Chapter 353

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Chapter 353: But so

The field service notified with a loudspeaker, "Everyone, everyone! Everyone!" Everyone stopped talking and was ready to work.

The ceremony of registering the princess officially began.

The first scene was a play by the heroine. Wang Zhaojun and the maid waited at the side door of the front hall, waiting for the call.

According to the plot, the emperor had called Wang Zhaojun once before discussing it with his henchmen, and decided to use this woman and pro. In order to cope with the entanglement of Han Xiedan Yu, she officially registered her as a princess today, giving her a bright and upright Identity.

Fu Feiqian is already standing in the designated place. Behind is a group performance of eight women who play the palace girl. She is dressed in a gray plain han suit with simple hair, and there are no eye-catching accessories on the whole body. And Lin Zhihe and Tian Yafu wanted this effect.

Fu Feiqian was expressionless, and the group performances behind her were also expressionless. Behind Fu Feiqian, they did not dare to laugh, and they were very solemn.

The director said "start" before everyone entered the state.

A **** walked in front of Wang Zhaojun, "Please wait for your Majesty to call."

Wang Zhaojun nodded. "Excuse me."

"Card——" Lin Zhi shouted and said to Fu Feiqian, "You don't look right to the eunuch, and you don't have the right tone. You are an abandoned woman who just came out of the cold palace. You should maintain a panic attitude towards the people and things around you. Fearing that you did not do it right, you will be sent back to Leng Gong.

In fact, this scene has been shot before. The dialogue scenes of the characters are exactly the same. The only thing that changed is Wang Zhaojun's appearance. This is how Fu Feiqian performed the previous time, and there was no problem that time, because in the previous episode, when Wang Zhaojun met the emperor, the emperor was amazed at her beauty, and regretted sending her into the cold palace, and rewarded her on the spot. Milo satin and gold and silver jewelry.

But after the revised script, these plots are gone. The emperor only saw Wang Zhaojun's side. He saw his appearance was ugly and very disgusted. She said nothing and left hurriedly. She couldn't understand the emperor's thoughts and didn't know the emperor's. What was the purpose of Fan calling her to the front hall,

Fu Feiqian acknowledged that it was her problem, and her memory stayed in the original script, and she didn't adjust her mood all at once.

These days, she is busy with other work, and angered by Lin Zhi and others. She hasn't read the new script seriously. Before she came to the crew yesterday, she hurried through it. When she found that the scenes of the lines had not been modified, she felt that everything was repeated. Just work.

Fu Feiqian is overconfident in her acting skills, and to the point of being arrogant, she has not realized that the change of character image, the same scene, and the same lines can create a completely opposite feeling.

Continue to take the second, third, and fourth shots, still not satisfied Lin Zhi, he said to Fu Feiqian, "This time your expression tone is in place, but there is a feeling of bitterness."

Fu Feiqian felt that Lin Zhi was deliberately rectifying him. "How can such a simple lens show misery? Is it possible that you want me to humble myself into the dust when talking to a eunuch? Or you just let me act as a grieving wife? . "

After being taken aback by her, Lin Zhi also thought that he was not too demanding, "take another look at it."

Other actors were watching the show, and they got stuck so many times, and Fu Feiqian was a little flustered. I felt that everyone was watching her jokes. This is the consequence of not being prepared before the exam, and temporarily holding on to the Buddha's feet. No matter how good her acting skills are, she is unfamiliar with the new script and can't calm down to appreciate the feelings of the characters. It is also helpless.

Fu Feiqian tried hard to remember the new script I watched last night, trying to brew feelings, and at this time the fifth pass also began:

The **** came to Wang Zhaojun, "Please wait for your Majesty to call."

Wang Zhaojun bowed, watching the **** polite, "Excuse you."

Looking at the eunuch's back, and then looking at the towering tall palace ahead, her eyes were a little confused about the unknown future, and she asked the left and right maids, "Why does Your Majesty call me?"

The left and right women answered, "I don't know."

After a while, the **** returned and said to Wang Zhaojun, "Please follow the slave."

The third pass was better than the second pass, barely reaching Lin Zhi's expectations, and he did not embarrass Fu Feiqian any more.

Among the onlookers, Ms. Miao said to Liu Ye very quietly, "I think Fu Feiqian's acting skills are not as good as I expected."

Liu Ye nodded. "I feel normal too. I guess she hasn't delved into the new screenplay completely, and she performed it according to her own understanding."

Li Sitong next to them suddenly asked Liu Ye, "If it were you, how would you act?"

As soon as Liu Yi was in her mind, she immediately began to recall the past. She had personal experience and sufficient sense of substitution to treat Wang Zhaojun as her former self, even if their identities were not the same. If she knew the Huns in the cold palace When it comes to asking for relatives, she will surely ask for a relationship like Wang Zhaojun, which is the only chance in their lives that they can get out of the cold palace.

Liu Ye couldn't help imagining what she would look like when she was allowed out of the Cold Palace and regained the day. She also whispered to Li Sitong, "If I were to act, I wouldn't look into the eyes of the aunt, or even dare to look at him Face, because ancient books say that the Tatar people do not often come to the Cold Palace, every time they come, they must bring new people. These Tatars are arrogant and overbearing. They are the overlords in the Cold Palace. No matter what the status of the Cold Palace women used to be, they must listen to them. Wang Zhaojun, he must be the most afraid of others. "

"Who is Wang Zhaojun afraid of the second? The emperor?" Jiang Lin also asked with interest, and also participated in the topic of this drama.

Liu Ye shook her head. "It's a palace girl. They decide whether Wang Zhaojun is starving or frozen in the cold palace. Wang Zhaojun has to look at the palace girl's face. She should be more awed by them."


Twenty minutes after the intermission ~ ~ Everyone came to the front hall. In the second scene, Wang Zhaojun entered the hall and the princess was sealed off.

Wang Xiangqin and Li Sitong are already seated on the main seat. Liu Ye and the two princesses are standing behind Li Sitong, and there are other group performances around, everyone is dressed up.

Especially Liu Ye and Li Sitong, Liu Ye wore the most gorgeous set of han clothes that Zhong Jiangnan lent to her, and Li Sitong wore a queen's coat, not Zhong Jiangnan's "Han Gong Qiu Yue", but a set of custom The costumes made are also graceful and luxurious.

Fu Feiqian stepped into the palace and looked up at Liu Ye at first glance. The golden Zhai bird on her dress was too dazzling. She stood on a high platform and stood high, like a real princess.

Fu Feiqian's expression changed suddenly.


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