Chapter 406

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Chapter 406: Feeding stray cats

Zhang Pei was very distressed by Mao Yuchen. She felt that the character of the child was particularly good. She also told Liu Ye and Yu Zhan a little thing:

Mao Yuchen has been insisting on feeding her stray cats in her rented community. Although her income is not high, she is very willing in this regard. She uses good cat food. After becoming a fan of Liu Ye, she switched to en cat food. On the whole network, she only believed in the authenticity of Liu Ye's cat food.

Although she is now working under Liu Ye, she still buys cat food at Liu Ye ’s online store, and then mails it to her rental house address. It ’s public and private, and Wan Jun is very careful. She found this when checking Taobao ’s bill. Tell Zhang Pei.

The key point is that every time the Westland company delivers a small amount of samples, it is free. Mao Yuchen is responsible for registering and storing in the warehouse. She can take part to feed the cat, but she has never moved a bag of samples.

Zhang Pei continued, "I lived in the second bedroom alone, and the other room was left empty. I told Xiao Mao before and asked her to move in and live with me, and she would accompany me to accompany me, paying a few hundred yuan a month. The money rent is a meaning, and she is presumed to be shameless and unwilling. "

"Let's have a meal later, and call her too. I'll tell her about this." Liu Ye had his own consideration in mind.

Mao Yuchen packed everything and was ready to go to work. Suddenly I received a call from Liu Ye and asked her to wait a bit and eat together later. She thought that everyone could go just like last time.

After everyone got off work, Liu Ye told her to go to Yu Zhan's car ...

Before Mao Yuchen got on the bus, she kept wondering whether she was the third lucky fan after Jiang Chengfeng and Sister Tao. Of course, her luck was pursued by her own perseverance.

Yu Yuzhan took three ladies to a better restaurant near the Fifth Ring Road. There were not many people on weekdays, and a box was required on the spot. Four people were seated, and Mao Yuchen felt as if he had entered a family banquet.

During the meal, the three of Liu Ye did not guard against Mao Yuchen, and they didn't talk about the secrets that were unsightly. They mainly talked about their work. Mao Yuchen ate in silence. He never took the initiative to talk. He listened to Liu Ye ’s anecdote about the crew and heard Zhan said something about veterinarians.

Liu Ye also talked to Mao Yuchen during the period, asking her where she lives now, how much is the rent, whether she lives alone, whether she has a boyfriend, or if she has any problems in life.

Mao Yuchen is very honest, he must answer any questions, without mentioning any personal needs.

At the end, Liu Ye paved the way for so long, finally throwing out the problem of renting, she said, "I am usually busy with work and often do not go home. My mother lives alone so far away for business, I am very worried, just right You are also alone. It is not convenient for you to go back and forth to the company. Moving to my mother's side not only saves you time at work, but also helps me. "

As soon as I heard the word "help", Mao Yuchen was about to refuse, and in her throat, she felt that Liu Xie's tone and expression were sincere and she really asked for her mother's protection.

Liu Ye also did not give her the opportunity to refuse, and continued to say, "In terms of rent, you now share a room of 1300, you still have to pay my mother the rent at this price. As for the penalty for the cancellation of your rent, when you Send me a WeChat, and I will personally help you reimburse you. By the way, my mother and I have also formulated a new rule. Employees who have been in the company for half a year in the future will enjoy a rental subsidy of 1,000 yuan per month. "(Actually , Zhang Pei rents a better neighborhood, with a monthly rent of 7000.)

As soon as I heard about the rent subsidy, Mao Yuchen's eyes lit up. For everyone who came to the capital to work hard, renting a house was the most headache and the most important thing. With rent subsidy, she will have less pressure on rent.

Liu Liu said all this, so why did Mao Yuchen not agree? She looked at the three people at the table. They all looked so kind, and it really wasn't that the family didn't enter the house.

"I have no problem moving here," Mao Yuchen was tangled. "But I can't bear the stray cats in the community. I have raised them for almost three years and have a deep feeling for them."

Yu Zhan is also feeding stray cats and stray dogs. Even if the pet hospital is closed, he will go to the store every two days. The first purpose is to clean the interior of the store. For a long time no one has prevented dust. The second purpose is to feed. The cat feeds the dog, his cat food and dog food are all placed in a fixed place, and the small animals recognize that every time he just puts his food, the cat, cat, and dog are surrounded.

He can appreciate Mao Yuchen's mood, he asked her, "How many cats have you fed in total?"

"There are seven orange cats, one with three flowers, one with little black, one with little white, and two with two-color flowers. The orange cat is huge and sticky, and Xiao Hei has the most personality ..." When Mao Yuchen said these things, she didn't even need to think time. Her expression was very gentle. Obviously, she regarded each cat as her partner, and she looked at her looks and personality like several treasures.

Yu Yu frowned. There are too many seven. If there are only two or three, he can still take over and take care of it.

佩 Zhang Pei also frowned. His idea is similar to Zhan ~ ~ Besides, stray cats are not like pet cats who love people at home. Most people like to spread their feet everywhere, and it is not appropriate to put them in the house to support them.

Liu Ying also considered these issues and suddenly thought of an idea and said to Zhang Pei, "Mom, is there a gap in the yard wall of our warehouse?"

当然 "Of course not. I asked someone to strengthen the fence wall. There is absolutely no mouse hole!"

"I think we can put the stray cat in the yard so that Yu Chen can move and continue to feed her cat."

"Good way," Zhang Pei agrees very much, and she also likes cats. "Why didn't I think of it earlier, anyway, the yard is so big, empty and empty, and it's a little bit more fun to have a few cats."

Liu Yan laughed, "The key is that they will no longer be short of cat food. In the future, the company's trials can be used to feed cats. If it is not enough, you can also directly feed the cat food in the warehouse. Rest assured, it is free Just report it to me or my mother in advance. "

Listening to Mao Yuchen's listener, she was crying. She had never heard of such a good boss. In the future, she can live in an apartment without paying rent, and she can also have a large yard to raise cats.

Oh my god, isn't she dreaming?

She thanked Liu Ye's mother and daughter and Yu Zhan.

Yu Yuzhan asked with a smile, "Thank me for what? I did nothing."

"You asked for the meal," Mao Yuchen said sincerely, and the three laughed.

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