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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 434: Love at first sight
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 434: Love at first sight
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Zhang Pei had no experience with foreigners for the first time. She thought that people were only concerned about her daughter, because her daughter was really distressing. She replied, "I don't know if he is busy or not. We have separated. "

Peter knew, "Oh, are you planning to divorce?"

"Yes, I am going through the divorce process."

Zhang Pei, unlike some people, finds it difficult to tell the story about divorce, and is especially taboo, for fear of being known. In fact, everyone around her knew that she was going to divorce, and she was so busy with her work, but her husband had never even seen her face. Both raised their hands in favor, happier than her. Yu Zhan also supported her divorce. Her husband drunk and drove his wife and daughter to suffer, but he had no responsibility and was not worthy of being a husband.

Peter heard Yu Zhan's translation of the word divorce, and a kind smile appeared on his face. He looked at Zhang Pei and said, "I wish you a happy single!"

Peter's schedule is very tight. He is a trapeze person. He will leave Hong Kong by afternoon flight, so he will rush to the airport after signing the contract, and Huang Shiting will see him off.

Before leaving, Peter gave Zhang Pei a business card, "Please contact me if you have any questions."

Yu Zhan even felt wrong. He had all of Peter's contact information in his hand. His phone number, his assistant's phone number, and the landline number of their office were all stored in his cell phone address book. Besides, Zhang Pei couldn't communicate with Peter when he got Peter's number. In the end, he still had to go to him. Peter did so.

When Zhang Pei accepted the business card, Peter asked if she had any business cards.

Zhang Pei shook her head. "I didn't expect to print my own business card." Their company's business is mainly concentrated on the Internet. Printing business cards is unnecessary.

Peter laughed. "I hope I will receive your business card when I sign the contract next year."

Translated to this point, Yu Zhan suddenly understood Peter's meaning. He even had a good opinion of Zhang Pei and was implicitly beating her. No wonder he has always called Zhang Pei "madam" instead of "madam".

Yu Zhan has lived abroad for many years. He knows that the ghosts are in style and loves at first sight. No matter what the occasion is, the timing is right and he can come forward to chat. Zhang Pei is so beautiful today, but it is very in line with the foreigner's aesthetic. Peter's love for her at first sight is also normal, but this "love at first sight" is a three-minute heat, often disappearing with time.

Therefore, Yu Zhan feels nothing, Peter Bacheng is also fresh, he is so busy, I am afraid that in a few days, even Zhang Pei does not remember anyone.

The two of them sent Peter to the Westland company door and watched him get into Huang Shiting's car. He opened the window and said to them, "Yu, Pei, bye!"

Yu Zhan and Zhang Pei also waved at him, "bye ~~"

The two waited for Huang Shiting to return from the airport and had a lunch together. At the table, Huang Shiting said that Peter had divorced eight years ago. He had a daughter with his ex-wife and the child custody was in his hands. He had been single. Live with daughter.

"He didn't find one for such a long time?" Zhang Pei was a little surprised. Peter had a good appearance and was rich and powerful. Even if he was in his fifties, he could find a girl in her twenties. Besides, Eight years ago, Peter was only in his early forties, in his prime.

"He said that he never met a woman who met his taste. He didn't want to be like the first marriage, so-called would rather be absent!" Huang Shiting knew Peter well, and said something about Peter's past.

Like many foreign companies, Cat'Garden is a family-owned company. One of its two founders is Peter's grandfather. Peter's ex-wife is a pair of Miss Qianjin who was selected by his grandfather for him. The two have very different personalities. He never cultivated feelings. After his grandfather's death, he did not hesitate to divorce his ex-wife.

There is no derailment, no primary three, no green hats, no contention for these disturbing problems, just because they can no longer live together and get together and get together. The divorce process between the two is very peaceful. They are still good friends.

After listening, Zhang Pei felt a little envious, because she also hoped that she could divorce Liu Chengyu peacefully, and she did not want to involve any energy for Liu Chengyu's affairs.

Peter's daughter is also very good. She is about the same age as Liu Ye. She studied ballet at an early age, and now she is studying at a famous French ballet school. Huang Shiting used three "very beautiful" to describe Peter's daughter. He smiled and said, "I was fortunate to have seen one of her ballet performances. It really looks like the royal princess on the frescoes of European courts. It is particularly elegant."

Zhang Pei and Yu Zhan listened to Huang Shiting's astonishment, and didn't take it to heart, her daughter / his girlfriend was the princess of the East, which was enough for them to be proud.

After dinner, they returned to the hotel, and Zhang Pei sent Liu Wei a few WeChat messages to tell her the result of the incident. She signed the contract at the price expected by Liu Ye, but added harsh conditions.

Liu Ye has been waiting for the result of the contract. When he was filming, he was distracted to think about it, and his mobile phone was not left during the break. After reading Zhang Pei's news, her heart finally fell to pieces.

After five months, she was as confident as her mother. She replied to her mother, "By February of next year, we can definitely double our sales!"

She asked her mother to take a picture of the agreement and send it to Ye Ziliang, who quickly responded to her with a "receive".

A contract kept many people busy, and Ye Ziliang called Sun Weiwei again. During the filming of "Meng Chong Hospital" 3 and 4, Ye Ziliang mentioned to Sun Weiwei before, at that time, "Miss Sisters" were not as hot as they are now.

Ye Ziliang was very worried that Sun Weiwei would refuse to participate in the filming of the documentary ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The price of one episode of Liu Ye is 100,000 yuan, which is far from satisfying the practical benefits that the popularity of "Miss Sisters" can bring.

Unexpectedly, Sun Weiwei said on the phone without hesitation, "Okay, I'll call everyone to a meeting right away to prepare for filming."

"You already told them?"

"Speaking, after you told me, I will tell them all. There is no secret between us. Besides, this is work. Everyone is happy to participate, especially Sister Tao. I have been asking these days. How is my script for "Meng Chong Hospital"? "

"You may not have time to broadcast live by then," this is where Ye Liang is most worried.

"It's okay, the continuous live broadcast viewers will also have aesthetic fatigue, and Chong Feng said that he is dying, and he wants to rest!" Sun Weiwei said with a smile, "He said that he would take the documentary film as a post vacation!"

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