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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 482: Praised
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Sun Weiwei and Tao Zhiyao were taken aback, and saw the man pointing at the only girl in the Chinese costume who said, "I know her. Her name is Liu Ye, and we worked together."

Hearing the word "cooperation", Tao Zhiyao stared at the man, and finally found that his eyebrows were similar to Ye Liang, "Director Ye An?"

Sun Weiwei was reminded by Tao Zhiyao and recognized him.

"Yes, I'm Ye Zi'an," Ye Zi'an said to them, "I'm sorry to involve them."

Tao Zhiyao calmly said, "Since it's" involved, "then who knows who did it?"

Ye Zi'an was silent for a moment. "It's hard to say."

He knew that the fire was aimed at him. His too straightforward character offended many people in the entertainment industry, and he was not sure who wanted to kill him, but he could be sure that without this group of college students, the fire would spread and cause serious consequences. , And then burned these key evidences of cigarette butts, he could not eat and go.

Ye Zi'an solemnly thanked Sun and Tao, "Thank you!" He did not like to talk about the false and rhetorical words. The sincerity and gratitude in his eyes were enough to represent his position.

Tao Zhiyao and Sun Weiwei looked at him, and the anger in their hearts gradually disappeared. They knew that Ye Zi'an was the real victim.

Tao Zhiyao said, "It is Ye Ziliang's brother. We should help, although we did not know the crew next to us when we were fighting the fire."

"Do you know Ziliang?" Ye Zi'an said and paused here. "Is the" Meng Chong Hospital "involved in filming?"

Sun and Tao nodded at the same time.

The police and the leaders saw them talking cordially, and their expressions were no longer so serious.

The leader who had previously held the shelf also thanked the two girls. He is indeed one of the directors of this film and television base. He explained, "If it is not for the timely rescue of fire, in the worst case, our small film and television base may It 's going to be a piece of ashes. The human factor in this fire was too big. We and the police did not sleep all night and investigated overnight. So we may not have noticed the attitude of speaking just now. Please forgive me. "

The police also said, "We see that we are doing good, really doing a good job!"

The two girls finally felt better. Sun Weiwei asked him, "Since things are clear, our classmates don't need to be investigated again, right?"

The police said, "It is still necessary to test the DNA so that the evidence can be more complete. And we have some details and we need to ask the few male students who entered the fire scene first."

"Everyone is a student. When they suddenly pull people to test their DNA, haven't they thought that it might affect their study and life?"

These possible and experienced police officers certainly know that after countless innocent people at home and abroad were forced to undergo investigations, they could not stand the public and suicide cases of the people around them. Not to mention that they are still students of top universities and have stronger self-esteem.

"The entire investigation process will be kept confidential," the police assured.

Sun Weiwei froze again, "There is no airtight wall in the world. We went to find one by one. Someone was always found. We wanted to do good things without a name! If I knew in advance that good things would be investigated by the police, then I will definitely stop everyone from fighting the fire. "

Sun Weiwei unswervingly protects his classmates.

"The police are too rigid to handle the case. We have to hold us back. Let's go find the real suspect at this time!" As a magnificent man, Tao Zhiyao was quite imposing.

The police also felt embarrassed by their discomfort.

The atmosphere was deadlocked again.

Ye Zi'an thought for a while and suggested, "We asked Liu Ye to send the video to the Internet. Her network influence is large enough. Everyone knows this and has a preconceived impression. In this way, even if the police go directly, The school investigates and there will be no criticisms from others. "

So there was the WeChat that Tao Zhiyao sent to Liu Ye.

According to Tao Zhiyao's request, Liu Ye posted the video on his Weibo, and wrote the entire cause and effect of the incident with a text. She said at the end, "I am proud of my classmates and friends , I praise them for their wit, bravery, fearlessness and heroism, and in the end I hope Ye Dao can survive this difficulty !! (Pray) (Pray)

Ten minutes after Liu Wei's Weibo and video were posted online, her phone suddenly got stuck. Because of the sudden increase in the number of APP notifications, hundreds of pop-ups per second, the CPU of her old mobile phone two years ago could not move.

She had to restart her phone, uninstall Weibo first, then reinstall it, and set the message to not remind to log in smoothly.

At this time, Liu Wei's Weibo has been liked by countless people.

"I never expected that the news headlines of the fire at the film and television base today had something to do with Liu Ye and her sisters."

"This video should be the first-hand live information ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The news videos on the Internet are all follow-up content."

"Every time I see a video of this kind of good people and good things, I will be moved. It is really the reason why I am getting older."

"I am too old, so I really admire these young people who are righteous, because I can no longer do that."

"I must like this group of college students, they are too brave."

"The two leading girls are so calm and have been directing everyone. Liu Ye looks soft and weak, but he can easily lift up two fire extinguishers and run so fast."

"It turned out that the boys were all dressed up in Hanfu, and they could run like this, every man is a **** man!"

"I saw them taking turns to enter the dangerous fire to fight the fire, my heart was going to be stunned, these boys are heroes!"

"As soon as the video opened, a big lady's dress, I thought it was funny, but at the end I saw the scene where everyone sat on the ground and looked at the sky in a daze, and I cried."


One of the most striking was the reposting of two comments, one from the "Capital Fire Fighting": "Thank you for your dedication, and your brave actions played a vital role in fighting the initial fire and reducing the fire's property damage. In addition, The fire-fighting process of the students in the video is also worth learning by others. If you encounter similar things, don't panic. Call the fire alarm first and find the nearest fire-fighting facility under the premise of ensuring your safety. In short, you must do your best Just do it! "

One from the "Public Security of the Capital": "The glory of human nature cannot be buried, and the college students in the video will be rewarded for their righteousness. But the specific cause of the fire is still under investigation. I hope everyone will not spread rumors!"

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Tang San Chinese website mobile version Read URL:

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