one." I laugh.

"But do you have a prince?" She asks.

We all know who I'm thinking of.

"Actually, I do." I smile.

"Where is he? How did he save you?"

Damn she got loads of Q's.

"Um well he's sorta at war right now so we won't be able to dance at the ball together until he comes back. And he saved me by simply just waltzing into my life."

"I want a prince!"

"Someday my love." I laugh.

"Yuck boys are nugget heads. I'll be one of the princesses that don't need one!"

She folds her arms and sticks her head up high.

Mini me 100%. I laugh and turn off the T.v.

"Alright Sweets, but hey you know what all princesses can't live with out?"

"No, what?"

"Ice cream! C'mon lets go." I smile.

She jumps up and grabs my hand, smiling ear to ear.

Someday she'll want a prince. But for now, all she'll be needin is ice cream.

I'm just glad I've already found my king.

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