Chapter 304

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Chapter 304: Marine Brush

That night, netizens sought out "Meng Chong Hospital" 2 and were happy to discuss the storyline and Dr. Yu's tips. Until the early morning, the heat only slightly decreased, while the "Pet Hospital" was played and praised. Began to rise quietly at this time.

By the next morning, the number of Internet broadcasts of "Love Pet Hospital" surpassed that of "Meng Pet Hospital" 2. Ninety percent of the comments in the comment area were five-star praise, and the wording of the comment content was deliberate, such as: "late night After watching it, I was quite impressed. It is indeed a documentary produced by national television station, and it is worthy of praise. "

"I particularly liked the documentary film" The 600 Years of the Forbidden City "directed by Director Guo Nan. Unfortunately, there was no sequel. When I saw" Love Hospital "is also a masterpiece of Director Guo, hurry up to support the wave and admire the director."

"This documentary has a novel theme and a different entry point, which is very exciting."


The above is a theory with a large number of words, and some short fakes.

"It's a good shot. It's worth a closer taste."

"The plot is twisty and fascinating."

"Very good, keep going."


People who often surf the Internet can easily see that these comments are all brushed out by professional sailing teams. It is estimated that the sailing officers have not seen the documentary at all, and casually copied the comments on the Internet and pasted them. Some comments are garbled. There is only one word, two words, or a row of Roman letters. These words seem to be pressed on the keyboard. It is illogical and unreadable. No matter how absurd the comment content is, it appears in the upper right corner. All are five stars.

The strength of the navy is strong, and the "pet hospital" was swept into the top ten of the video rankings.

If it is just to increase the popularity of "Pet Hospital", Guo Nan hired sailors to hype themselves and attract traffic. It is also a good method. Many idol stars became popular when they were unknown.

But Guo Nan is not only satisfied with this.

"Meng Chong Hospital" 2 had a total score of 4.95 before twelve o'clock last night. In one night, its score dropped sharply to 3.43.

A large number of one-star bad reviews suddenly appeared in its comment area.

"Are you five-stars blind or blind? Do you know what a true documentary is?" Meng Chong Hospital "1 has a bit of a documentary feel." Meng Chong Hospital "2 is a news survey. Okay, what was the ghost of the last unannounced interview, and the screen switch was stiff, crude, and disorderly. "This is a professional attack.

"This documentary is not very attractive. The two storylines are far-fetched in some places. The online ratings are now unfair and slightly false." This is a thief calling for a thief.

"I also think that the ratings are unrealistically high. The first story has the suspicion of deliberately discrediting the female guests. It is unreasonable to portray an ordinary guest as bitter and unreasonable. This itself indicates that there is a problem with the documentary director's position."-This is the beginning to look wrong.

"Agreeing upstairs, I don't know what the significance of the first story is. I feel it is to highlight what Dr. Yu said is well cultivated, and the female guest looks like a clown."

Since this comment, innocent Yu Zhan has been involved in this storm.

"Even if a magician knows the magic principles of other magicians, they cannot be announced to the audience. This is one of the three major principles of magician practice and is the most basic professional ethics. I do n’t think Dr. Yu has any professional ethics. In order to attract people ’s attention Veterinary regulations are easily announced. If the public has mastered the methods he said, then all pets can get sick without going to a pet hospital, and they can do it at home. Would n’t other veterinarians lose their jobs? He said those tips When I was a taxi, I did n’t even consider the feelings of my peers. Just aiming at this, I gave this documentary a star, which was specially given to him! "

"I always think that the image of Doctor Yu is a bit fake, it is perfect, professional, kind and patient, and self-cultivation. The key is still a handsome guy. Is there such a person in this world? According to the description in the documentary, he does business and does It ’s charitable. Dogs are out of their own pockets, and they cost thousands of dollars. It takes three days to treat a cat and get 1,500. The cost is at least 800. The documentary also says that all the cats and dogs near his shop have food. It ’s a sage! It ’s a sage! He is doing a business that is not profitable. I am curious how he can afford the high rents in the capital and how to maintain the usual operating expenses of pet hospitals. His store has not closed yet. Miracle, anyway, the more I look at it, the more false. "

"It's really exaggerated. I think it was intended to sell people. Doctor Yu created the role for the documentary. He has all the elements that girls like now. He loves animals, warm men, handsome people ... Who can hate it? It's a question whether Dr. Yu's surname is Yu. If it wasn't for the scene of his operation in "Meng Chong Hospital", I even doubt whether he is an actor or a real veterinarian. "

"The actor is not too bad. It is a veterinarian who wants to be popular, cooperates with the documentary director, hyped himself, and has shot four stories."

"Yes, this man is still the boyfriend of the Hanfu goddess. How did the Hanfu goddess get angry? Everyone knows how much money he can make by opening a pet hospital with only two people? Obviously he intends to follow the path of the Hanfu goddess. Earn money as an internet celebrity. Before "Meng Chong Hospital" aired, his Weibo fans only had more than 100,000, and now he has more than 1 million. "

"And this person also likes to send red envelopes on Weibo to attract fans to pay attention to himself, a pair of cheeks and reds, especially, hehe, let alone, he is really red."

The sunspots of the Shuijun Company have a high level of professionalism ~ ~ After receiving a high amount of pay, they spare no effort to get to the end, with clear arguments and sufficient evidence.

Netizens were easy to be guided by public opinion, and these sunspots were well versed in it. It can be said that they are professional "guides" of public opinion. They have done their homework overtime overnight, and have a good understanding of "Doctor Yu" and "I am a veterinarian" Thorough, even the perfect person can be pinpointed by others. No matter how small the problem is, they are magnified infinitely, and it becomes particularly serious.

As a result, the sunspots successfully passed in some passers-by who had no sense of Dr. Yu. After reading these negative evaluations, they actually thought it made sense.

"I have long felt that Dr. Yu is not real, like a performance, but he has too many fans. I was afraid to be beaten by his brain, and I never dare to say it."

"I hate him for wearing a mask. Since he has been involved in making documentaries, wearing a mask is not only mysterious, but also has a tendency to pretend."

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