Chapter 393

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Chapter 393: Help her

Yang Huayue stayed up late last night and watched the script for "The Battle of the North Wind." The whole story was very exciting and the scene was very magnificent. It really attracted her. Especially in the last episode of Princess Xingping's forced marriage, Liu Bang and Fan Ye, heroes of ancient times, could n’t help the King of the Huns. In the end, she could only exchange a woman for a short period of peace. The kind of sadness she could never forget.

She wants to play this princess Xingping!

The implication of Tong Yantong is that there are many competitors in this role. How can other actresses let such a good script go? Yang Huayue has no advantage in historical films. She used to rarely make costume plays before. She only made a Qing Dynasty drama and a fantasy drama at the time of her debut. Her experience was severely inadequate. Her historical background and etiquette to the Han Dynasty Culture is still unknown, with only one day of preparation time left, what does she compete with other actresses?

So she thought of Liu Yan,

She also watched the clips of the fight between Liu Ye and Fu Feiqian. Liu Ye ’s wonderful acting skills and standard decent manners also made her amazing. She felt that Liu Ye ’s acting skills in “Autumn Moon in the Han Palace” were compared with those in “The Wind” Ji Ning, made a lot of progress.

However, she turned to think that Liu Ye is a calligrapher and also a guqin. Her hobbies are all antique and her knowledge is so profound that it is just right to interpret these ancient women.

That ’s why she had this phone call with Liu Ye at the moment. Yang Huayue also knew that she was in trouble with Liu Ye. She was embarrassed to say, “Can I only use you for two hours, I did n’t take it in the second half of the year. What a good script, I really really want to get this character, "she said, her tone has been a bit pleading.

Speaking of this point, why did Liu Ye reject her? She also found out that in the past six months, Yang Huayue didn't seem to have made any interesting new dramas. Her popularity has fallen very badly. From her Weibo message point The number of likes can tell that the news that has been a little bit more hot recently is the Weibo on the day of Qixi, which is suspected of open love.

Yang Huayue directly and indirectly helped Liu Ye to do something. Before she became popular, Yang Huayue never looked down on her because of her status as an internet celebrity.

Liu Ying felt that she should help her, "Okay, where shall we meet?"

华 Yang Huayue asked, "Where are you? I'll drive over to pick you up now!"

"No, no, I'll go to your side."

I hung up the phone and Yang Huayue immediately sent her the location of her home.

Yang Huayue's house, not far from Yu Zhan's house, only two or three kilometers, Yu Zhan drove her over. He had no impression of Yang Huayue. When he mentioned the name, he thought of the vicious Ji An in the movie ...

However, he has noticed that Yang Huayue often interacts with Liu Ye on Weibo. Liu Ye does not have many friends in the orthodox entertainment circle, and Yang Huayue is even one.

华 Yang Huayue's residence is also a high-end apartment complex, and idlers are free. In the car, Liu Ye saw Yang Huayue standing at the entrance of the district, waiting and waiting.

After Liu Ye left the crew of "The Wind", she never saw Yang Huayue again. Compared with that time, her appearance still changed a bit. Her hair that had been dyed before was back, her curls were straightened, and her beautiful face was more Youth is pure.

Yu Yuzhan parked the car directly in front of Yang Huayue. He got off with Liu Ye and saw Liu Ye. Yang Huayue's face couldn't help but smile. Thanks for the first sentence.

"Xiao, thank you!"

Liu Liu smiled, "It doesn't matter, it's just a hand for me."

Yang Huayue looked at the man next to her and politely greeted him,

"Hello, Doctor Yu."

Yu Yu Zhan bowed his head politely, "Hello."

Then he said to Liu Ye,

"Send me a message before leaving, I'll pick you up."

嫚 Liu Liu nodded, he touched her head, and he got in the car and left. The intimacy between the two people came to an end, and his movements and eyes were natural.

Looking at Yu Zhan's car, Liu Ye turned to see Yang Huayue's envious look. She said, "The mode of getting along with your boyfriend is the type I most yearn for."

Liu Ying thought Yang Huayue's tone was a bit strange. She thought of the gossip about Yang Huayue and Jiang Yichao on the Internet, and her Weibo equivalent to the official announcement. She asked tentatively,

"You shouldn't be single now?"

Yang Huayue only said "um", Liu Ye saw that she was reluctant to talk more, so it was difficult for him to follow up. The neighborhood where Yang Huayue lives is slightly worse than the Xi Palace where Zhan lives, but it can also be regarded as a luxury residential area.

From security, greenery to the decoration of the apartment, it is one of the best in the capital, and it is in a good location, the price is very expensive, Yang Huayue's home is also on the top floor, the house is quite spacious, not as big as Yu Zhan ’s family, but a girl is enough to live, There are too many things, there are clothes on the sofa, and the coffee table and table are full of cups and fruit trays, which seem quite messy.

Seeing Liu Yan's gaze on these sundries, Yang Huayue was a bit ashamed, and she quickly started to pack up, "I like shopping, I buy a bunch, I'm not good at home placement, I'm busy at work, I'm not usually at home, so I'm everywhere Chaos ~ ~ makes you laugh. "

Liu Liu loves to be neat and tidy, but she can't stand this messy environment, but she told Yang Huayue to stop working and said, "How comfortable is your own home."

Actually, Yang Huayue had already done the preliminary arrangement before Liu Ye came, but it was too messy, and it was unsure in a short time, and she had to rush downstairs to pick up people.

Liu Liu noticed that there were men's shirts on the sofa's clothes, and wine glasses on the coffee table, which were also a pair. There was a second person's breath in the whole house.

Yang Huayue didn't stop the movements in his hands and moved the cups and saucers to the kitchen. Liu Xie was embarrassed to stand when he saw the situation and helped her to hold hands. The two chatted.

Yang Huayue also knew that Liu Ye had an auction in two days. She did not understand calligraphy or auction. She was curious and asked some related questions, and then the topic gradually talked about housing prices and buying a house.

She likes Yang Huayue's apartment size and size, and she wants to save money to buy one in the future. Yang Huayue told her that this apartment was bought when she was a junior, and the down payment would be 3 million. At that time, she had already saved 500,000 in filming, plus all the savings of her parents. I bought a house with a loan.

华 A house with a price of nearly 9 million was worth 16 million, and Yang Huayue made a big profit.

"Actually, I didn't have the concept of buying a house at that time. My dad said that if I decided to develop in the capital, I must have a house. Uncle Gao (Gao Jindong) also advised us to buy a house earlier. He also borrowed 500,000 from us at that time." Speaking of Gao Near East, Yang Huayue was grateful and bitter again.

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