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I wake up to Jessie sitting on top of me starring.

"What?" I whisper softly, trying to pull the covers over my face.

"You're beautiful when you sleep. Not that you're not beautiful when you're awake but when you sleep you tend to have like a glow to you. The way your hair flows is gorgeous. I don't know but you're just..-"

"Jess you're rambling again." I laugh.

"Sorry! I can't help it."

"Well thank you anyway. Can I please go back to bed?!"

I hide my face back in the pillow.

"Wake the fuck up sleeping beauty you need to call your Prince Charming."

She grabs the covers throwing them on the floor and pulls my legs.

"Get.. up!" She chuckles.

"Ugh fine damn it jeez."

After about an hour, we got ready and we decide to head over to a café nearby. It's around 7:30 in the morning so it should be 12:30 for Nathan.

I send him a quick text asking if we could Skype. As I wait for a reply, the waitress walks to our table asking for our order.

"I'll have coffee please, 2 sugars and cream." says Jessie.

Although I'm tempted for some caffeine, I remember somethin Nathan had told me about drinkin too much coffee. I quickly order lemon water instead.

"So Maddie what'd he say?"

"He's goin to give me a call in 3 minutes. I'm sorta worried, what if I can't go to Ireland. What if he was only kiddin when he said he wanted me to go there. I've never even been on a plane."

"Maddie it'll be fine jeez just breathe."

*buzz buzz*

I look up at Jessie and she signals me eagerly to answer.

"Ya hello." I say.

"Hey Maddie what's up."

"I'm good ya what about you?"

"Ya I'm grand."

We talk for a few minutes while Jessie goes and flirts with the guy at the cash register.

"Nathan I'm thinking about going to Ireland this summer."

"Ya Maddie I wanted to talk to you about that. You would stay at my place and in my room."

I sense the laughter in his voice and there's no doubt that he's smiling.

"Ook Nate in your dreams."

"Ya but why not, like it's actually good."

"Your parents live with you Nate, I'm not goin to sleep in your room."

"Ya Maddie but if I'm payin rent then I own my room. Therefore I can do what I want, meanin you here."

"Nathan you're crazy." I laugh.

"Ya so you're stayin over here with me."

"I'll sleep on the floor." I say with a slight chuckle.

"Why would you sleep on the floor when there's a bed."

"Ya but you're sleepin on that bed."

"So you callin me fat. Think you can't fit in here." He asks.

"No no I didn't mean that I ..-"

"Maddie I'm messin." He laughs softly.

"Alrigh so I'll sleep on the edge of the bed." I smile trying not to laugh.

"Maddie you're sleepin in the bed alrii if I have to I'll sleep on the couch or somethin."

He's such a sweetie. I wouldn't let him do that.

"No it's okay we can share, I was only teasing." I smile.

"You love doin that don't you."

"Ya just like you love makin me crash."

When I say crash, I mean this feeling that Nathan gives me whenever he does or says somethin sweet or cheeky unexpectedly. Or just in general, he makes me melt. And it's weird because only Nathan has that over me.

"Alrii true." he chuckles.

"Ya thought so."

"Alrii so you're goin to stay with me."

I think about us sharing the same bed and all, and to be honest, that's sorta nerve racking. It's probably nothing for him, but I've never done that with any guy, not even Cameron at sleep overs.

It's not like Nathan and I would do anything like that anyway. Especially if his parents were there, I wouldn't be able to.

"Ya sure but I'm not doin anything like that in your parents house." I laugh.

"Maddie we're going to play a game when you get here ya, its monopoly."

Why would we play games?

"But it's not the regular version. It's mine." He continues.

I tense up slightly. I know what that means, but I wait for him to continue.

"Every time you land on one of my properties, rather than paying, you strip something off."

My eyes widen in surprise. But then I realize it's no surprise, being that I have a cheeky bastard of a boyfriend. Which just so happens to be one of my favorite things about him.

"Um.. I'm not strippin anythin off." I laugh.

"And why is that."

"Because that's your parents house."

"It's my room, my rules. Therefore you strip." He says slowly.

The rasp in his voice is enough to turn me on. But of course I don't need him knowing that so I cover it up by being difficult.

"Well I'm not stripping alone. You have to do it to."

"It's my game so I don't have to. You're the guest."

"Well I'm not stripping alone because then you'd just be starrin at me."

"Fine I'll do it as well but you're goin all the way."

"What?! No! I'm keepin my bra and thong on. I don't care what you say."

I imagine him barely clothed and I force myself to calm the hell down.

"Alrii fine."

"Actually.. no I'm not strippin."

"So you're goin to pussy out." he chuckles.

"Ya and I'm keepin all my clothes on."

"Ya ok Maddie we'll see about that, you're taken them off." he laughs.

"You can't make me." I smirk.

"Oh I can. I'll just rip them off you."

A rush overtakes my body and I feel goosebumps rising. Jesus Christ I loved that.

"Um.. eh.. uh.." I stutter trying to recollect my thoughts.

He laughs softly and I sense him smirking. He always teases me. But I can't lie, I love that as well.

I'd love to see him try, I wouldn't fight it either.

That comment shuts me up for a few minutes and Jessie sits at the table. When him and I hang up I replay the words in my head.

Jessie seems to catch the lust in my eyes because she smirks and looks under the table.

"What'd he say..." she smirks.

"Oh.. nothing." I blush.

If that was only on Skype, then I can only imagine the control he has over my body in real life..

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