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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 430: Official ghost
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Yang Huayue knew that she was singing badly, she insisted on singing without changing her face, but it was one thing to change her face, and her heartbeat was another.

Weige's ridiculous "courageous courage" really ashamed her "old drama bone", but she is an actor who can disguise, so she can thank Weige for her reward, but her cheek is a bit Unnatural red, she explained to Weige, "It doesn't take much courage to sing a song during the live broadcast. I am a professional actor. The most important skill of an actor is cheeky. We are in a big audience and we shoot those embarrassing things. Shameful shots can be calm and unaffected by the outside world, that kind of courage is needed! "

"Hahaha, it feels like cheeky."

"It turned out that the actors themselves knew that certain plots were ashamed."

Weige followed the others' messages and sent a sentence: "Admire."

Yang Huayue was sweating, but Brother was short and concise, but the content of the message always made her feel embarrassed. She said to all audiences, "I have already said ugly words. You must force me to sing, causing such consequences, blame me. ! "

"No no no, blame ourselves."

"It's all our fault!"

"Sister, we confessed wrong."

"Don't be mad, OK, we will give you a gift."


At this time, everyone finally recovered from Yang Huayue's singing and followed Weige's steps to give Yang Huayue gifts.

Yang Huayue was very moved. In order to thank everyone, she told an interesting story about her childhood in the live broadcast. "I did n't know that I was singing badly when I was a kid. I thought I was a singing fairy. I often sang two sentences at home and school. People around me praised me. I sang well. Later, the school choir recruited people. As a young girl who loved to show up, I naturally applied for the first time. After listening to my singing, the teacher looked very distressed and told me not to come again. I only knew that before Everyone lied to me, and think of it as shame and anger. "


"Although it is miserable for a child, it is funny."

"Good lie, you take it seriously."

"I guess sister Sister must have been cute when she was little, so everyone was so forgiving of your singing."


"I have a picture of me when I was a kid. I'll look it up," Yang Huayue flipped through the phone album, found the picture, and put it in front of the camera. "Look, this is it."

"Good kawaii, just like a doll."

"It's more like China's New Year's doll, OK, pink carving."

"It is fully proved that Xiaopeng has a facelift, from small to big."

"Such a good-looking child, no matter how bad it is to sing, I am willing to listen."


"Weige gave you a red envelope."

Yang Huayue froze. Why did she suddenly get a red envelope again? She opened it, still 99,999 notes, and another 100,000 yuan.

It is a well-known fact that actors make much more money than the ordinary industry. Yang Huayue is a woman who has seen big money, but she still admires Weige's boldness.

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