Chapter 397

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Chapter 397: Bad luck

Yang Huayue didn't tell Jiang Yichao that she offended the backing. Jiang Yichao thought that Gao Jindong was still her "good uncle", and she expected Yang Huayue to say two good words in front of Gao Jindong, and he would be able to relax easily. Come and sign up. But did not expect Yang Huayue to reject him without hesitation.

On the spot, Jiang Yichao accused Yang Huayue of not being able to like himself enough, and he was reluctant to even help. The two quarreled over each other. No one spoke during the cold war week.

So this week, Yang Huayue's mood has also been very bad.

I do n’t know why, even if she saw Jiang Yichao coming to find herself, even at this moment, when he was in his arms, she could n’t find the sweet feeling before, and she felt that she was with Liu Ye. She Happier! ?

Yang Huayue said calmly, "It's not that I don't want to help you. The artist's job change is an event in itself, and Uncle Gao won't listen to me easily. Moreover, your contract has not expired, and a blind breach of contract has to pay 500,000 defaults. Kim, can you get this money? "

Jiang Yichao behind was silent.

"Don't look at the mountains, you should be satisfied with your variety show. Your company is good to you. During this time, my life is much harder than you. I didn't get a good script, 'Ji An "The negative impact on me is too great. Now I ca n’t even reach ordinary advertising endorsements. I tighten my trousers and live my life. Can you not bother me?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I know you're very hard. There's nothing to do with the filming. Just give yourself a break and rest." Jiang Yichao comforted her softly and thoughtfully about her appearance.

Jiang Yichao only made his debut for more than a year. When there was no fire, he took the dead salary from a brokerage company every month, just like the bottom staff working in an ordinary company. It was about 4,000 to 5,000 yuan a month. In the first half of this year, His brokerage company gave him a few better variety resources, and he gradually gained a little fame and his income increased.

And since Yang and Jiang's variety show cp, the popularity of the man has skyrocketed, especially after the two broke the fake Weibo that was really done, Jiang Yichao ’s Weibo fans soared to one million, and the brokerage company targeted His commercial value has given him more variety resources, and his development momentum is getting better and better. Even so, his income is far from being able to pay 500,000 liquidated damages.

He spends more money than Yang Huayue. He has no salary. He likes to buy branded clothes and some electronic products online. He often uses the excuse of online shopping to pay for it. He pays with Yang Huayue's Alipay. Hundreds and thousands. Yang Huayue usually doesn't pay attention to these. "Little money", in fact, "little money" accumulated, there are more than 100,000, which is why she recently felt that life is tight.

Contrary to Jiang Yichao, Yang Huayue's popularity has stagnated. No matter how the show is fried and how the two interact, she can't get angry. It's the same as "Listening, the Voice of the Wind" at the box office, but it didn't give her any benefit.

Yang Huayue even wondered if he had been bad luck recently, or where the feng shui was bad. Last week, he went to the temple to burn incense and worship the Buddha.

No, as soon as I came back from the temple, I received the audition notice. "I'm going to participate in a movie audition invested by Huaguang Media tomorrow. I hope I can be selected and then transferred."

"What movie? What character? What's the female number?" Jiang Yichao asked a few questions quickly, feeling a bit impatient.

Yang Huayue felt a little resentment in her heart. Jiang Yichao's problem was normal. Understanding her girlfriend's work was also normal, but she was uncomfortable. She thought that maybe she hadn't completely lost her breath. "Zhan Beifeng, you know ?"

"I've heard that it's a big movie."

"There is only one female character in it, and I will audition for this character."

Jiang Yichao accused her, "You don't prepare well for such an important thing, and are you in the mood to invite that influencer to come to play at home?"

Yang Huayue was also angry, opened his hand and faced him, "You are going to fight with me again?"

"No, no," Jiang Yichao quickly coaxed her, "I'm sorry baby, I said something wrong again, I'm just worried about you, afraid you're not well prepared, what should I do if I lose the election?"

Yang Huayue was so hearty, she didn't tell him why Liu Ye came to her house, and she didn't get angry with Jiang Yichao either. Then, the two ate the takeaway food that was already cold, and Jiang Yichao thought that the two of them were already reconciled. .

The next day, Yang Huayue and her agent came to Huaguang Media Capital Branch on time. What she didn't expect was that the hall outside the audition scene was full of people, both men and women. This was the audition for even the soy sauce role. Is it rhythm?

The arrival of Yang Huayue attracted a small amount of attention. She was well-dressed. She had a thin layer of makeup powder on her face, a white chiffon top with a light blue ankle skirt, and a black long straight dyed back. Behind it, she looks very slender. As a second-line actress, her aura is different from these anonymous 18-line actors.

Someone whispered that she was so beautiful.

Others say she's not as bad as it looks in the movie.

A staff member in charge of reception saw Yang Huayue and his party and quickly led them to the audition location on the second floor. "You wait here first."

After entering the room, Yang Huayue saw someone earlier than her, and this person was still her old acquaintance—Feng Qingyu. Feng Qingyu, like her, only painted light makeup, long hair tied high, wearing a white shirt, a pair of model legs with clear curves wrapped in light blue jeans, Feng Qingyu originally took the line of small fresh beauty, she was like this Dress up is more innocent than Yang Huayue, even if she is older than Yang Huayue.

To make matters worse, the two of them were wearing different colors, light blue and white. Both noticed this serious problem at the same time, stared at each other's clothes at the same time, and looked away at the same time. Look at the disgust.

They are no longer in the crew of Wind Sound ~ ~ do not have to pretend to "take care of the overall situation". So much so that Yang Huayue sat down on a chair beside Feng Qingyu, and the two didn't talk to each other, and their eyes were not staggered, as if they didn't know each other.

Yang Huayue's agent urged in her ear,

"Be careful and don't lose your temper anymore."

Yang Huayue said "um", after so many lessons, she will not be so stupid anymore.

More than Yang Huayue, an agent, put the person in place, greeted the audition party, and left.

When I saw Yang Huayue, Feng Qingyu was also uncomfortable. People on the Internet said that she had poor acting skills. No matter what emotions she had, she would just pout her face and her hair.

Doesn't she count it herself?

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