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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 449: Throw it all
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 449: Throw it all
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One thousand or more stray animals can't be settled by one person or a few people properly. Grandma Zhan also said that even the official animal protection associations are unwilling to increase their own burden.

And Grandma Zhan has reached the limit alone. If she is allowed to continue to increase the number of small animals, not to mention that her economic situation will become worse, Liu Ye is worried that she may be sick!

Liu Ye and Yu Zhan couldn't sit still. Liu Ye only helped Grandma Zhan to the best of her ability, but her ultimate goal was to make money. She needed to double her cat food sales by February next year. She admitted that she did n't Grandma Zhan has such a noble character.

And Yu Zhan does have the intention of doing charity. In addition, he also wants to use documentaries to promote his new store and blacklist, which has aroused his long-awaited enthusiasm. He wants to destroy the so-called veterinary association.

In addition to clarifying the theme of the documentary, the meeting also redefined the division of labor. Ye Ziliang plans to shoot with a realistic and photographic method. Grandma Zhan is already old and does not need to bring makeup to the camera. During the shooting, there is no work task.

Ye Ziliang mentioned Ms. Miao and everyone found out that she has been quiet today without saying a word.

Sun Weiwei thought that Ms. Miao was uncomfortable because she could not participate, and she said to Ms. Miao, "In the future, you still have work to do when you live and shoot videos."

In the end, Miao Miao didn't seem to hear what she said, and she looked restless.

Tao Zhiyao frowned. "Little girl, little girl, little girl," at the last cry, she reached out and patted her shoulder gently.

Xiao Miao came back to her heart and found that everyone was looking at herself.

"Did you happen?" Liu Yan asked her anxiously.

"It's nothing," Xiao Miao shook her head immediately. "Sorry, I'm in a daze."

Everyone did not believe that Ms. Miao was absolutely in trouble. At the meeting, their attention was on the newly arrived Mao Yuchen. Now Cai sees Ms. Miao's face is not very good, some pale and a little hesitant.

The make-up work of the crew has been busy from morning till night, and Liu Ye has not seen Miao Miao. She said very seriously, "Tell us something if you don't carry it. We are all your friends."

When she heard the word "friend", Miao Miao's heart was sore and her eyes were red.

Li Xiaoru was an acute child, rushed over and asked her, "What the **** is wrong with you? Come on."

"It has something to do with my resignation ..." Miao Xiaomei intermittently confided things.

Time returned to the day when Miao Miao returned to the capital. Yu Zhan sent her outside her rented area. Miao Miao got out of the car and walked to the door of her house, but couldn't open the door of the house. She took a closer look and found that the lock was changed. As mentioned earlier, she shared a rental with two studio colleagues, she resigned, but did not cancel the lease.

The opportunity for the makeup artist of the crew was too rare. Miao Miao hurriedly resigned and hurried to the ancient capital. She only brought her own baby makeup case and a backpack. The backpack contained a few items for changing clothes. In addition, everything she left was rented out. The room. Not only that, when she was in the crew, she transferred the rent in September and October to her Alipay colleague, and the colleague also gave her a "receive".

As a result, two colleagues did not notify her, and changed the locks directly. The intention was obvious. They intentionally turned her away.

Ms. Miao knocked on the door hard, and no one answered. At that time, her colleagues were at work. She was outside the door, waiting from six o'clock in the evening to ten o'clock in the evening, and finally waiting for her colleague who came back from work.

As soon as she saw her, the colleague taunted, "Aren't you a make-up artist for the crew? Why come back to our broken place?"

At first, in order to testify against Fu Feiqian, Miao Xiaomei was photographed in person, and pictures of her injuries without mosaic were posted on the Internet. Her former boss and former colleague, to be precise, everyone who knew her had recognized her.

Xiao Miao's resignation must be another job, but everyone never expected that she actually went to the "Han Gong Qiu Yue" crew to become a makeup artist!

The dream of these studio makeup artists is to work on the Internet TV series or the third-rate film crew, or to open a makeup studio by themselves, which is enough glory, and the film directed by Lin Zhida is something they dare not think about. Imperative work.

They feel incredible,

Is Miao Miao ascending like this?

What is she doing?

The grievances they had accumulated before are going to skyrocket!

She wasn't lucky, she met a rich man, Qian Jin, and she introduced her to a celebrity. The celebrity ran away to act as a movie. I don't know how much Miao Miao took in front of these girls, so much that they took her everywhere!

There is no harm if there is no comparison. They and Miao Xiaomei were originally on the same starting point, had similar backgrounds, and had the same job status. Miao Xiaomei was so mute and soaring in the sky. It is impossible for them not to envy, envy and hate Miao Xiaomei ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~.

Xiao Miao is not here. How can this breath be vented? They naturally follow Xiao Miao's stuff, do such a decent job in such a good crew, and occupy the room here?

No way!

"What do you mean?" Xiao Miao questioned two female colleagues.

Female colleague A slanted her, "That's what it means."

Female colleague B said frankly, "You have resigned, it has nothing to do with us, and we don't want to share with you anymore."

"I paid my rent until October, and I have the right to stay until October,"

"We refund the rent to you ..." Colleague A hadn't finished talking, and Colleague A pestered her with his elbow. The look seemed to be saying "get back the fart".

Ms. Miao has been working for nearly two months and has traveled long distances. She is too tired to do so, and she doesn't want to care about these two people anymore. "You open the door and I take my things out."

The two female colleagues did not move slowly, and Miao Miao had an ominous hunch in her heart, "Did you throw my things?"

Colleague A said impatiently, "What toss, it's so unpleasant to speak, you climbed up the high branches and flew Huang Tengda, and we don't know if you will not come back. Your tattered ones, occupying that pit and not shit, we will move it out and put The door is left, and I do n't know when it suddenly disappeared. It is estimated that the garbage collector took it away. You can't blame us. "

Miao Miao is so angry that she can't speak, yes, her things are worthless, but that's all the things she has come to the capital to work for six years, there are dresses made by her own cloth, and she is on Taobao Grab a limited edition glass ...

She is a nostalgic person and has a deep affection for everything, or in other words, she was so scared when she was a child that she was reluctant to throw anything.

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