Chapter 336

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Chapter 336: Scene 1

He Lushen did not condone the temper of Miss Fu Feiqian this time. He said in a bad voice, "I'm very busy right now, I don't have time to take care of your affairs. You immediately go to Lin to apologize, honestly obey his arrangements, calm down to act, don't Add mess to me! "

He Lushen smiled normally, looked easy-going, and spoke well, but turned his back on his face and refused to recognize him. Fu Feiqian was most afraid of his anger and would not dare to pretend.

When she took the initiative to ask Lin Zhi to bow her head and admit her mistake, and then called He Lushen, He Lushen's attitude towards her returned to her former and cheerful appearance.

Fu Feiqian breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that her waywardness had not touched his bottom line this time, and she felt a trace of loss in her heart. She and He Lushen had known each other for nearly five years, and tried countless times, but never knew him. Where is the bottom line?

Regarding the dispute between Fu Feiqian and Lin Zhi, Tang Tu didn't talk to Liu Xi, just to mention that the heroine has a bad personality, loves to play big names, and is not easy to get along with, so let her be careful.

Liu nodded, expressing understanding.

In two days, she watched the script twice. She and the heroine had only two group plays. There was no rival play. She went back to the capital and went to school directly. She should not deal with Fu Feiqian.

However, Liu's imagination is beautiful. The fact is that she encountered trouble on the first day of work, and the reason came from Fu Feiqian.

When the makeup artist applied her makeup, she not only had a bad attitude but was very hard. She pierced her eyeliner several times. At first, Liu thought that the makeup artist was mishandled and unintentional.

The same situation happened several times, and Liu realized that something was wrong. She suddenly raised her head, just seeing the makeup artist's eyes too late to cover it.

Liu Liumei, "Can you be careful?"

"Sorry, I know."

The makeup artist's apology was not sincere. She was holding her back and serving Liu.

Just now everyone was discussing Liu's origin. The makeup artist learned from other populations that Tian Yafu rewrites the entire script for Liu, so Lin Zhigang re-shoots the previous scene, which doubles the workload of everyone.

It is also because of the role of Princess Huayang that Fu Feiqian's modeling needs to be changed at the same time.

The makeup artist blamed Liu for the grievances she had suffered at Fu Feiqian. If it wasn't for her, how could Fu Feiqian be so angry and angry at herself?

Fu Fuqian is He Lushen ’s old lover and a big-name celebrity. The makeup artist is afraid to offend her and offend her, and she ca n’t mix herself in this industry.

But Liu is just an internet celebrity with Tang Tu at best. It is said that Tang Tu has a background. Can his background be compared with He Lushen? Moreover, Liu already has a famous flower owner. Unless Tang Tu is a saint, which man is willing to give selflessly to someone else's girlfriend? Otherwise, why is Tang Tu entangled with Fu Feiqian?

Not only the makeup artist thought so, other staff members also held the same idea, but they did not show it as directly as the makeup artist, because Fu Feiqian did not give them anger. Tired of work, a few complaints will pass, and there will be a lively look, without loss.

However, after all, the makeup artist did not dare to conflict with Liu, and she kept her face cold and gave Liu makeup without a word.

Liu came to this crew on the first day. She was a newcomer. She didn't want to cause trouble. She focused on peace and didn't care about makeup artists.

I don't know if the makeup artist brought personal emotions to work, or if she didn't read the script beforehand. Liu saw that his makeup in the mirror was exquisite and gorgeous, very beautiful, and the makeup artist's skills were beyond reproach, but Liu felt that this was not the princess Huayang in the script.

But Liu knew that if she said her opinion, the makeup artist would probably quarrel with her, so she silently changed into costumes and came to the shooting location.

第一 Her first play was very simple. She had a chance encounter with the hero in the palace. The two had a few conversations so that the hero knew him.

At the first sight of Liu's shape, every staff member at the scene felt beautiful, with red lips and white teeth, and eyebrows, and she saw that her facial features were all exquisite, her long black hair turned into a complex bun, and she looked like a palace with a glamorous appearance. The lining made her face look like Xiaguang, and she stood in a posture of gracefulness. No wonder Tian Yafu designed the role of Princess Huayang for her. Such a beauty is indeed fascinating.

But Lin Zhi felt that Liu's shape was missing a bit. He and Tian Yafu discussed it and couldn't find the crux. In order to hurry, he had to take a section first to see the effect.

Liu and the four dragons who played the palace maid stood at the preset point. The photographer first zoomed out of the lens, facing the distant sky, captured a group of birds across the sky, and then the lens turned to the towering palace. Pillars, into the layers of palace walls.

Liu Liu heard the start of Lin's shout. She and four palace maids walked along the palace wall at the same time, and saw a man in an alien costume abruptly turn from the intersection in front, scaring five people.

I saw him wearing animal skin, dark complexion, full beard, cheeks and teeth, a wild look, a palace girl quickly came forward to block the princess,

"Who are you? How dare you break into the forbidden palace?"

The man didn't say a word, looked at the princess behind the palace girl with impunity, her eyes were unrestrained.

The maid was anxious and angry ~ ~ She was preparing to call the guards, but the princess stopped them, walked forward, and generously let the other person see herself. . "

Seeing such a beautiful girl, Hu Hanxian radiated a hot light in his eyes and asked her, "Are you the emperor's concubine?"

Princess Huayang said, "You know this place is the harem, dare you break in?"

"We're not as particular about you as you are. There is no place in the harem that I can't go," he said with a domineering tone.

"You should abide by the rules here when you are in the palace of the Han people. Otherwise, why should you come and bow to us?"

Princess Huayang was preaching with him, but there was a sense of supremacy between the words. This not only did not irritate Han Yuxian Yu, but inspired him to have a deeper interest in her.

"Yes, I'm here to make peace. I plan to ask a princess to go back and let the two countries be friends for generations. Can I marry you?" Hu Hanxian's courtship with such a big lala really made Huayang The princess was frightened.

She hurried back and left quickly with the maid,

Looking at her back, she called Han Xiedan to reveal the expression she was bound to get.

导 "Card" Lin stopped and shouted.

知 Lin Zhi is very satisfied with the performance of the two. Maybe they didn't realize it. They talked and acted seamlessly and tacitly.

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