Chapter 388

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Chapter 388: Change the net name

"That girl is not friendly at all to Peach, and she even looks down on her," Liu Kun frowned.

"Probably because Tao Zhiyao lived with you last night. She didn't think it was right. This circle has such a clear hierarchy."

Liu Liu suddenly remembered that she had persuaded Yu Zhan to help Ye Liangliang. He was unwilling at first, "Do you think so?"

"I want to think so, will I chase you? You were the anchor when we met," Yu Zhan knew what Liu Ye was worried about,

"People are different from others. Before, I never watched live broadcasts, didn't brush Weibo, didn't watch vibrato, because I like you, these things have become my hobby now, and I can find a lot of fun in it. Besides, seeing millions of fans on my Weibo every day like me a word of a message, I am also very happy, this is a sense of accomplishment that money can not buy, that girl will not understand. "

At the same time, Tao Zhiyao also called Tao Zhiwei.

The Tao family has mines, but they do have mines. For generations, their families have been engaged in rare metal and petroleum smelting businesses. Such work has resulted in Tao Zhiwei not being able to work in one place and traveling on business.

At the moment, he is on a business trip in a country in the Middle East. There is a four-hour time difference between the country and the country. Before six in the morning, he was awakened by a rushing bell.

This is his exclusive ringtone for Tao Zhiyao. As mentioned earlier, Tao Zhiyao rarely calls Tao Zhiwei voluntarily. Tao Zhiwei thought that something had happened with Tao Zhiyao and hurriedly connected the phone.

"Brother, are you going to marry Ji Qingqing?"

Wu Taozhiwei: "??????"

Is he awake, or is his sister awake?

谁 "Who told you I was going to marry her?"

"She just told me! She said that our parents had already kissed her."

Tao Zhiwei listened to the fear and grievances in Tao Zhiyao's tone, and laughed, "And whether or not what she said is true, even if the parents really say that they are kissed, I don't agree with it."

Tao Taoyao thought, hey, it seems to be the truth, "then you must not agree, I will not allow you to agree!"

哈 "Haha," Tao Zhiwei laughed loudly on the phone, "You just called me for something so broken?"

"You're still laughing! I'm dying of Ji Qingqing! In the morning, she came to fill me up. She is definitely one of the most hated women in my life, no one," Tao Zhiyao complained. She didn't have any Notice that her attitude towards Tao Zhiwei is much closer and more casual, unlike the cold politeness.

Tao Zhiwei did not understand the holiday between his sister and Ji Qingqing. According to the cold relationship between Tao Zhiyao and Tao Zhiwei, she would not tell Tao Zhiwei about this kind of torture that lost her teeth and swallowed her stomach.

In fact, Tao Zhiwei has no impression of Ji Qingqing at all. He has not deliberately remembered what she looks like. The only impression is that the only daughter of Ji's family is a set of thousands of pets.

安慰 He comforted Tao Zhiyao, "You really think too much. Since you hate her so much, of course I can't marry her."

"What if parents push you?"

"Do you think they can control my decision now?" Tao Zhiwei's voice was very confident and with a bit of domineering.

Tao Zhiwei has been following his father since he was 24 years old, and has been practicing in his own company. Today, Tao ’s father has fully delegated power. The important companies of the Tao family are all under the control of Tao Zhiwei. Think of this crop.

"No need to worry about this insignificant thing, I will be back next week, my parents will be back soon, and I will tell them and the Ji family at that time."

With the elder brother's assurance, Tao Zhiyao felt much better. Suddenly thinking of the reward last night, she asked incidentally, "Are you the only one?"


I did, "Brother, can you change your screen name?"

Huh? ? ?

Tao Zhiwei found that he was not on a brain frequency with his sister. Why does his sister always not play cards according to common sense, shouldn't she first say thank you to his million rewards, or do not move.

"What's wrong with my screen name?" Tao Zhiwei thinks he got a good screen name. He is the president of a large group with more than 10,000 people. His name also has the word "Wei". ?

"Your taste has a generation gap with our young people. Anyway, it doesn't sound good. Change it," Tao Zhiyao said.

Wu Taozhiwei is depressed, even if his sister is abandoned and has no taste, he still abandons him! !! !!

"What do you want me to change, I will change it."

"That's Wei Ge."

Wu Tao Zhiwei frowned. "Not good, it sounds like Viagra," Last night he saw the word "Wei Ge Dad" full of screens and wanted to vomit.

Why do you call him "Dad"? Where did he get so many sons, daughters, and hundreds of thousands of followers on his account, and sent him private messages, all of which asked for inquiries, contacts, and **** photos.

I just polluted his eyes! He furiously set the account as private and only visible to himself.

"What I want is this effect," Tao Zhiyao smiled.

"I'll send you my account password and wait for you to change it yourself," Tao Zhiwei responded negatively. There was no way. He had determined to be a good brother, as long as Tao Zhiyao's request was not excessive. ~ Just satisfy her.

The smile on Tao Zhiyao's face gradually softened,

"You don't object to my association with friends now?"


After the incident of Xiao Lizi, I saw Yu Zhan who had an ordinary life again. Tao Zhiwei didn't care about the door as much as before. Tao Zhiyao's group of friends were excellent in all aspects and his personality was positive. His sister told them It ’s good and harmless together. He also watched “Meng Chong Hospital”, which is indeed a high-quality documentary. I heard that his sister still has more than 10,000 yuan in compensation for shooting videos. For ordinary people, this The money is already a good income.

No matter how much money is small, Tao Zhiwei is proud of his sister. Compared with her idleness, ambition and decadence, she can have her own hobby, find her life goal, and do what she wants to do is a good thing. .

I can't stop talking and then come back, even if Tao Zhiyao continues to eat and die, he will not let her suffer a bit, and it will not matter if she lives in the house forever, he can support her forever.

"Keep doing your career, I am your fan and support you behind the scenes," Tao Zhiwei said.

1 million reward is not Tao Zhiwei. At this moment, Tao Zhiyao is happy. Even her brother is her fan. Ji Qingqing's cynicism is nothing. They look down on her and look down on 呗.

"Brother, I have another question for you."

"Ask," Tao Zhiwei yawned a little sleepy.

"Are you gay?"

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