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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 473: Film base
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Six boys in the liberal arts have already led them, and have entered the step of "novelty exploration".

They couldn't help asking, "Brother, don't you have any psychological burden to wear women's clothing?"

A boy said, "Yes, but it's okay to think about it. You are all entangled with the eyes of others. We don't have these troubles." The introverted personality is good for being alone, and no one will behave to them. Point and point, even if they do, they can use the phrase "off your farts" to shut the other up.

Another guy said, "A person wearing women's clothing may be mistaken for perverts, but a group of people wearing women's clothing is an intentional group activity. People who watch the video laugh at most and it won't be objectionable."

Another boy said, "It's the most important thing to help each other."


Their words made roommate ABC's psychological defense loose. They felt that they were a little bit overwhelmed. After thinking about Jiang Chengfeng becoming a women's big brother, they were not attacked maliciously. Most people are still joking, and he still has a few more. Wan Mi brother and sister.

So roommate ABC also joined the liberal arts men, and began to choose the right Han suit.

Zhong Jiangnan didn't design men's Hanfu. He didn't give Lin Zhi a set of "Wen Yuan" before. It is just that his men's hanfu are high-end models, ready-to-wear, and he has no plans to let go of this for the time being. Besides, everyone in the clothing industry knows that women make better money than men.

The girls looked at the scene with a smile, and waited for them to come and choose. Sun Weiwei, Miao Xiaomei and Liang Shengnan are relatively short. They choose short models, which are a series of white, pink, and yellow. Liang Shengnan's three roommates are of medium build and most of the girls. The first time they took such a video, they were thin-skinned, worried about making mistakes, and made jokes, so they chose the most satisfactory style.

The tallest Li Xiaoru can choose the largest room. On Liu Ye's suggestion, she chose a dark blue Chinese suit, because Liu Ye thinks Li Xiaoru looks best in dark.

Everyone agrees that the best-looking Hanfu is best left to Jiang Chengfeng.

Jiang Chengfeng took his clothes and saw the roommate's gloating face. There was no fluctuation in his heart. He wore women's clothing only once and countless times. They waited to become like him in the future!

After more than an hour's drive, everyone came to the film and television base. Since it is a film and television base, like Weiyang Palace, this place is not only a tourist attraction, but also a place where the stars of the crew gather.

But with so many well-preserved historical sites in the capital, who would come to this man-made attraction? Therefore, there are very few tourists who come here for special trips, and the traffic is extremely inconvenient. You can touch the people here, either paparazzi or a certain fanatic fan.

At this point in time, the entrance of the film and television base was deserted. The arrival of Liu Ye and his party didn't attract anyone's attention. Sun Weiwei took out the booking form to see the staff at the entrance. After waiting for about a minute, someone came to take them to Sun Weiwei Scheduled Ming Dynasty courtyard.

What kind of ancient architecture spots have you never visited in the capital? Especially the students of the Department of Classical Literature, they had a class with the Department of Archeology and even took it in the Forbidden City, because the professor was the dean of the Palace Museum!

But they are the first time to come to this kind of film and television base, and they are a little curious.

A boy asked Sun Weiwei, "How much does it cost to rent a venue here?"

Sun Weiwei said, "Looking at the size of the area, I rent the smallest yard. For individual travellers like us, they are charged on an hourly basis. It costs 3,000 yuan an hour. If it is a crew, it will definitely be much cheaper."

"Oh my god, it's so expensive !!! No wonder you're investing tens of millions or billions of dollars to make a movie."

"Long experience ..."

"Then we have to finish the filming soon. The delay is 3,000 an hour. It costs me two months."

Tao Zhiyao laughed, "Don't worry, slow work can do fine work."

Today, there are more than 1.7 million funds in the accounts of "Miss and Sisters", including the 100,000 sponsorship fee that Zhong Jiangnan Company transfers to them on time every month, gift money for live broadcasts, and the shooting of "Meng Chong Hospital" 3 Ye Liang paid them 50,000 yuan.

Of course, the live broadcast gift is big, because Tao Zhiwei's reward in the early stage was too high, and his million rewards have not been surpassed so far.

The night that Yang Huayue lived in their live broadcast room, not to mention Tao Zhiwei, the other fans' rewards were also very crazy. After deducting the platform service fee, they still have nearly 300,000 yuan in earnings. . At that time, Sun Weiwei contacted her to transfer her money. She said, "These money should be your reward for helping me out of the haze."

Sun Weiwei still feels inappropriate, this remuneration is too high, Yang Huayue previously rewarded them with nearly 50,000 yuan, so Yang Huayue's money and Tao Zhiwei's million rewards, she did not dare to move ~ www. mtlnovel.com ~ And the team accounts are public, everyone can see.

In the entire team, Tao Zhiyao's compensation is the highest. In addition to the basic salary of 3,000 yuan and commission, she also has an additional subsidy of 10,000 yuan. The photographer's work is heavy. She not only provides camera equipment, but also is responsible for transportation and live broadcast. Venue, her brother is still their "big customer"!

With sufficient funds, the video can naturally be made more exquisite. Zhong Jiangnan Company only provides clothes, corresponding wigs, accessories, embroidered shoes and small props, which were selected and purchased by Sun Weiwei and Tao Zhiyao on the Internet. Each person has a full set of equipment. It takes hundreds of dollars in expenditure, and tens of thousands of people.

This time, I asked these students to help make short videos. Everyone thought it was a friendly act and never thought about money. In fact, Sun Weiwei has prepared a 2,000 yuan "appearance fee" for each student.

The staff led everyone to the "Ming Dynasty Yard" and saw that they were college students. Before they left, they told them, "There are film crews in the vicinity. You don't run around, it will affect others."

The tone of the staff was very unpleasant, and everyone was too lazy to argue with him. They were not chasing stars, running around for a minute, and staying for an extra minute was money.

The person also said, "Smoking is strictly prohibited here! All the buildings are all wooden structures, and it is unbelievable that they are on fire. Smoke alarms and monitoring are installed everywhere. Once someone smokes, they can be found immediately and no one can escape! "

Jiang Chengfeng said, "None of us smoke."

The staff member said "Oh" and continued, "Also, be careful when you take the video. The buildings and furniture in the yard, including the flowers and plants, are very valuable. If they are damaged, you need to pay compensation and deduct from the deposit!"

Everyone: Hehe.

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