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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 466: Promotions
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Next, Yu Zhan patiently urged some precautions for some cats in Lanxi, and learned that they did not even buy a litter box. He also gave them a litter box.

The whole adoption process and the animal medical examination process went smoothly. I saw the son of the deceased unexpectedly. Lan Xi was also very happy. Wang Xiangqin felt that this trip was a worthwhile trip. He also had a good opinion of Yu Zhan.

After sending Wang Xiangqin and Lanxi away, Yu Zhan's pet hospital resumed normal operations immediately. Liu Ye did not return to school, but took a taxi to the warehouse.

Zhang Pei was surprised to see her coming, "Are you not going to class today?

Liu Ye said that she took a leave of absence and she told her mother about Wang Xiangqin's adoption of cats.

Zhang Pei's thoughts are the same as Grandma Zhan's. She feels that her daughter is too powerful, and she has such a good relationship with Wang Xiangqin! "Have you taken photos of the adoption scene?" Zhang Pei wanted to see what his idol reality was like.

Liu Yan shook his head. The photo was taken, but Lan Xi took it with Wang Xiangqin's mobile phone. She said, "I'll see Uncle Qin next time. Let me take a video."

Of course Liu Ye was not here to tell her mother about Wang Xiangqin's gossip. Today she watched the process of Wang Xiangqin's adoption of cats, watching them lack one and the other, and later took away a cat litter box from Yu Zhan. She was inspired .

She told Zhang Pei, "I think of a double eleven promotion method. You can see if it works."

At the first hearing, Zhang Pei was no kidding. The mother and daughter sat down. Liu Ye said that they could sell cat supplies at the same time in online stores, such as cat litter, cat cages, cat litter boxes, cat climbing frames and other derivatives. And these things can also be used as gifts on the day of Double Eleven. Any purchase over a certain amount of money can get a corresponding reward.

"I only have this idea initially, and the specific plan has not been thought out yet," Liu said. "Do you think it is feasible?"

Zhang Pei agreed, "I also think that our online store only buys cat food is too monotonous. However, selling other supplies also involves brand effects and purchase costs. For example, there are so many cat litter brands. Which one do we sell? How to deal with the supply of goods, and specific talks with relevant companies, seeing that Double Eleven is coming, the time is too tight, it is impossible to talk about it clearly, I think that the sales on the shelves can be pushed back, we Start with giveaways first. "

Zhang Pei's remarks are very reasonable. Today, she is no longer the full-time wife who only knew housework and childcare. In order to run their small company, she read a lot of management and business books in addition to work. Her eyes widened and her mind became more flexible.

"I called Xiaomao in. Everyone has more people and more ideas."

Zhang Pei recruited 3 online shop customer service, 1 warehouse manager, and 10 workers. Wan Jun was promoted to online shop supervisor, Mao Yuchen was dedicated to managing finance, Chen Yuxiang remained the same as a logistics manager, and the three of them were regarded as Liu Yimu Core member of the female team. Now the company's development momentum is so good, the two boys no longer regret to change jobs here, instead they hugged the thighs of the mother and daughter tightly, they are very confident and follow them, there must be meat in the future.

Mao Yuchen also agreed with Liu Ye's promotion method. After some discussion, everyone came up with a preliminary promotion plan: Every purchase of any product in their store on the day of Double Eleven will be accompanied by a bag of cat litter. One cat toilet, one cat cage for orders over 1500, one cat climbing rack for orders over 2,000, 500 yuan vouchers for orders over 3,000 yuan, and cash can be deducted directly next time.

The next step is the purchase of gifts. The company's account has more than 5 million yuan of funds, but the profit in it only accounts for a small part, which is basically the payment of the West Zealand company.

The biggest question to consider now is how to estimate the sales volume on Double Eleven Day, and how many gifts to buy? How much to buy for each gift? This is a big problem. Buying more and buying less will cause trouble.

Mao Yuchen found a sales report on the day and the second day of the 10% discount coupon activity. Five people looked at the report in detail.

In order to welcome the Double Eleventh, Zhang Pei has already begun to apply to the Westland Company to increase the supply of goods and organize the storage of goods. In recent days, the trucks entering the warehouse have not been broken.

On the night of the 10% discount event, they sold 5,000 bags of cat food in three hours. Then, the most optimistic sales of Double Eleven is estimated to be about 30,000 bags. Zhang Pei and Huang Shiting also talked about this.

Zhang Pei told the four young people, "Based on the forecast sales volume of 20,000 bags, the order sales structure of this report shall prevail."

The report shows that 70% of customers only bought one bag of cat food, that is, they need to buy at least 20,000 bags of cat litter. Take a bag of cat litter with a wholesale price of 20 yuan as an example. The cost of their gifts needs to be at least 400,000. If you add a cat cat cage with a higher value, such as www.mtlnovel.com, the cost will be greater Already. If the event is messed up, not only will they not make money, they will also lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In the conference room, everyone was silent again. The three of Mao Yuchen looked at Zhang Pei and Liu Ye again, waiting for the mother and daughter to make a final decision.

Zhang Pei said, "Well, you are the boss of the company. This is a big thing about the future development of the company. You make the decision."

Liu Ye saw Zhang Pei's firm eyes. She knew that her mother desperately wanted to engage in this activity, because there were only three months left before the February feast, and she became benevolent if she failed.

And she is also fearless. She said, "I ca n't bear my child to be wolfless, to shrink back and make no money. We will follow this plan! Wan Jun, you will immediately find a few cost-effective cats on the Internet. Suppliers of sand and cat supplies, ask them to quote, and show me the prices in a table. "

"Okay," Wan Jun replied immediately.

"Yu Chen, you need to refine the order types on the report. It's better to know exactly how many cat climbing frames and cat cages we want to buy."


Liu Ye said to Chen Yuxiang again, "You assist Wan Jun to find a supplier, and you need to talk to several courier companies in advance, so as to avoid shipping errors when they are obtained."


Liu Ye said, "What questions do you have, can you tell them now?"

The three men shook their heads at the same time. At this moment, the girl's courage convinced them. They could not help but convince her and her equally powerful mother.

Liu Ye and everyone worked overtime until ten o'clock in the evening, and Yu Zhan, who also worked overtime until night, drove over to pick her up. Today, running east and west for a day, Liu Ye's face did not look tired at all, and her eyes were extremely bright and excited. She told Yu Zhan that the double eleven was their battle against the water!

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