Chapter 313

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Chapter 313: On-site questions

The venue was quiet and no one spoke again.

Ouyang Cen and two middle-aged men with a strong aura walked directly in front of them. Ouyang Cen was still wearing a gray robe, while the other two were dressed in formal clothes, shirts and trousers, which is the official dress code of officials.

One of them is the mayor of an ancient city, while the other is a very big one. It is the upper deputy minister of culture and his surname is Guo.

Seeing this person, Yu Zhan's eyes were a little surprised,

At the moment, Yu Zhan was standing with a group of middle-aged and literati writers. He said that he had no sense of existence. He was the youngest and most beautiful. He said that he had a sense of existence. In this artistic environment, only he was not in the circle. People.

The mayor of the ancient city first gave a speech, according to the manuscripts written in advance, or those official rhetoric, "implement XXX", "persist XXX", "honor and thank the National Calligraphy Association for choosing the ancient capital as the venue" Ten minutes.

Everyone finally listened patiently,

Next it was Vice Minister Guo's turn to speak. He didn't have a manuscript and gave an impromptu speech on the spot. He first introduced the current cultural work orientation of the country. One is to persist in innovation and the other is to promote traditional culture.

Then he said, "I have roughly observed the candidates at the scene. There are only a handful of young faces. Is it difficult for the younger generation to write calligraphy? I think it is not, but they can't calm down to learn. Today There are endless new things in society for people to entertain, so that young people have completely lost interest in the things left by their ancestors. Even very small children are holding mobile phones to play. In this social environment, when they grow up, Still know calligraphy, Chinese medicine, embroidery, folk music, and opera?

Although I do n’t want to admit it, our traditional culture is declining and even broken. I hope that the successful holding of this calligraphy exhibition will make more people realize that traditional culture is the collective wisdom of countless people from ancient times to the present. Crystals are the most precious inheritance left to us by our ancestors. They are treasures and national culture! We have an obligation to inherit them and carry them forward. "

The speech of Vice Minister Guo made the young audience in front of the TV set ashamed because the younger generation he referred to was them.

That's right, if it wasn't for the Hanfu goddess, they wouldn't know this calligraphy exhibition, even if they were watching the live broadcast now, it would be mostly lively, and few people really understood calligraphy. Even if some people learned calligraphy as a child, they didn't stick to it and gave up.

Vice Minister Guo's speech was thought-provoking, and warm applause was given to him at the scene, and Yu Zhan also applauded.

The last speaker was Ouyang Cen, "I would like to extend a few words about the cultural fault problem mentioned by Minister Guo just now. I was one of the judges at the calligraphy exhibition 30 years ago. At that time, more than half of the exhibitors were two. Young people between the ages of ten and thirty, most of them are now famous calligraphers, the backbone of our country's book world, but this year, only 2 people left in this age group , I am afraid that in another 30 years, our generation will be gone, and the backbone generation will be old. Does the next generation still have heirs?

The first time we tried to broadcast live in cooperation with the media, I wanted to make everyone understand that calligraphy is not as advanced as you think. It is actually a daily art. Everyone can get started. It does take talent to become a calligrapher, but to treat calligraphy as a It is easy to love temperament, but I hope more people will like calligraphy and try to write calligraphy. "

The camera gave Ouyang Cen a close-up, a gray-haired old man with a pitying look. He was really worried about calligraphy and no one succeeded.

Even those netizens who watched the mobile phone broadcast in the live broadcast room stopped whispering and did not comment anymore. They quietly listened to the instructions of the old man.

Ouyang Cen announced the evaluation officially started.

Judge Chen Jianqiu first announced the rules of the competition: the mobile phone must be turned off, and the creation time is 90 minutes. According to the types of works of the reviewers, they prepared a page of rice paper or a rough stone or a wooden plaque for each reviewer. Everyone has only one chance to create. If something goes wrong, he can't repent.

Ten judges began to discuss the questions on the spot. Each person thought about a question first, wrote it down, and the last ten voted to select the most suitable question.

An engraving judge from the capital announced the final title: "Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, was the founding emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, that was, when the emperor was founded, Luoyang was first established, and he moved to Changan shortly afterwards. This prosperous dynasty kicked off. Now that we are all at 'Chang'an at this moment, we should recall this period of history and feel more profound, so please use your best method to describe the' han 'in your impression. wind'."

After speaking, the field was still quiet, everyone was thinking about the words of the judges and carefully examining the questions.

The calligraphers on the sidelines are also thinking about this topic. Su Yi thinks that the topic is not difficult, but it also means that everyone can create a work with their own ideas, and they can stand out unless they have a clear and distinctive point of view.

Yu Zhan did n’t have any special feelings about the Han Dynasty before. Han and Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties are nothing more than the country ’s title at a certain time, but now when he hears “Han Feng”, he subconsciously thinks of the little girl in the dream, and The magnificent Weiyang Palace, and the various figures who shuttle in the palace.

Liu Ye is also thinking about Weiyang Palace.

The so-called "Chinese style" is just a small world at the off-angle of Weiyang Palace. The great achievements of the great emperors and ancient times are also far away from her. She has never seen the bustling scene of Han Dynasty ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ All her knowledge about the outside world comes from Madam Xu's books and the stories of Lenggong women.

Liu Ye was in a dilemma. She didn't know what she could write. Writing something that everyone knew, didn't it flow into the cliche, there was no possibility of winning.

A few quick-thinking participants have already begun to write or knife.

Zhou Buyi is also thinking hard. The reason he struggles is because he can write too many things. As an ancient capitalist, when he was six years old, he was able to dictate the history of the Han Dynasty according to the year and the event, and wrote a "Han Feng" It was simple for him.

Wu Qu started writing with confidence. During the retreat, he pondered many questions, among which there were questions similar to the "Han Feng". He was considered to be in the middle. He had prepared in advance, and it was naturally smooth to write.

The television photographer saw that Wu Qu's writing gesture was fast and beautiful, so he took the camera and walked in front of him, trying to give him a close-up.

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