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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 444: Reopen
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Three days after Liu Ye returned, Zhang Pei was officially divorced from Liu Chengyu. On October 8th, the morning of the first day of the long vacation ended, the two people could n't wait to get the divorce certificate with the Civil Affairs Bureau. They used to be exactly the same when they got their marriage certificate, full of irony.

Zhang Pei told Liu Ye that she and Liu Chengyu were divorced peacefully without quarreling. The two signed the divorce agreement quietly. She also said that Liu Ye's previous things had been moved out and put in her rental house, so that she would be free to bring all the things she could use to her own place.

Liu Yanmei, obviously the house belongs to Liu Chengyu, and Zhang Pei left with things. She asked Zhang Pei how the 2 million loan was handled.

Zhang Pei said, "You don't have to worry about the loan in the future. I will pay it myself."

Why is the house owned by Liu Chengyu, but the debt is Zhang Pei's back? OK, how can Liu Chengyu be all alone? Liu Ye was angry, but at the moment he saw Zhang Pei's eyes, he was suddenly sober,

The reason lies with her!

Zhang Pei is protecting her!

The next day, Liu Ye transferred 1.8 million to Zhang Pei's bank account.

She finally received 1.29 million in calligraphy auctions, including the grants that Wu Qu later entrusted to the auction company. She was paid 400,000 for participating in "Han Gong Qiu Yue". Huaguang Media and Xinghe Film and Television were different. She received this 400,000, plus other miscellaneous income, she had a total of 1.8 million, she transferred all the money to Zhang Pei.

After the transfer, she sent a WeChat to Zhang Pei, "You use this money to pay off the bank loan first, so that our future burden will be much lighter."

However, after Zhang Pei received the money, plus his entire income during this time, he collected 2 million and directly transferred it to Yu Zhan's account.

Yu Zhan quickly responded, "Received: 2 million."

Zhang Pei's idea is very simple. The human debt must be paid first. As for the bank money, you can drag it!

Yu Zhan 's old pet hospital reopened silently on October 1st. Even with such a low profile, his fans were informed of the news in advance, and there were long queues at the door for pets. Took pets to see a doctor, no pets came to watch.

However, they were disappointed to find that Yu Zhan had never appeared. Some people had a long seven-day holiday and came here every day to make fun of each other, hoping to meet with Yu Zhan, but they only saw one middle-aged veterinarian and two female nurses. All three were recruited by Yu Zhan.

Yu Zhan originally planned to recruit three veterinarians. His job advertisement was very simple and he could apply for two years of work experience, but he set very harsh conditions in his heart.

He interviewed twenty or thirty people, and no one met his requirements. In the end, he had to choose the middle-aged uncle, and it was decided before leaving for Hong Kong.

Uncle's surname is Cui, 45 years old. He has been working in the veterinary industry for more than 20 years. He has considerable practical experience. He has worked in major pet hospitals in the capital. The veterinarian at the hospital, yes, is the pet hospital that once instructed people to make trouble.

Therefore, Yu Zhancai has been hesitant to decide whether he can hire this person. He is worried that Uncle Cui, like the veterinarian Du Jie, is a spy agent sent by the enemy.

He interviewed Uncle Cui three times before finally confirming that Uncle Cui only admits money and not his boss.

Uncle Cui immediately submitted his resume after seeing Yu Zhan's job advertisement on the Internet. In the first interview, he asked Yu Zhan, how much can he pay for an old veterinarian with more than 20 years of work experience like himself.

Yu Zhan said that 30,000 to 40,000, depending on the actual work ability.

Such a high salary made Uncle Cui determined to change his job. After the first interview, Yu Zhan never contacted him again. Instead, he called Yu Zhan several times and asked for another interview.

In the second interview, Uncle Cui expressed his stand to Yu Zhan. He said that he had seen "Meng Chong Hospital" 2. He knew the contradiction between Yu Zhan and Fuxin Pet Hospital. He only had a general employment relationship with Fuxin Pet Hospital, but also with the boss a little. Unfamiliar, just take money to eat.

In the third interview, Yu Zhan asked Uncle Cui how he viewed his undocumented behavior in the documentary.

Uncle Cui tangled for a long time before answering, "I'll be honest. At the beginning, like other veterinarians, I was disgusted with you because you were smashing our rice bowls. I heard that you came back from studying abroad and may not know about China. The operating model of the pet hospital, the base salary set by our boss is very low, and everyone pays a commission. "

"Take the example you said in the documentary, a dangerous pet car amputation operation will cost at least 15,000 yuan, and the cost of checking medicines and equipment will be 2,000. The remaining 13 thousand, we only It can be pumped 20%, everything else is taken away by the boss ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ In other words, we had a major surgery for four or five hours, we were exhausted, and we barely got three thousand. But this kind of surgery is not a daily operation, most of the pets are not life-threatening, and they cost hundreds of dollars for treatment each time. Our commission may only be tens of dollars. There are many doctors and great competition. In a month, a better veterinarian can get a monthly salary of more than 20,000, which is very high. "

"Later I saw your Weibo and contacted you, I found out that some pet hospital owners didn't pay attention to money. You said in the documentary that those industry secrets are not for the sake of being famous and want to be famous. I stand on the pet owner's stand and consider for each sick pet. To be honest, I feel ashamed, I have seen countless small animals, but I have never had such a noble idea, I really just want to Earn money to support my family and pay off my mortgage. "

The ancients paid a visit to Uncle Cui, and Uncle Cui asked for an interview. It finally moved Yu Zhan. Yu Zhan also fulfilled his "I just want to make money" desire, and gave him a monthly salary of 35,000 yuan, let him take charge of the old pet hospital Operations.

The other two nurses, a man and a woman, were also carefully selected by Yu Zhan. The male nurse Komaki, once a zoo breeder, like Yu Zhan, comes with a gas field that attracts small animals.

Female nurse Xiao Yuan was a veterinary assistant before. She has three years of working experience in this industry. She was the first employee to be hired by Yu Zhan. Yu Zhan signed a labor contract with her as early as September, so she did nothing. I took a month's salary.

Even though Yu Zhan was not present at the old pet hospital, the owners who brought their pets to see the doctor were still in a constant stream. Yu Zhan is busy with a lot of things. The most important thing is the shooting of "Meng Chong Hospital" 3 and 4.

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