Chapter 314

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Chapter 314: Make paper with lettering

Perceived that the camera was facing himself, Wu Qu's writing became stiff. He is an ordinary person, never watched TV, and received little attention. When he thought of the numerous viewers watching himself at this time, he was nervous and nervous. Restraint, my mind was blank, and I almost forgot what I just thought about.

It happened that the photographer came up and took a picture of him before he wrote the opening work, which put more pressure on Wu Qu. He accidentally wrote a word by mistake.

But photographers can ignore this and turn around and leave to shoot others.

Wu Qu looked at the typo on the paper and didn't know what to do.

Chen Jianqiu, a judge before, has said that each person has only one piece of rice paper and only one chance. Is he going to continue to write down what is wrong?

Wu Qu is a perfectionist. To be precise, calligraphers are perfectionists. When he saw the typo on the paper, the whole person was bad, and he was particularly irritated. He felt that a typo affected the layout of the whole article, ugly Dead, let him keep writing as uncomfortable as forcing him to swallow a fly.

It happened that Chen Jianqiu walked by Wu Qu at this time,

Wu Qu stopped him, "Ms. Chen, may I have another rice paper?"

"what happened?"

Chen Jianqiu was very impressed with Wu Qu's courage. If it was not for him to expose, the shameless Su Xuezhen might still be a judge.

Wu Qu pointed to the paper and said, "I wrote a word wrong."

Chen Jianqiu saw the typo along what he pointed out, or a typo that could not be saved. He shook his head and said, "Did you not listen carefully to the rules I just read? There is only one piece of paper. You can cross out the word and write it next correct."

"Will altering affect my grades?" Wu Qu asked anxiously.

Chen Jianqiu couldn't answer this question. He could only say,

"A few judges value the cleanliness, and most people, including me, don't care much."

The ambiguous answer made Wu Qu's heart even worse, he explained, "I typed the typo because the photographer just disturbed me and I just missed it."

Chen Jianqiu asked, "Did he meet you?"

Wu Qu said no.

"Then you can't change the paper." Although Chen Jianqiu sympathized with Wu Qu, the rules were formulated to restrict everyone, without exception. Moreover, the photographer also took pictures of other people. None of them appeared like Wu Qu, indicating that his own mental quality was not good enough.

"You continue to write, it does not matter, when the final review, I will tell you about this special situation with other judges," Chen Jianqiu has taken care of Wu Qu very much.

Having said that, he went to the television photographer and sternly warned him that the idlers in the center of the field should be kept away from entering and don't sway around to affect others.

The photographer apologized immediately, standing obediently in the field and afraid to move.

Wu Qu looked at his typo and was fascinated by the Tang Dynasty. He knew himself. He knew that among the 40 people in the calligraphy group, he belonged to the middle and lower levels. All lost.

Liu Ye's position was diagonally behind Wu Qu. She saw Wu Qu talking with Chen Jianqiu. After Chen Jianqiu left, Wu Qu put his pen down without moving.

She was surprised.

Seeing Chen Jianqiu coming over, Liu Ye whispered to him, "Mr. Chen, what's wrong with Wu Qu?"

Chen Jianqiu admired Liu Ye's work very much, and said to her and Yan Yuese, "Wu Qu wrote a typo and wanted to replace a rice paper. According to regulations, it will not work. He may have a psychological burden."

Having said that, Chen Jianqiu noticed Liu Xuan's wordless rice paper and was startled, "Why haven't you started?"

"I haven't decided where to write."

Chen Jianqiu is inexplicable. Where can I write it without writing it on paper?

"But I think about it now," Liu Yan smiled. "Teacher Zhang, give me my rice paper, this round, I don't use paper."

Chen Jianqiu was surprised, "What do you use?"

"I lettering."

While thinking about "Han Feng", Liu Ye accidentally found that a small carving knife was added to the pen holder on his desk, presumably because the staff at the venue was too rushed and negligent during the preparation work. After seeing the knife, her thoughts gradually became clear.

As mentioned earlier, Liu Xun followed Madam Xu's character learning at an early age, starting from the lettering, so she is best at engraving.

Since she ca n’t use this rice paper, she might as well do something good for Wu Qu.

"Even if you give up your paper to Wu Qu, we will not prepare original stones and wooden plaques for you separately. How do you carve?" Chen Jianqiu did not agree with her approach.

On this occasion, Biaoxin's innovation is not as stable as the rules.

Liu Ye looked at the real wooden table in front of him.

Chen Jianqiu didn't understand what she meant at first, but she suddenly thought of it, and said, "You want to be carved on the table?"

"Well, afterwards I will compensate you for the cost of materials at the price of the table."

Chen Jianqiu: "..."

"You and Wu Qu, I can't take the initiative without permission. I have to discuss with other judges."

Chen Jianqiu immediately went to other judges.

At this time, there was only 60 minutes left until the evaluation was over. Liu Ye was not in a hurry, and she did not plan to write a long story.

The judges quickly reached an agreement and agreed that Liu Xie exchanged his rice paper with Wu Qu. First, the situation of Wu Qu was indeed extenuating, so the paper was not re-prepared, and other authors were not good to comment. They reviewed the rules of the competition again. The rules did not prohibit participants from giving each other paper, nor did they prohibit the use of wooden tables as carriers of lettering.

Liu Ye was completely drilled into rules.

Because photographers no longer take close-up shots created by the reviewers one by one, the audience in front of the TV can only see a group of people writing or lettering at a quiet desk collectively. The layman ca n’t see anything at all. To be honest, super boring! !! And this picture will last for an hour!

While everyone was hesitating about changing channels ~ ~ a judge suddenly took the rice paper on Liu Ye's desk and gave it to the man leaning forward.

The camera is too far away, and the audience can't see the man. They can recognize Liu Ye's position, or rely on her clothes.

The audience was confused and wondered what it was like to move the rice paper over. Exam papers? Why didn't the man's rice paper change?

Next, Liu Xun's behavior was even stranger. She put everything on the table, such as a pen and a ring on the ground, and started to draw a picture against an empty table.

The audience is not changing channels, they are curious, what Liu Ye wants to do.

Not only them, but the people at the scene were also curious. Some Liu Ye's competitors frequently came to see her and Wu Qu. Zhou Buzhen also temporarily stopped his pen and looked up, trying to figure out what Liu Ye was doing.

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