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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 452: Third collection
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 452: Third collection
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At eight o'clock the next night, Ye Ziliang released the third episode of "Meng Chong Hospital" on the Internet on time.

It has been more than two months since "Meng Chong Hospital" aired on 2, and **** fans of the documentary have waited for the flowers to thank.

The previous month, almost every day, someone asked Ye Ziliang on Weibo when the third episode will be updated. At that time, Ye Ziliang didn't know what the future looked like. He could only answer: I am also Phuket.

At the time, Ye Ziliang and National Taiwan 's traffic rush caused so much trouble that he went on a hot search. The group incident at Yu Zhan Pet Hospital made headlines on the social news. Yu Zhan himself was resisted by the veterinary circle because of the unveiling of industry hidden rules. It made everyone uneasy. Everyone thought that there might not be three.

In the era of online fast food, videos haven't been updated for so long, but many viewers have actually been lost. In the past month, more than half of the people who left Ye Liang had left messages, his number of fans had stagnated, and several fans were dropped every day. If we continue, within half a year, everyone will not even remember who he is.

On the day when the third episode officially opened, Ye Ziliang sent a Weibo to inform fans of the good news. This time, he did not preview what content to shoot, nor did he release the film before the current fight with Guo Nan to attract attention. He deliberately left a big suspense. Compared with the entire Internet attention at 2 when shooting "Meng Chong Hospital", the number of likes and comments on this Weibo was pitifully small. It was under the retweets of Liu Ye, Yu Zhan, and "Miss Sisters" that they gradually attracted attention.

Similarly, as soon as "Meng Chong Hospital" 3 was uploaded, Liu Ye and others posted links on Weibo one after another. With their influence, they passed on thousands and thousands. "Meng Chong Hospital" 3 the first time online viewers exceeded 10w +.

"Finally wait (tears), sit in the front row."


"No homework, just watch."

"Every time Ye Dao is so punctual and obsessive-compulsive at eight o'clock!"

"No more updates, I will forget the previous content."

"I'm new here, I only watched 1 and 2 yesterday."


In the expectation of everyone, "Meng Chong Hospital" 3 kicked off. In episodes 1 and 2, in order to protect Yu Zhan 's privacy, the signboard of the opening pet hospital was mosaic, while episode 3 used a non-mosaic version, and the content was replaced by Yu Zhan 's new shop sign, which is also a bright and clear The word "Zhan" attracted everyone's eyes, telling everyone that the background of this documentary filming was in Yu Zhan's pet hospital.

Then you saw Dr. Yu, wearing a mask, after a long absence. He was doing a physical examination of a Samoyed, and the little nurse was assisting him in the work. The audience noticed that Samoyed's legs were slightly bent. It turned out to be a Disabled dog.

At this time, the voice of Paul voiced by Jiang Chengfeng appeared in the narration, "Today is the first day of the opening of my **** official new store, but he only received a special guest, this guest brought a total of 32 Small animals come over for medical examinations, and I have never seen so many companions at the same time. "

At this time, the camera gave a family portrait to the little animals waiting for the medical examination. The audience also saw a gray-haired grandmother behind the animals, with a kind face.

"My God, there are so many cats and dogs. I feel like they can't fit in the room. Is this the old man who raised them?

"It's exactly the same as when I was enrolled in the medical examination. The long queues are the same, and the animals are not exempt (laughing and crying)."

"Well, take a closer look. Every little animal seems abnormal."

"Indeed, the safari cat on the far side is blind. The dirt dog next to it has no tail, and Teddy on the right seems to have a bad foot ..."

"What is said upstairs can be seen. I suspect that those who have no arms and legs are not on the surface, and they may have physical problems."

"Yeah, the white cat in front is too big, with a weak expression. It doesn't seem to be pregnant. It is probably ascites."

"Who is this grandma who actually has so many problematic pets?"


The curiosity of the audience was hooked

Paul's narration introduced the origin of Samoyed's "White Snow" in a timely manner, and described the story of Grandma Zhan's winter frostbite in a more sensational tone, using this as an introduction, and officially introduced the theme of the third episode "Grandma and her A thousand small animals. "

When this line appeared on the screen, all the audience was shocked.

"My mother, a thousand ..."

"I think 32 of them are much better. A thousand are simply unthinkable."

"Is the grandma running a farm?"

"Upstairs, my family opened a pig farm and only raised four hundred pigs, which kept my family busy enough. One thousand would only be tiring."


The picture immediately shifted to the gate of a bungalow yard. This is a mirror-to-bottom shot. The audience followed the steps of the grandmother and everyone entered the yard.

At the same time, Paul 's narration also said, "The protagonist in this episode is not my **** shovel officer. Let 's tell you the story of helping small animals ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This old woman is named Zhan, 71 years old, This 500-square-meter yard is home to Granny Zhan and more than 400 cats, and more than 600 dogs. All cats and dogs were once homeless, homeless animals, because of encountering Granny Zhan, fate To be improved. "

"Now, let's see what Grandma Zhan's work is like in a day."

As the camera switches, the old man is chopping vegetables in the kitchen, the oversized cutting board is filled with various ingredients, and what is being cooked in the large iron pot on the stove, thick white gas.

The narrator asked, "How much food do you prepare at one time?"

The old man replied while working, "20 kg for cats and 40 kg for dogs."

"What ingredients are generally available?"

"Cats must have fish, dogs can eat chicken, and occasionally they buy beef."

"The meat is expensive."

"The butcher at the grocery market is very familiar with me, knowing that I feed stray animals, and can give me the lowest price, of course, the meat is not good," the old man took out a bag of powdered food from the cabinet Something, "This is cornmeal, mixed with cat food and dog food, they are also willing to eat, at least they can fill their stomachs, at least not lack of nutrition, rest assured, none of the small animals I raise are lean!"

The old man prepared the food, carried a big bucket in his hands, and staggered to the cat house. The trembling look made the audience sweat for her.

She opened the door of the cat house, and all cats came up like that day,

"A lot of cats !!!"

"Like the Meowmy Army, they are so cute."

"How much **** is going to be shoved this day (horrified)!"

"Grandma is really a caring person."

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