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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 462: See Uncle Qin again
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 462: See Uncle Qin again
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The upsurge of adoption and volunteerism brought by Liu Ye and the documentary team is still going on, and seeing the Double Eleven Shopping Festival is coming soon. This is an annual carnival. Zhang Pei wants to take this opportunity to bring Cat Food Day. Sales increased to around 900 bags.

She and Liu Ye convened a few meetings with employees to discuss what activities they can do to attract more customers. If you shoot "Meng Chong Hospital" 4, it 's too late to catch up with the double eleven event; set another nine Discount coupons, with too short intervals, will make customers question the value of their products.

When Liu Ye's mother and daughter were racking their brains on the matter, Liu Ye even received a call from Wang Xiangqin. She was still in class at the time and went out through the back door with her mobile phone.

"Xiao Xun, are you still adopting stray animals?"

Liu Ye was surprised that Wang Xiangqin was looking for her for this matter. She said, "It can be adopted at any time. Just make an appointment in advance."

"Oh, that's it. After my wife unintentionally watched your documentary yesterday, and said that she wanted to adopt two cats, let me ask you what the adoption procedure was like."

"I'll send the adoption conditions to your WeChat right now, and you look first."

Hanging up the phone, Liu Ye immediately found Wang Xiangqin's WeChat and sent him the ten adoption conditions that Ye Liang had posted on Weibo.

About half an hour later, Wang Xiangqin called again. "We have met these conditions, when can we adopt them?"

"You can do it today!"

In order to avoid disturbing Granny Zhan's normal work and life, adoption applicants must act in batches. So far, 4 batches of applicants have successfully adopted their favorite pets, all on weekends.

Wang Xiangqin is in a special situation. First, he is a public figure. If he chooses animals with others, I am afraid that the protagonist is not a small animal but him. Second, he is a predecessor of Liu Ye, and he is also a half friend. Liu Ye Naturally he should be given special treatment.

Wang Xiangqin, who has a busy work schedule, is free today. Although Liu Ye is a full day class, she has time at noon, so they make an appointment at 12 noon and meet at the gate of Capital University.

At the end of class in the fourth quarter of the morning, Liu Ye was anxious to go out. Liang Shengnan originally wanted to stop her to go to the cafeteria for dinner. By the way, she talked about the volunteer work, so she had to give up. She and her classmates are very curious. What happened to her?

Liu Xie didn't dare to let Wang Xiangqin wait, trot along and trot all the way, came to the school gate, and immediately recognized that the white business car parked on the roadside was Wang Xiangqin's nanny car.

She approached, and the side door of the car opened automatically. Wang Xiangqin sat in the back seat and waved at her with a smile, "Come up."

Liu Ye got in the car, only to find Wang Xiangqin and the driver, there was also an elegant and beautiful lady. Liu Ye recognized Wang Xiangqin's three assistants, obviously she was not an assistant.

On Liu Yan's eyes, the other side smiled friendly, Wang Xiangqin introduced, "She is my wife Lan Xi, you should have seen her pictures on the Internet."

As Wang Xiangqin said, Liu Ye remembered that she had seen her photos. Wang Xiangqin often took pictures of his wife on Weibo, and she also liked it!

"Hello, hello," Liu Yan said quickly.

Lanxi laughed. "I've heard your name, watched your videos and movies, and seen your calligraphy. I finally saw a real person today."

As mentioned earlier, Wang Xiangqin was half-red and not black in his early years, his development was mediocre, and he once withdrew from the entertainment industry to open a restaurant. When he was middle-aged, he married his wife who was the owner of a brokerage company, and signed a contract to become an artist under his banner.

That's right, Blue Creek is the boss of Wang Xiangqin. She is the president of Blue Star Agency.

Blue Creek is a legend in the entertainment industry. Liu Ye passed her information on Baidu. She was an actor in her early years. She later joined the giants and retired from it. However, her experience was the same as that of many wealthy ladies. Within a few years, her husband was split. And had a child with Primary Three outside.

The difference is that Lanxi chooses to divorce decisively and relentlessly, and is divided into hundreds of millions of yuan of property. She uses this money to open this agency. Most divorced women will become strong and independent. She The scale of the brokerage company is growing year by year. From a small company with only two or three artists, to a large one in the entertainment industry, she now has nearly twenty first-line and second-line artists.

What's more, Wang Xiangqin and Lan Xi make the masses happy. They are also sisters and brothers. Lan Xi is nearly 7 years older than Wang Xiangqin. She is 45 years old this year. However, years seemed to take special care of her. Liu Ye looked at her face and felt that she looked even younger than Wang Xiangqin. Perhaps because of her successful career, remarrying and finally marrying a man who really loves herself can make her look older.

Wang Xiangqin said to his wife, "Look, I'm right, my daughter is so good, she can be a female artist of the same age in the company based on her appearance."

Liu Yan, Wang Xiangqin often joked about "my daughter" on the set. In the movie, they are the father-daughter relationship. The problem is that the movie has been killed. "Uncle Qin, you are too deep into the drama ..."

Wang Xiangqin was unwilling, "Do you think it's impossible to abandon your father?"

Liu Yan: "..."

Lan Xi smiled at the little girl with a smile. She really liked it more and more. The calligraphy works that Liu Ye had promised to give to Wang Xiangqin now hung in their living room. Liu Xie wrote the entire "Song of the Book of Songs with Wind", the most famous of which is "hand holding the child, and the old man with the child", Liu Xing wanted to use this to praise Wang Xiangqin and the couple in Lanxi.

Seeing this word, Lanxi liked it so much that he was going to hang it in his bedroom ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Wang Xiangqin strongly opposed it. He said he had never seen any bedroom hanging calligraphy.

Wang Xiangqin also mentioned to Lan Xi that Liu Ye's acting skills are not so good. No matter he plays the princess or Wang Zhaojun, it is almost immersive, suppressing his play and killing him!

Lan Xi believed her husband's words, because Wang Xiangqin was very confident in his acting skills, so confident that he could admire him so much, then the child's acting skills were really good.

Out of curiosity about Liu Ye, she found the video of Liu Ye and Fu Feiqian fighting on the Internet, and watched "The Voice of the Wind." She concluded that Liu Ye's acting skills were indeed good. Then she saw a "Meng Chong Hospital" in the related video, and opened it easily. She watched 1 first, but couldn't help but watch 2 and 3.

Like most viewers, she admires and sympathizes with Grandma Zhan's experience, and is also attracted by the piles of cats.

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