Chapter 411

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Chapter 411: Severe flaw

However, the auction company and various media have three chapters. One of the most important point is that they are absolutely not allowed to photograph buyers' faces. Some rich people are very taboo about the media. Auction companies are obliged to protect the privacy of buyers and they are on the list. It was discovered that a few of the buyers were very identified, even public figures.

The work of the previous author has not been removed from the stage, the media have already poured into the gap between seats, and set up live broadcast equipment, attracting buyers to look back at them. The hotel intentionally dimmed the light in the auditorium to prevent any media from operating illegally and capturing the looks of buyers. And this operation also gives buyers a little peace of mind, not so offensive.

However, the media did not shoot these people in disguise, and if they offend a big boss, they will lose more than lose their future. Their focus is Liu Ye! !!

It's like a stage performance. A normal cameraman will not be bored and shoot the audience everywhere, and ignore the real protagonist.

In order to satisfy the media ’s enthusiasm, the auction company ranked Liu Ye in front of Zhou Buyi and Wu Qu. They also did not play the finale. First, they went to Liu Ye ’s most intriguing work, "Innocent" Because when she carved this table, the ancient capital TV broadcast live, and everyone saw it.

When the auctioneer mentioned Liu Ye ’s name, the media instantly stared, pointed the camera at the stage, and uploaded a subtle comment from the auditorium, but soon returned to calm, and the audience only heard various beautiful words from the auctioneer. Introduce Liu Ye. 35xs

嫚 Liu Ye also stepped onto the stage and stood by the table. Like the other authors, she began to introduce the reason for her creation of "No Evil", the meaning of carved words and paintings.

网 Netizens have already opened live broadcast rooms of different media with excitement. They only left messages on Weibo and regret that they are not qualified to go to the auction site. In a flash, they saw that a good official multimedia live broadcast room suddenly appeared on the Internet! It's still time to go to work and school. Some students even secretly watch the live broadcast silently in the classroom. Office workers can't help it. They can only read the text version, but it's better than nothing.

After Liu Ying introduced her, she sat down in the first row.

The auctioneer said, "Because the creative carrier of" Innocence "is a frequently used wooden table, there are several obvious flaws in the table. We first remind everyone here to bid carefully."

On the large screen, various defect parts of the table are displayed one by one in ppt mode, and the photos are very high-definition, which makes it clear at a glance.

At this time, the discussion at the buyer's seat was a bit loud, and most people were really dissatisfied with the flaw. In particular, some phone buyers who are watching the live broadcast or the official website's introduction can't come to the scene. These flaws are like a basin of cold water, which has extinguished their enthusiasm. Flash dance

At the time when the calligraphy competition was broadcast live, everyone was attracted by the elegant gesture of Liu Ye's lettering and her woodcut pictures. He wanted to buy this table at any cost.

The lens of the TV station did not give the table a close-up. Where did they know that the flaw was so big! Looking at the desktop alone, the work "Innocence" is very tall and big, but if you look at it side by side, you feel that this is just a normal, and a shabby table, zoomed in, the wood is very cheap, especially those wormhole In the magnificent home of the local tyrants, the price is down.

Ppt was displayed, the auctioneer said in accordance with the usual practice, "Now I bid on behalf of the seller Liu Yan, the starting price of 850,000 yuan, anyone who responds to the starting price, please raise the number plate in hand ..."

At this moment, there was no spectacular scene of mad buyers bidding as imagined by the auction company. The scene was surprisingly quiet, and even the audience in the live broadcast room held their breath and worried for their idols.

Rich people ’s money does not fall out of thin air. They still have to weigh the value. It ’s not worth it. Some people sigh in their hearts. If Liu Ye chooses a precious wood table for lettering, let alone 85,000. They are willing to Out!

Finally, I do n’t know who it is, holding up the number plate,

The auctioneer immediately pointed his hand at him,

"79, once 93,000 yuan, is there a higher bid?"

With the first drive, someone raised a card again,

"Ten thousand yuan ..."

The table is not good, the engraved content is good, there are still a few people who are willing to bear these serious flaws. Nearly 20 buyers have successively bid, and the value of "Innocent" has risen to 245,000 yuan. It is close to double the distance from Liu Ye's psychological price of 450,000.

However, at this time, no one bids, "10,000 yuan, for the second time, if you are still interested in" Innocent "buyers, please hurry up ..."

The auctioneer knows Liu Ye ’s expected price. He thinks that Liu Ye ’s price is set a little high. He tried his best to use seductive tone and routine buyers to bid. They already have two works in circulation, and the works in circulation are. If they can't get the fees, it's about their commissions and bonuses.

Liu Ye was close. Seeing the eyes of the auctioneer, she was a little regretful that she should not fill in 450,000. She did not expect that the buyer would care so much about the flaws in the table, instead of looking at her own artistic creation. She ignored the most critical point of practicality. Of course, if Wang Xizhi engraved a few words on such a broken table, I'm afraid the table would be worth hundreds of millions. UU reads and she is just a newcomer.

湛 Yu Zhan, who is sitting at the far right of the third row, lifted his number plate at this moment. He was No. 9 and the auctioneer's eyes brightened.

"No. 9, once 253,000 yuan."

The words should have just landed, and the 212 gentleman immediately raised the number plate.

"Ten thousand yuan once."

Yu Yuzhan continued to bid unmoved ...

Obviously, No. 212 also holds the idea of ​​winning Liu Ye ’s work. Yu Zhan bids, and he also bids. During the period, other buyers watched the two of them compete so fiercely that Liu Ye ’s work must be good and lively Follow the bid, but when the price reached 341,000 yuan, only Yu Zhan and No. 212 were still fighting.

The price of more than 300,000 yuan clearly exceeds the psychological price of No. 212. He is slowly raising the number plate, his expression on his face is gradually dignified, and hesitant.

"No. 9, 349,000 yuan, once;"

"No. 9, 349,000 yuan, second time," the auctioneer looked directly at No. 212 and asked, "Buyer No. 212, are you sure you are not bidding any more?"

No. 212's face was hard to look at, and he glanced at Yu Zhan. He began to pay attention to Liu Ye when he attended the calligraphy exhibition. He had no interest in Liu Ye's paper works. He only liked Liu Ye ’s "Evil", It happens that his house is decorated in Japanese style. He has a daughter who happens to be as old as Liu Ye ’s little girl portrayed on the table. If you put a wooden table like this in the study room, your friends will be guests. He also has face.

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