Chapter 368

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Chapter 368: Consulting Weibo

"Huang Shiting has no right to restrict your publicity means. You should ask him to help you contact cat'sgarden head office. Only with their permission can you use cat'sgarden's trademark in public," Yu Zhan thought for a moment, " Let me do this. You don't speak English well and you can't communicate with them at all. "

Liu Yan was ashamed and ashamed,

"I must hurry up and learn English this semester."

Yu Zhan was amused by her serious look and couldn't help but reach out and squeeze her cheek. "I'm kidding. You are too busy. You should rest more. Your health is the most important thing. You don't need to be in a hurry to learn English."

However, Liu Ye feels that his execution ability in learning English is too poor, and he has repeatedly dragged on. His English level has not improved much.

Yu Zhan regretted it. He struck a finger. Paul immediately left Liu Ye and walked obediently to his room. He took daylight and moonlight away from Liu Ye and the two cats "meowed" straight. call.

He held Liu Ye's wrist and pushed her into the bathroom of the guest room. "It's not too early. You should wash and wash. I will take you to school tomorrow morning."

Liu Ye had no choice but to listen to him. The bathroom in the guest room was neatly stocked with her belongings. When she opened the upper cabinet, she found that there was a set of toiletries in it. If it weren't for one of the electric shavers and men's perfume, Liu Ye would have thought more.

She didn't touch anyone else. After taking a bath, she changed into the pajamas she had placed in Yu Zhan's house before coming out of the room. She asked Yu Zhan curiously, "Who has lived here?"

Yu Zhan is going to tease her again, ambiguous,

"It's a friend."

Liu Ye didn't fall into love, she had already guessed,

"Isn't it deep?"

Yu Zhan looked disappointed. "I thought you would be jealous and question me, but you were still so calm."

"Those things are obviously men, why should I be jealous."

"A Shen came here the last two days and stayed one night," Yu Zhan said without joking, "he also brought your cat into the room to sleep together."

"He likes cats too?"

"No, he only likes playing with cats and letting him shit, he will go crazy," Yu Zhan took out his mobile phone and showed Liu Ye the Weibo posted by He Lushen.

"Is this his Weibo?"


Liu Yan aside his face, she couldn't bear to look directly at He Lushen's avatar, a crayon Xiaoxin.

Yu Zhan followed her line of sight and saw Xiaoxin's little sister-in-law, smiling slightly, "A Shen's character is somewhat detached and unruly."

Ignoring He Lushen's head, and just looking at the photos he took of daylight and moonlight, Liu Ye thought it was quite cute.

Every once in a while on Yu Zhan ’s Weibo message interface, a reminder sounded. Liu Ye looked up at him, his eyes flickered,

"Can I watch your Weibo?"

"You can just look at my phone," Yu Zhan said, plugging her phone in her palm, frankly.

Liu Xun brushed up Yu Zhan ’s Weibo. After “Meng Chong Hospital” became popular, he changed his Weibo name to “Doctor Yu”. Anyway, everyone knows that his name is Yu Zhan.

There were thousands of private messages in Yu Zhan's private mailbox, and Aite's message was as high as tens of thousands.

"Don't you reply to the fan's private letter?" Liu Yan asked, turning over.

"In the past, I would reply. Now there are too many people sending private messages. Most of them are non-nutritive content. Screening one by one is too wasteful and affects the mood."

Liu Ye first looked at his private messages. Some of them were female fans expressing their admiration for Yu Zhan. Now the girls are open and bold, and they directly send "Doctor Yu, I like you very much", "Doctor Yu, when did you and Liu Ye "Break up," and send your photos directly.

In addition, of course, there are serious messages. Some people asked him about recruiting veterinarians.

"Doctor Yu, have you received my resume? I sent it to your mailbox a week ago and I haven't seen a response," Liu Min read.

Yu Zhan said, "You help me reply to him. If there is no reply, the preliminary screening of resumes has failed."

"Okay," Liu Ye learned the typing speed of his mobile phone. After typing a line, he clicked and sent.

"How many people have you recruited now? How are you looking for the shop front?" Liu Yan asked again.

When it comes to recruitment, Yu Zhan and Zhang Pei are also suffering. He feels that finding the right employee is harder than performing a major operation on a small animal.

"For the time being, only one candidate for a veterinary assistant has been identified. Those candidates interviewing veterinarians are either not medically competent or the overall quality is too poor. I am not in a hurry. Come step by step. The shop has been found and was signed yesterday The contract, I have contacted a decoration company, and tomorrow they will send someone to measure the valuation. "

During this time, Yu Zhan ’s pet hospital has been in a closed state, but some people who want to bring pets to see the doctor have been anxious. They have to ask in a private letter when Yu Zhan opened, and some people ask him how to treat his pets. Sick, they sent a picture of their sick pets, hoping that Yu Zhan would help them through a network cable.

Among these messages, Yu Zhan replied to some situations that were particularly serious, and more information was covered by a lot of boring private messages. It was really difficult to find them. "I think you might as well send an overhead Weibo to ask these doctors Fans who ask for medicine leave comments on this Weibo, and you look convenient. "

"It's a good idea, you can help me," Yu Zhan pampered.

Liu Ye began to edit Weibo seriously, typing with both hands quickly, Yu Zhan smiled, sat on the sofa armrest, supported one hand on her shoulder, and looked down at her waist.

"Please consult the pet owner of the illness, and send your questions to the message area of ​​this Weibo. I will reply to you in a timely manner. This Weibo has been effective for a long time since today."

"You remove the word in time ~ ~ Yu Zhan reminded her," I can't look at my mobile phone all the time, I have limited ability and can't be busy for everyone. "

"Well," Liu Yan deleted the sentence, and changed it to "I will take time to reply to everyone", she looked up and asked him, "Is this OK?"

Yu Zhan nodded and said yes, Liu Ye clicked to send.

"Well, you should take a break," Yu Zhan took the phone from her. Liu Ye hadn't recovered yet, and after a while spinning around, she was embraced by Yu Zhan in her arms. She was shocked and ashamed, struggling Going down.

"Come on, I'll take you to my room."

Liu Zhe seemed to have been fixed, and suddenly stopped moving. Yu Zhan smiled and went into the guest room. He put Liu Zeng on the bed steadily, and her whole body fell into the soft bed, following the two behind them. The cat also jumped into bed and nestled beside her.

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