Chapter 354

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Chapter 354: Oppressed

"What the **** are you doing? Make low-level mistakes again and again," Lin Zhi was annoyed, yelling at Fu Feiqian, "Everyone is cooperating with you, will be you, what are you going to do? Your acting skills Why is it so bad? The group shows are better than you! "

There was a feeling of shame at Fu Feiqian's heart.

After all, she is a woman. No matter how arrogant her personality is and how strong her heart is, in the eyes of the public, she is still unbearable by the director pointing her nose to criticize her poor acting skills.

At this moment, she seemed to be back when she first stepped into the entertainment industry. She managed to find her first role. In the studio, the director also pointed at her and criticized her for poor acting.

Dissatisfied, she turned the script over ten times, backing down every line, and stayed up all night trying to practice facial expressions and limb movements in the mirror.

Kung Fu is worthy of care, she finally made a name for herself by virtue of her outstanding performance in this movie, and she got to know He Lushen. Since then, she no longer has to look at anyone's face. Now she has everything in her name and profit, but why does she have the feeling of being stomped on her feet?

She is not unprofessional. She also wants to be more popular and hot. She also set a new goal for herself-winning the film crown next year.

"Autumn Moon in the Han Palace" is a script she has long liked. She had reserved Wang Zhaojun's role with He Lushen six months ago. She watched the script several times before shooting, and her own lines were memorable. She thought Having a comprehensive and profound understanding of Wang Zhaojun, she was counting on the film to win the show.

Therefore, the filming of the early stage of the movie was very smooth. She did not have any major conflicts with Lin Zhi and others. The relationship with other actors was fairly harmonious. All changes began with the modification of the script. All her preparations were disrupted, helpless, and How can she not be angry if she is forced to be ugly?

Fu Feiqian said to Lin Zhi, "This princess's film was originally filmed. I remember a female dragon was standing in the position of Princess Huayang at the time. Now she is replaced by Liu Ye. The light on her body is too much to cover. The queen in front, I think there is a suspicion that the guests will dominate. "

Lin Zhi heard what she meant, and she thought that Liu Ye had stolen her heroine's limelight. Indeed, Lin Zhi looked at the replayed footage, and even he couldn't help but look at Liu Ye, and ignored the original heroine.

There is no problem with Fu Feiqian's rhetoric. The most taboo when filming is to do drama. There are many reasons for the protagonist to be cast by the supporting actress. It may be that the supporting actress is bursting, or the supporting character ’s shape and appearance are far better than the protagonist. Obviously, Fu Feiqian thinks that she The drama was overwhelmed by Liu Ye because of the shape.

In order to get out of breath, Miao Miao gave Liu Ye a make-up and painted her like a fairy, coupled with Zhong Jiangnan's high-end Hanfu, Liu Ye just stood there and was the most beautiful on the set!

Lin Zhi paused the shooting, walked out of the field and Yatian Fu, and several associate directors discussed what to do.

The actors took the opportunity to move their bodies stiffly, and Li Sitong was annoyed when she saw Fu Feiqian's arms full of arms. She said, "The typical business is not to blame the counter."

Wang Xiangqin laughed, "Liu Ye's look is indeed much better than Fu Feiqian."

"Your men are visual animals. This is not the case for real oppression."

Just after Li Sitong said this, Lin Zhi came towards them, and the actors returned to their positions. Lin Zhi pointed at Xiao Long to set Zhang Xinyi and said to Liu Ye, "You and her changed positions."

The princess played by Zhang Xinyi stands in the corner, and only half of her face can be exposed in the panoramic lens. The photographer is not good at giving a close-up in this position, and Liu Xun's original position is second only to the C position of Wang Xiangqin and Li Sitong.

With Liu Xie's good temper, she would have agreed immediately, but this time she did not want to give in to Fu Feiqian. She said, "Princess Huayang is the emperor's favorite daughter. How can she stand in the corner? ? "

Lin Zhi did not expect that his temperament and Liu Ye suddenly became tough. He patiently explained to Liu Ye what is oppressive drama. "The audience watching this play should focus on Wang Zhaojun. Your appearance completely suppressed the heroine. . "

Liu Ye argued reasonably, "Lin Dao, how many times Mr. Fu got stuck in the play today, you also see it. I don't understand what pressure is on the play. I just play Huayang according to the script and according to my ideas. Princess, I am a newcomer, and my acting skills are definitely not as good as Mrs. Fu. My dress is not as good as Mrs. Li ’s queen. My position is not as good as Mrs. Wang ’s seat of the emperor. My makeup is only slightly stronger than usual. Personally, they are all dressed in Chinese clothes. It's not fair for you to just talk to me. "

When Liu Ye said these words, he used normal volume, and everyone around him heard it, including Fu Feiqian who was leaning on the side of Gaotang to drink water.

She looked up at Liu Ye, and Liu Ye looked back at her with no fear. Her "Ms. Fu" was very ironic, just as she looked at Fu Feiqian at this moment.

Fu Feiqian said to Liu Xie, "Your character set is pleasing, perfect to have no shortcomings, and it is Bai Yueguang in the mind of the actor. If you use my style, the performance is not as good as mine!"

Tit against Mai Mang, seeing that the two men's war was about to start again.

Suddenly Li Sitong said in a persuasive tone, "Lin Dao, let's do a small experiment. You can exchange the roles of Fu Feiqian and Liu Ye. Let Fu Feiqian put on Liu Ye's clothes, draw her makeup, and stand by her. In my current position, I will play Princess Huayang, and at the same time, I will paint Liu Ye ugly and put on shabby clothes to become ugly Zhaojun. Try to see if Fu Feiqian can suppress Liu Ye. If it is really a question of style, then neither of them will have What can be arguing. "

Li Sitong's whimsical proposal aroused the interest of everyone in the audience, or that the fun was so good. Everyone looked at Lin Zhi with bright eyes, hoping that the director would agree ~ ~ Anyway, the indoor drama, No need to bask in the sun.

Lin Zhi looked at his watch, hesitated, fearing that it would delay time and delay progress.

Wang Xiangqin, who was most afraid of the trouble, said, "If you don't figure it out, she can't stop it, and waste our time!"

Tian Yafu also thinks that it can be tried. Princess Huayang is a character he designed for Liu Ye, but it does not mean that Liu Ye is not suitable for playing Wang Zhaojun. Similarly, Fu Feiqian can also try Princess Yang's shape, let alone he I was curious what Wang Zhaojun was like when Liu Ye performed.

He told Lin Zhi, "Guide Lin, mao Xi said well. Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. Let them change it."

Lin Zhi told the staff of the venue, "If this leads to overtime today and tomorrow, there will be no overtime pay."

I didn't expect everyone to say no problem.

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