Chapter 400

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Chapter 400: Charity role

In the end it was Fu Feiqian's turn.

Fu Feiqian calmly stepped forward. She didn't allow herself a bit of brewing time and entered the drama for a second. Instead of crying directly like Yang Huayue, she looked forward imploringly, as if looking at the character's biological father, and then she knelt down. Say the same lines again, in a tone that contains resentment.

Fu Feiqian has already learned the lesson, right and wrong, she can't understand clearly. Instead of holding a press conference and being embarrassed by various media, it is better not to respond to the entire incident from the beginning. Find another movie to perform well and use her own. His achievements to seal the spout's mouth, also proved to Liu Ye to see, who is the better acting.

It is true that He Lushen has promised to give her this role, but that was in exchange for threats. She and He Lushen had completely torn her face. She was not sure whether He Lushen flickered her.

In order to make sure that she is safe, she has stayed at home for a few days. She hasn't walked out the door, and hasn't watched the words scolding her online. She only reads the script seriously. Besides, she doesn't have any work anyway.

The well-prepared Fu Feiqian performed really well, but Yan Tong thought that she was a bit too hard, Princess Xingping was not loved by her father, the decrees had been passed, and the destiny of her and her relatives could not be changed at all, she did not need to kneel down Her father, because her father could not change the emperor's decision, he should kneel as well as the emperor. She said these words in front of her father just to vent her anger.

These thoughts Yan Tong will only go through it in his head once, anyway, the heroine has been set, he has no right to speak. So he announced the audition results on the spot. Fu Feiqian was selected to play Princess Xingping and Feng Qingyu to play Xiao Xi of the Huns Shanyu.

结果 This result is not everyone's expectation, but also unexpected.

Chang's is a dragon character with only a few shots. Of course, as far as the poor female shots in the whole film are concerned, Chang's can be barely identified as the female second.

Feng Qingyu never expected that she remembered the script for half a year, and finally she only got a dragon character from it.

Her whole body is not good. This is shameful than letting her lose the election directly. Since Yan Tong ca n’t do it, do n’t promise them at the beginning. She feels that Yan Tong is flickering with her and the master. Make them play!

Feng Qingyu was too angry for a moment, but he had no brains and asked Yan Tong, "Don't you say yes, give me the heroine?"

The atmosphere at the scene became very weird because of her words. She wasn't stupid about this audition.

Bian Yantong is also a director anyway, how can she let Feng Qingyu point her face to question, and also put the secret transaction on the table, her face is too big!

"Yu always may have heard it wrong. I said that what can be guaranteed is the female character, and it does not necessarily refer to the heroine. Our audition today is fair and fair," Yan Tong said coldly. "You act as Princess Xingping. Not as good as Fu Feiqian, we naturally chose Fu Feiqian to give you the role of Fu Shi, also in the overall face, if you do not want to act, tell me now, I will find another person. "

青 Feng Qingyu is also ambitious, and she was also discarded in person to perform poorly, she was very angry, "I will not act!"

Yan Yantong sneered, "You gave up this opportunity, no wonder I!" He turned to Yang Huayue, "Yang Huayue, you come to play as the Clan!"

Yang Huayue felt embarrassed. What Feng Qingyu didn't want, was thrown to herself by Yan Tong in a tone of calling the flower child, did she look like a raged person?

But she can't help but she urgently needs a good script to turn over. She can't play the villain anymore. More importantly, she needs income.

"Okay," Yang Huayue promised, really bearing the burden. She saw the scorn of Feng Qingyu's face, the look of Fu Feiqian raising her eyebrows, and the unexpected look of Chu Taro. Maybe they thought that people who were a little bit boned would not take on this role at this time.

Yang Huayue clenched her fist, she did not understand how she got here.

Her cooperation made Yan Tong look better. He told Fu Feiqian and Yang Huayue about the signing time, and let their respective agents come directly. After he said that, he and the associate director left the room without turning back.

Fu Fuqian, accompanied by three assistants, walked away arrogantly. Before leaving, she glanced at Yang Huayue with Yu Guang, like a poor worm.

"Are you going to fall from the second line to the third line?" Feng Qingyu looked down at Yang Huayue a little, sarcastically, "This kind of dragon-fashioned role, the first floor and the group of people who audition despise."

"Go and ask the people who are standing in line on the first floor, I'm afraid they have to break their heads," Chu Tan, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "This role is for me, and I am willing."

Yang Huayue had a little surprise that the taro would speak for her, and they had no intersection before.

"You have this grade," Feng Qingyu chuckled.

"Your grade is high. Doesn't the director just let you play this role?" Chu Taro stunned, "Don't embarrass us here, but go and compete with Fu Feiqian ~ ~ Look at you 'Yu Always' useful, or people's' General He 'useful! "

青 Feng Qingyu's face flushed with anger. She didn't feel it when she said this sentence just now, but now she found out that she gave away the laughing stock to others to laugh at. Today's battle with Fu Feiqian is definitely the biggest shame she has suffered since she was an artist. It is ridiculous that Fu Feiqian has never looked at her from the beginning to the end.

Compared with Fu Feiqian, Yang Huayue and Chu Tan are not even onions. Feng Qingyu no longer competed with the two and left here in a hurry.

Only Yang Huayue and Chu taro remained in the room. Yang Huayue smiled gratefully at Chu taro. Chu taro said, "Don't thank me, I can't get used to Feng Qingyu, but people are better than our resources. Oh, this world is not quite Fair, right. "

"Since you know that this audition is playing us, why didn't you go with other people just now?" Yang Huayue asked inexplicably.

"I'm not busy, I don't have to do anything when I go back, I can stay here to see the excitement," there is an indescribable loneliness in Chu Tan's tone.

The golden age of an actress is as short as a few years. Her 29-year-old "elderly age" in the entertainment circle belongs to the "yesterday's yellow flower", which was dismissed by others. Even if her The looks are still beautiful, showing tenderness but not seeing old age.

Yang Huayue was stunned. The entertainment circle is a big gossip circle. She has also heard a few gossips of Chu taro before. Chu taro is a classmate who is a regular child and her alumni. She is six years older than her and debuted very early. However, she has been unable to ignite. The ultimate reason is that she is unwilling to compromise with the rules of reality.

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