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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 450: His way
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Ms. Miao said, "I'm a treasure, and they were thrown away as garbage ..." Her tone was mixed with grief and sadness.

Everyone else was angry when she heard her story.

"What kind of people are you? Have something to say, this kind of action in the back is very low," Jiang Chengfeng said.

Tao Zhiyao said, "Don't say that you just throw my things at random. If someone enters my room without my permission, I will be thunderous!"

"I also hate people touching my things," Sun Weiwei asked Xiao Miao, "Did you call the police?"

"It's reported, it's useless," said Miao Miao. "I came to the police station of the two police stations and took me into the house to take a look. Everything was really gone. The room was empty and clean, even a bunch of confetti. None of them. I usually do n't see them both so diligent in cleaning. The police asked me what I lost. I said that some clothes, shoes and small sundries were junk. The police said at the hearing that the loss was not great. They couldn't manage this. Let me negotiate with two colleagues myself. They can help with the mediation. Otherwise, they can only go to court to sue them for compensation. "

Ordinary people ca n't afford the lawsuit. When the verdict comes out, daylily is cold, and they may not be enforced yet.

Tao Zhiyao said, "You should say that you have lost a lot of valuables!"

"The police are not stupid. Whether ordinary people lie, they can tell at a glance that lying can't solve the real problem," Sun Weiwei said very principled.

Liu Ye frowned. "You had such a big thing that day, why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't want to trouble you any more," cried Miao Miao.

Before she was slapped by Fu Feiqian, she immediately ran to Liu Ye to sue, and later Liu Ye and Fu Feiqian confronted each other, which almost caused a disaster. She deeply remembered this lesson. Liu Ye was not her mother and had no obligation to take care of all her troubles.

Liu Ye asked her, "Where have you lived these days?" She has experience in renting a house, knowing that finding a house to rent is impossible.

"I found a short-term rental hotel, which can be settled daily." Miao Miao has been depressed for a few days. She feels that she should not infect negative energy with others, so that everyone's original happy and harmonious atmosphere is biased. "Let me say another good news. Sister Tong helped me to contact the temporary makeup artist of the Capital Theater. I started to work there the day before yesterday. The hotel is also near the theater."

Li Xiaoru wondered, "You mean Li Sitong?"

"Uh-huh," Miao Miao nodded.

"I didn't expect her to be so good!"

Seeing that the topic was successfully transferred, Mao Yuchen was indignant at this moment. "Is it the case of throwing things?" She turned the topic back.

Yu Zhan and Ye Ziliang have never participated in the discussion of this matter. They are older and more mature than others, and they really think that this matter can only be left to rest. Miao's ex-colleagues are typical rogues and have very low levels. They ca n't make sense with this kind of people, they do n't make sense, and the three views are no longer online. Anyway, they have no money and no name, they are mixed with society, and nothing Don't care, the enthusiastic teachers went to them to find the theory, and at most they exchanged one sentence, one for money.

Instead, you can complain a few words online, to win the sympathy of netizens and fans, and by the way expand the influence of things, let their boss fire them, even drive out of the capital's bottom makeup circle. However, who at the bottom remembers who their last name is? After a while, they can still come back to find a similar job and continue to mix the bottom. Lost things can never be found.

However, this breath can not be expressed, and it is really uncomfortable. It is no wonder that Xiao Miao's face is so bad. This feeling of being choked in the throat and unable to pull it out is too uncomfortable.

Seeing everyone silent, Mao Yuchen said, "Can't we use evil to curb evil? They threw the little girl's things, and we threw their things too!"

This sounds like a sloppy idea. I did n't expect to like Sun Weiwei, a citizen of the legal system. "You can give it a try. The little girl paid the rent in October, but did n't ask for a refund. , In theory, she has the right to freely move in and out of the house she rents. "

Jiang Chengfeng also felt that it was feasible. "We found a locksmith and pried the door! While they were away, we threw everything out and let them call the police, waiting for the police to come and mediate."

This idea was analyzed by two people, and it sounded like a good idea.

Ye Ziliang was speechless. "You have so many fans. How can you be considered as a" public figure "now?

"No, no one of you has to show up, I'll do it!" Mao Yuchen took the initiative to ask again, "I have a lot of energy, and moving things is the best, my little girl can lead the way."

Miao Xiaomei stunned ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ She and Mao Yuchen met for the first time today. They are not familiar at all. Why should Mao Yuchen take the risk to help her?

Xiao Miao asked the doubts in her heart.

"I 'm like you. I have n't received any education. I came out early to work. I know how hard it is for a girl to work alone in the capital and stand on the ground. I 've been bullied, excluded, and experienced this uncomfortable taste. At that time, I was thinking that someone could help me, even if I could help it. Unfortunately, most people are indifferent. I can only rely on myself. Now that I know you, I can be regarded as friends. You have trouble. I certainly can't sit idly by. "

When Mao Yuchen spoke, her expression was as simple as ever, but her eyes were firm and her attitude was very clear. She must avenge Miao Miao! Looking at her, Ms. Miao and others suddenly understood why Liu Ye would pull her into their team.

Neither Liu Ye nor Yu Zhan could say anything. They knew that it was wrong to do so, but to persuade the younger Miao to take care of themselves, it would be too painful to stand up and talk. Liu Yan had to avoid the heavy and said lightly, "I'll take the time to help you see what suitable houses can be rented."


Half a month later, "Meng Chong Hospital" 3 has been filmed and produced. After so long, Ms. Miao's ex-colleagues also relaxed their vigilance, thinking that Ms. Miao must think she was out of luck.

Miao Xiaomei killed a return carbine so quietly. She found a master unlocker. The master unlocker saw Miao Xiaomei and Mao Yuchen's faces honestly, without much thought, and opened the door easily.

Ms. Miao's two colleagues came back from work and found that the door was replaced with a new lock. They couldn't open the door. They knew that Ms. Miao must have done it.

Anxiously, the master unlocked the door and pried the door open.

As soon as the door opened, they were both dumbfounded.

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