Chapter 402

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Chapter 402: School Reds

Professor Su did a good job of confidentiality. Until he returned to the capital, his daughter-in-law did not know that he was hospitalized in the ancient capital with hypertension. The two were helpless to Professor Su's willfulness. Fortunately, he and Liu Ye were both safe .

Mr. Fang naturally knew what Su Xuezhen and his son had done, and those long-lived pasts came to his mind again. After his qualifications were replaced by Su Xuezhen, there was a period of time when he was particularly sluggish. He questioned his cognition. He usually treats Su Xuezhen like his brothers. Anything good is always a priority. He let him, he couldn't figure out why the teacher and trustee he had done so deceitful and ungrateful.

After Su Xuezhen overwhelmed him, he could not bring up the enthusiasm for calligraphy anymore. Now he has a high weight and rarely writes calligraphy. He was relieved that his works were replaced by Su Xuezhen. For thirty years, he didn't even remember the appearance of Su Xuezhen, and his past was like smoke. As for Su Xuezhen's last involvement with his unwieldy son, to this point, he also felt sighed, but didn't feel much revenge, because he didn't care about Su Xuezhen.

Liu Ye saw the faint expression on the face of President Fang when referring to Su Xuezhen, and remembered that Su Xuezhen saw Su Yi's guilty hostility. It turned out that only Su Xuezhen had really let go. For thirty years, he The subconscious is always condemned and tormented by conscience.

嫚 Liu Ye asked principal Fang with curiosity, "Are your works replaced by Su Xuezhen still there?"

President Fang laughed, "I have never seen it after I handed it over to Su Xuezhen. I'm afraid it was thrown into a trash can or smelly ditch by Su Xuezhen."

Liu Ying is sorry, "Do you remember what you wrote?"

When she asked at first, the principal Fang really couldn't remember, he thought for a moment, "It seems that I wrote a" Chibi Fu "in Kai."

"Oh, don't mention it anymore, eat fast, the food will be cold!" Su Juan Zhang Luo everyone moved chopsticks.

Fang Huaiyuan took two bites and suddenly remembered one thing. He said to his father-in-law, "The calligraphy exhibition mobilized the students' enthusiasm for calligraphy. Now the school attaches more importance to calligraphy teaching. Today we also held a short meeting and planned Add more public elective courses. "

Wu Sujuan disagreed, "Did you already have a public elective course? Why should you increase it? My dad is old, has limited energy, and is not very well. Do you want to exhaust him?"

Fang Huaiyuan was afraid that his wife would be angry, and quickly said, "Dad doesn't need to attend the class in person, and the doctoral student will substitute for the class."

"Huaiyuan's meaning should be to classify the courses into categories, such as Japanese, French, and German in elective courses in small languages. Calligraphy courses can also have regular script, official script, cursive script ..." Su Yi said.

"Yes," Fang Huaiyuan nodded, "this will allow students to make targeted and selective learning."

哈 "Haha, when Liu Ye comes back after the filming, let her take the lessons of Yan Shu," Su Yi laughed. "She is more than enough to teach undergraduates!"

Su Suyi likes to praise her when everyone is in love, Liu Yanran, immersed himself in eating.

Four people continue to eat and talk,

I have never met Su Juan in the entertainment industry and asked Liu Ye some questions about filming. Like Zhang Pei, she likes Wang Xiangqin a lot, so Wang Xiangqin signs the task +2.

President Fang Fang and Professor Su still have work in the afternoon. After lunch, the two have a lunch break. Liu Ye left the professor's house. She walked towards the dormitory. She made an appointment with Liang Shengnan and went to her dormitory to get the professional sophomore repair information.

At the weekend, Liang Shengnan had packed her sophomore books and notes in advance.

Tong Liang Shengnan also has three roommates. He has heard that Liu Xun will come at noon. They don't even sleep at noon, so they wait for Liu Xun to come.

The four of them stood on the balcony and walked all the way to Liu Ye, eager to open the door. When Liu Ye came in, they saw her roommate's three pairs of eager eyes. Liang Shengnan briefly introduced them. Her roommates were from the classical literature and archeology majors, and all four girls wore glasses.

They chatted with Liu Ye for a while, and to her surprise, Liu Ye was less interested in her than Jiang Chengfeng.

After two live broadcasts over the weekend, the live video of Jiang Chengfeng's ladies' gangsters has been popular throughout the otaku circle in the country, and the two-dimensional circle, especially his famous scene of "Momada", has been made into a video, with a high number of views. 600w +, even more than Liu Ye's video playback on Douyin.

怎么 How could students at Capital University not know him?

可爱 His cute Lolita pose shocked all the classmates who knew him, and made the classmates who didn't know him feel good about him.

In the past, Jiang Chengfeng was an invisible person in the college. He had a lonely and dead house. In addition to class, he stayed in the bedroom to play games and watch live broadcasts. Except for his three roommates, he basically did not associate with other people. Many of their graders remember He doesn't look like ~ ~ He is a skeptic in everyone's eyes.

Even if he later helped He Qisi, Sun Weiwei, and Ye Ziliang make videos, the people in their college still had a bad impression on him.

This is thanks to his classmate Fang Hao from different classes in the same grade. On the day of Liu Ye ’s re-enactment concert, Fang Hao and Jiang Chengfeng had a fierce quarrel over the topic of “character” and Liu Ye ’s gossip. Fang Hao also withdrew from the "Happy Pot Pot" because of this, but Jiang Chengfeng added the "Happy Pot Pot", which made Fang Hao very dissatisfied. He believed that Jiang Chengfeng was playing the trick, and deliberately forced him to quit. He took advantage of it and replaced him.

So from then on, Fang Hao talked about it from time to time among his fellow students in the same department of computer science. Fang Hao himself was a cadre of the student union of the department. Even though there are many boys, and boys love to talk about morale, everyone feels that Jiang Chengfeng is not authentic and does not fight justice, so he is more isolated.

The boy's grievance The boy carried it on his own, Jiang Chengfeng would not talk about this kind of things in front of the girls such as Li Xiaoru and Liu Ye. Besides, like Li Xiaoru, his brain was lacking in nerves, and it didn't matter what the interpersonal relationship was. Anyway, he The roommate and him are good buddies.

As a result, he suddenly appeared in front of all the boys in the Academy as a woman, surprised and surprised them. Most of their mothers and babies are singles so far, and they are the steel straight men most disliked by girls. Many of these boys find the women's version of Jiang Chengfeng very cute! No way, I've been single for too long, and I've been so pretty with a pig. . They all regret that they did not take the initiative to make friends with Jiang Chengfeng.

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