Chapter 349

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Chapter 349: Not a soft persimmon

Miao Miao is unwilling to give Liu Ye any further trouble. Liu Ye is good enough for her, and led her into the entertainment industry, and generously let her live with her, save her money, and think about her. She is so kind Girl ca n’t find the lantern now, at least in Miao Xiaomei ’s original life circle, she ca n’t reach such people.

She shook her head and said, "This is my job. I signed a contract with the crew. The first is to ask me to obey the leadership order. I am a newcomer. How can I pick and choose between work and I want to continue to As a full-time makeup artist in the entertainment industry, sister Sister, you can rest assured. I can do my job well, and Fu Feiqian has no way to find my stubble. You wait for me, and I will return after finishing makeup. "

Ms. Miao came to Fu Feiqian's dressing room. Fu Feiqian was sitting on a dressing chair. Three assistants stood at the back. Four people looked at her with the corners and whites of her eyes.

Ms. Miao has been engaged in the service industry. She has served difficult customers before and is accustomed to whispering. She squeezed out a professional smirk and said to Fu Feiqian, "I'll give you makeup."

Fu Feiqian said, "Ah," "Aren't you Liu Ye's personal makeup artist?"

"I'm the make-up artist for the crew."

"Oh, what is your relationship with Liu Ye? Seeing you walking together, I thought you were her assistant."

"We are friends. She introduced me to the crew."

Fu Feiqian was in her heart. Liu Ye's own role was all sought by her boyfriend He Lu. She also brought in a person with her own power. This pair has never seen the world before, and it's really ugly to take a small face. Take yourself seriously.

An assistant asked Ms. Miao, "I heard that the makeup of several protagonists is yours?"


Fu Feiqian increasingly felt that Liu Ye had a plan, first using her boyfriend relationship to squeeze into the crew, and then did not know what means to get Lin Zhi and Tian Yafu at the same time, and then sent his own confidant-this makeup artist came on, Get a few favors from the starring, otherwise why did Jiang Lin just talk to her just now? They've only known each other for a day. It's almost a circle, it's no wonder that Liu Ye can burst into the red network in a short time, her mind is too smart.

Fu Feiqian purely measures the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. She is such a person herself, so it is such a dark speculation about Liu Xun.

She hated Ms. Miao very much in her heart, but she didn't forget that the soil girl just laughed at her. But thinking that the makeup artist had made her so ugly before, she would rather replace it with the current “Liu's confidant”, and she said to Miao Miao, “I heard that the makeup you designed for Jiang Lin yesterday made her I ’m very satisfied. It looks like your makeup level is very high. I hope that the makeup you designed for me will also satisfy me. "

Miao Miao lowered her eyebrows, but said, "I will paint the makeup of you and Teacher Jiang strictly according to the requirements of the director and the script."

The script said that Wang Zhaojun, who first appeared in the cold palace, described the withered and black face, so Miao Miao chose the most black and yellow foundation; the script said that Wang Zhaojun was weak and his eyes were dull, so Miao Miao painted Fu Feiqian's bags under the eyes. It ’s deep, the eyeliner is down, the corners of the eyes are drooping, and the law pattern is also drawn. The script says that Wang Zhaojun is thin and fragile, so Miao Xiaomei uses a deeper foundation to deepen Fu Feiqian's jaw sides and photogenic When you feel, your cheeks will feel thin and concave.

In fact, after so much trouble, Fu Feiqian has accepted the fact that she must be ugly, but when Miao Miao finished painting, she saw the ugly monster in the mirror, her face changed suddenly, and she said sharply to Miao Miao, "You have better makeup than the previous one. The makeup artist is even more ugly. It ’s ugly. How can I look like this? How did you make me shoot? Did you do it on purpose? Did Liu Ye make you ugly like me? "

Ms. Miao was interrogated by Fu Feiqian and asked, Fu Feiqian's ugly makeup, coupled with her fierce expression, was even more terrifying than a ghost.

"You don't speak, you are guilty," Fu Feiqian preconceived and convicted Miao Miao.

Ms. Miao returned to God, and said in a hurry, "This is how Wang Zhaojun is described in the script. She was ugly in the early stage, and she would gradually become beautiful in the later stage. This requires a process, and it makes sense for the ugly duckling to become a swan ..."

Before Miao Xiaomei's words were finished, Fu Feiqian threw a slap on her face.

"Dare to quibble with me, you are deliberate! What **** ugly duckling, where are so many fairy tales."

Miao Miao covered her face. She had a painful face, but her eyes were very firm. She was afraid of Fu Feiqian before. After being beaten, she was not afraid of this person. She felt that Fu Feiqian was not like a star at all, and she often lives in the village next door. Neuropathy squatting hysterically in the mouth of the village.

Ms. Miao insisted, "I'll draw as much as I can draw the script."

"It's Liu Ye who makes you draw, so you can draw it."

Miao Miao didn't understand why Fu Feiqian had to blame Liu Ye. They only met for the first time today. The two did not meet at all before. There was no possibility that Liu Ye would offend her. Xiao Miao didn't know the cause and effect of changing the script, so she thought so.

She is going to correct the name of Liu Ye. "I have nothing to do with sister-in-law. I put on my makeup. She plays her drama. She doesn't interfere with my work. The speculation you made out of nothing is ridiculous, ugly you, to me, to What's so good for me? "

It's about Liu Ye, Miao Miao's weak temper can even be toughened. When she listens to Fu Feiqian's ears, it is tantamount to pouring oil on the fire. She wants to hit Miao Miao again, and she is easily avoided by Miao Miao Miao Miao sneered, she was stupid, does not mean that people are also a fool, let the insult.

Fu Feiqian yelled at the three assistants ~ ~ What are you clamoring for, get her over to me soon. "

The three assistants were screamed, and before they acted, Xiao Miao, a small girl with flexible hands and feet, had opened the door of the dressing room, and shouted, "It ’s been hit, it's hit. Now. "

She yelled at her maximum volume, even the director actors and actresses who were filming in the previous palace heard it, not to mention Liu Ye and Jiang Lin next door.

Liu Ye immediately opened the door, and saw Miao Miao crying and looking at herself, tears in her eyes, pitiful, and the traces on her face, Liu Ye is no longer familiar, she only slapped two days ago.

The monstrous anger surged from Liu Xie's heart, and she stared coldly at Fu Fei Qian and her three assistants who were chasing outside. Fu Fei Qian had no idea that this humble girl was so bold that she ran outside and shouted Screaming, and she just slapped her, but she showed horror and tears, as if they had tortured her better than death.

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