Chapter 312

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Chapter 312: Final link

Yu Zhan was exhausted and had been yawning. Liu Ye had to get up early tomorrow. The two chatted for a while and said good night to each other. Liu Ye returned to his room to rest.

At breakfast time the next day, Su Yi looked at the man who suddenly appeared next to his lover, his eyes were very delicate, as if to say, "Don't hide it, I know you opened a room last night."

Liu Ye cried and introduced his boyfriend to Su Yi, and Yu Zhanlei calmly and greeted Su Yi's eyes. After saying hello, I still thank Su Yi for the Weibo comment he posted yesterday.

Su Yi was satisfied with Yu Zhan ’s etiquette and manners. “Since you are here, let ’s go to the venue together after breakfast.”

Liu Xie was relieved, for fear that Su Yi would hate the uninvited Yu Zhan.

During breakfast, Su Yi told Liu Ye some final notes. In order to protect Liu Ye from being affected by the words on the Internet, the three of them did not bring a mobile phone.

Today everything has to turn around Liu Ye!

Of course, they also sent a group of friends and relatives in advance to prevent others from worrying.

The free place was held in the vice hall of the ancient capital exhibition center. When the three people came to the venue, the exhibition center was almost crowded.

To be precise, since Liu Ye and Zhou Buyi brought the calligraphy exhibition on the Internet, the flow of people in the ancient capital exhibition center has not been less. Because of this, the National Calligraphy Association invited the ancient capital television station to broadcast the final part of the current calligraphy exhibition live on TV. This is the first time that the exhibition has cooperated with the media since the exhibition was opened for more than 60 years.

There is another reason for this because the impact of Su Xuezhen and Su Maolin is too bad. In order to prove its fairness and fairness, the calligraphy association simply disclosed the entire competition process to the public. Those who were not elected were naturally speechless. After all, the ancient capital TV station is second only to the national station in the recognition of the Northwestern locals.

At this moment, the live broadcast team of Gudu TV set up the live broadcast equipment at the entrance of the back door of the Deputy Hall, filming the finalists of the final round one after another, and the host is doing a brief explanation.

When Liu Ye and his three men came over, the photographer immediately pointed the camera at her, because she was too visible in the crowd in a hanfu, and it was so beautiful that it could attract ratings. Liu Ye is wearing "Sulian" by Zhong Jiangnan today. It is a set of navy pink plain Chinese clothes. It really looks like a lotus that is muddy and undyed.

The host did the homework beforehand, and she told the audience in front of the TV, "This girl is one of the most popular contenders for the award. Her name is Liu Yan. The old man next to her was selected for this year's calligraphy exhibition with her regular script work, but Xiaoyan passed the face-to-face review last week and burst into an upset. I don't know if this talented girl has hidden other skills, which is worth our expectation. "

With the Internet today, young people rarely watch TV, but at this moment, tens of thousands of young people are watching TV live and watching the TV live.

And many people are anxious on the Internet, some people ca n’t receive satellite signals from the ancient capital television station, and some people are office workers and ca n’t watch TV. So there are people with good intentions, open the live broadcast room and use their mobile phones to take pictures of the TV and share them with them.

Everyone was satisfied to see the picturesque Hanfu goddess, and also found that besides the prestigious old man, there was also a handsome man who accompanied Skyrim.

No one doubts his identity, everyone knows that he must be Doctor Yu himself.

As he passed the camera, Yu Zhan smiled politely at the camera. Anyone who saw his smile felt his heart beating.

Even the retired aunt who was watching the TV sighed, which guy is this so handsome.

"Finally seeing Dr. Yu's full face, still in high-definition version, why is my heart hurting ..."

"Dr. Yu should wear a mask. It's enough to harm the goddess of Hanfu alone. It can't harm us ..."

"Agree upstairs."




The three people walked fast, and the time that did not memorize the audience disappeared into the camera in a moment.

Although a round of live TV was invited in this round, there is still no ordinary auditorium, and no idle people are allowed to enter the site to observe.

If it were not for Su Yi's face, Yu Zhan would not have been able to get in.

The layout of the Deputy Hall was also significantly different from that during the face-to-face review. The exhibitor seats and the spectator seat of the association members were cancelled, and there were no jury seats. 60 wooden tables occupied almost the entire venue.

During the test, even non-competitors, such as Su Yi, could only stand on the periphery to watch. It is forbidden to enter the central area. The 10 judges can walk around like the proctor and check the writing or carving situation of everyone at any time.

Su Yi has already introduced Liu Ye to six other judges. One is to replace the regular script judges of Su Xuezhen, and the other is the seal and lettering judges from the capital. They are also based on the type of fonts and engraving carriers they are good at. Divided. At that time, Liu Ye will also be reviewed by these five people.

In such a harsh environment, it is impossible to cheat, and it is even more impossible to take shortcuts by relying on human feelings.

Among the top 60 exhibitors, except for a few self-students like Wu Qu, others basically studied calligraphy masters. Su Yi knew these 10 people, and other teachers also knew them.

Here, it's not about who's face is greater, but to see who has the real ability.

Yu Zhan saw some pen and ink on the table, carved stone and wooden plaques, which were somewhat novel. One of the wooden tables with pen and ink on the table had a name tag on the side, which said "Liu".

The test time is set at 9 o'clock. At 8:30, everyone is here ~ ~ Su Yi went to the circle of old friends to greet and chat, and Liu Ye saw Wu Qu and Zhou Yes, the two came forward to greet her, and she introduced Yu Zhan to them.

Wu Qu closed the race this week and completely isolated himself from the outside world. He didn't know about these recent events. He talked with Yu Zhan for a while. He was obviously ten years behind, but there was no generation gap, and he was happy. After exchanging contact information, he felt that Liu Ye's boyfriend was a kind person like her, and they were a good match.

Zhou Buzhen has always been curious about Liu Ye ’s boyfriend. He used to have similar ideas to some Hanfu goddesses. He thinks that this man must have saved the galaxy in his previous life to find Liu Ye ’s perfect girlfriend. .

After seeing him himself, Zhou Buyi sighed silently in his heart. For the first time, he questioned his appearance. God must have taken care when making his face ...

Chatting, time passed quickly, and at nine o'clock, everyone walked to their respective tables.

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