Chapter 389

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Chapter 389: See He Lushen

Tao Zhiwei yawned half and got stuck.

"Why do you have such ridiculous ideas?"

"I saw that you gave a lot of gifts to my friends yesterday, and the names of the gifts were quite ambiguous," Tao Zhiyao recalled. "What's the matter, be my cat."

Tao Zhiwei was helpless. When he went online, he saw Jiang Chengfeng on the live broadcast and did not read the comments carefully. He felt that the beauty was very beautiful. First, he gave a wave of rewards and then said that it was his sister's good friend. Everyone called the "women's ladies" non-stop, only to realize that this man is a man, he felt oolong.

Of course, he couldn't tell Tao Zhiyao of these truths, so he excused, "I saw that everyone gave these gifts, so I ordered them the same. I didn't pay attention to the name at all. The only thing I used to think about was the amount of red envelopes, but one The name of the virtual currency, is it worth your brain? "

Tao Zhiyao sneered, "I'll just ask."

"Okay, don't think about such messy things. It's less than six o'clock on my side. I'll get up to work in a little while."

Before Tao Zhiwei hung up the phone, she heard her sister say, "Thank you for your reward."

He smiled.

He ended the call and returned to the living room. Yu Zhan and Liu Ye stopped talking and looked at Tao Zhiyao.

"Why do you look at me with this look?" Tao Zhiyao was uneasy.

嫚 Liu Ying said embarrassedly, "I just heard your conversation with that girl."

"It's okay, we didn't say anything unsightly," Tao Zhiyao didn't hide from the two. Anyway, her brother and Yu Zhan are friends, she explained briefly and told them that Bai Fumei was cheeky to be her sister-in-law, It was also said that Yu Zhan came at the right time, otherwise she would not know when to be entangled by Ji Qingqing.

When Yu Yuzhan heard of the girl's surname Ji, she knew what background she was in. Tao Zhiwei was young and promising, just married at the age, and it was normal for everyone to stare.

Next, I am afraid that it is not just the Ji family. Anyone who has a daughter who matches his family background must find a door.

The ancient famous door was a family with a family of women, and modern times are reversed in the rich circle. A family with a family of men, there is no way. A man like Tao Zhiwei who is excellent and high-quality is hard to find with a lantern.

"Don't talk about Ji Qingqing, I have an appetite," Tao Zhiyao glanced at Yu Zhan's cat pretending to be sleeping, um, she was delicious and delicious for the little ancestors, but as soon as Yu Zhan came, it forgot itself outside Jiuxiaoyun It ’s really a white-eyed cat!

"Neither you nor I have breakfast. I can't let you two leave my house hungry. Let's go to the restaurant and have a simple breakfast together, although it's late."

Wu Taozhiyao followed the most basic way of hospitality, and Yu Zhan and Liu Ye did not fake her.

The three sat down at the restaurant, and the maid brought refreshments and fruit for breakfast. When Ji Qingqing was just a while ago, Tao Zhiyao didn't even pour a glass of water.

I waited for Li Xiaoru and they got up. Yu Zhan and Liu Ye had left the Tao family. Where did they know they had missed the invisible war between the rich and the wealthy?

Yu Zhan directly took Liu Ye to He Lushen's restaurant. He Lushen looked forward to this meal for a long time. The restaurant was carefully selected and settled in a Cantonese restaurant. He specifically asked Yu Zhan in advance. Preference.

Yu Yuzhan said that Liu Xun was not picky, but he recalled that every time she and Liu Xun ate, her expression seemed to be the most satisfying meal in Song Junzhe's meal.

粤 This Cantonese restaurant is an old-fashioned restaurant. Yu Zhan has been here since he was a kid. The grade is not the highest in the capital, but the taste is the best. Otherwise, it will not be open for decades.

The two entered the restaurant. It was the meal. The first floor was overcrowded. Many people were waiting at the door. The waiter guided them up the stairs. Liu Ye still wore a black mask. The waiter looked at her several times. All the staff on duty in the restaurant today Knowing that the prince of Huaguang Media has reserved the second floor, this is quite a trick. Obviously he was in order to entertain the two. This young man is handsome but unassuming, and he doesn't cover his face. It should be either a star or a big star who doesn't know the beauty wearing a mask.

I noticed that there was no guest on the second floor and there was too much contrast with the first floor. Liu Min took the mask silently. The waiter saw her face, concealed her surprise, and glanced at Yu Zhan quickly before continuing to lead the way.

Seeing Yu Zhan and Liu Ye, he was sitting on a chair calling He Lushen, got up, hung up and greeted him slightly, with a smile, he seemed to have slightly relaxed his momentum. No Liu Ye had seen him for the first time. So aggressive.

"Mrs. Liu, hello," He Lushen extended her hand to her, with a formal business greeting, holding the president's shelf, but did not have the will to privately intervene with Yu Zhan. After all, it was the first time that he had met Liu Yan officially. He I have to pack it.

嫚 Liu Ying dare not neglect He Lushen, even though he looks young, handsome and full of goodwill, he is the owner of Huaguang Media! Lin Zhi and Tian Yafu always asked him for instructions, and her respectful look made her deeply remembered.

She looked up, looked at He Lushen's eyes, put on his hand, shook it,

"Hello, Mr. He."

Then quickly released his hand.

The two of them were like a pair of serious children, and Yu Zhan laughed, and he laughed away the embarrassment between He Lushen and Liu Ye.

He Lushen laughed with him ~ ~ He laughed at himself, "I don't know why I'm so nervous."

Liu Liu said in her heart, she was so nervous ...

Tong Mingming is a man of the same age as Yu Zhan, but she cannot treat him as an ordinary person.

Gen Helu Shen personally opened a chair for Liu Ye, "Miss Liu, please sit down, please."

Yu Yu Zhan couldn't help it, and said,

"Do n’t you call each other Miss Liu and Mr. He? We are all ourselves, not at the business negotiation table."

"Then I can call her 嫚 嫚" He Lu raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Zhan with a strange look.

Liu Liu did not understand why He Lushen asked Yu Zhan instead of directly asking her? Shouldn't it be for her to have such privacy?

Yu Yuzhan didn't get into the deep set, and smiled arrogantly, "You are older than her, call her Xiaoyue," and then he said to Liu Ye, "You are just like me, just call him Ahshen."

Liu Liu suddenly thought of He Lushen's Weibo name: "A Shen", and thanked his gentleman as a net name.

"Thank you, Ah Shen."

This deep screamed He Lushen, who was extraordinarily comfortable, and there was a faint sense of novelty. No woman except the female elder was qualified to call him that, and his past hundreds of girlfriends called him "Lushen" .

Liu Liu didn't know that a simple title was enough to pull in the distance between her and He Lushen.

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