Chapter 359

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Chapter 359: Helpless

Liu Ye only sent two photos, a distant view and a close-up. The distant view is a girl's ordinary face, and you can vaguely see that her face is a little asymmetric. The close-up is taken on the face she was injured. Yes, netizens can clearly see the redness and swelling under her skin.

At first glance it was beaten!

Liu Xie learned Fu Feiqian's tone, and did not name her name, but the fool knew who she was referring to.

Her fans were instantly excited,

"Fighting, the princess is hard-headed, Fu Feiqian!"

"A violent actress, it's terrible."

"No matter what the other party did wrong, it was wrong to do it!"

"Everyone is an adult. No matter what the problem is, the normal situation should be the first reason. Who will hit people casually? Unless it is some people who have no education and have extreme personalities."

"You are right upstairs. Fu Feiqian University dropped out of acting after only six months of reading. I heard that she was a female idiot when she was in middle school."

"So I don't believe a word of Weibo from Fu Feiqian."


It's not that the news of Fu Feiqian's playing on the big scene has not been released before, but every time there is a little sign, it is suppressed by her company, because those who broke the news have no network influence like Liu Ye, and they can't provide it. Such a shocking picture of the scar.

The entire public opinion was reversed because of the two photos and fell to Liu Ye's side.

Some of the more sane fans of Fu Feiqian questioned their idols on Weibo.

"Did Xiaobao really hit someone?"

Fu Feiqian was a little flustered. She called her agent and asked his contact to delete the Weibo, but the agent in turn blamed her for not posting that lead Weibo, which had just been sent out by Liu Wei ’s Weibo. At that time, the agent immediately contacted the partner company to let the other party harmonize Liu Wei ’s Weibo. However, the other party did not expect that they could do nothing. They said “Princess and Aunt” Weibo, the authority was very high, and their boss could not delete it. Her content.

The agent was shocked that he was like Liu Feiqian and did not take Liu Ye seriously.

He advised Fu Feiqian, "Liu Ye is not an ordinary person. We ca n’t afford to offend. You can delete Weibo and send a Weibo to publicly apologize to Liu Ye and the makeup artist. I will discuss the cancellation of the contract tomorrow. That's it, I've helped you apply for a new movie from the company. "

The broker came up with the best solution, all for the sake of Fu Feiqian.

Fu Feiqian recalled what He Lushen said. His young boy was Liu Xie's boyfriend. Wasn't the man with the surname as simple as she thought?

She felt uncomfortable. She deleted Weibo and she apologized. Doesn't it mean that she is guilty, why should she bow her head first? !! Besides, Liu Ye had already grabbed her role!

She opened her Weibo and wrote, "On the basis of only two photos, why would you slander me that someone was the one I shot?"

Fu Feiqian confronted Liu Ye in the air, and did not acknowledge her beating, and her brain powder also insisted on her side.

She thought that this time, as before, the crew of the crew did not dare to offend her, wouldn't talk nonsense, and the other actors would do well, and would not take the initiative to cause trouble.

However, she seriously underestimated Liu Ye's popularity, so much that she blocked all her own paths.

Tang Tu was the first celebrity to actively intervene in this dispute. Shortly after the release of Fu Feiqian's quibble Weibo, he posted a long Weibo to explain the antecedents and consequences of the whole thing in detail as an onlooker. Because of dissatisfaction with the shape, the fact that two makeup artists have been scolded on the set.

It was because of the long Weibo of Tang Tu, the news of # 傅 非 倩 片 场 打伤 妆 师 #, successfully ranked first on the hot search list.

Tang Tu, Liu Ye, and Fu Feiqian have all had scandals. At this critical juncture, he stood on the side of Liu Ye so clearly. The importance of the two women to him is self-evident, and can be seen by discerning people. Tang Tuchang's Weibo words are filled with aversion to Fu Feiqian. He also used this opportunity to indirectly clarify his previous scandal with Fu Feiqian.

As a result, Fu Feiqian's brain residue fan called him "negative" and "indifferent" on his Weibo.

Don Tu ignored it.

Fu Feiqian never expected that Tang Tu was so cold-hearted about himself, "falling down the rocks," not to mention that he was so infatuated with Liu Ye, and he was talking for Liu Ye. She now realizes that something bad is happening and starts deleting Weibo, but it is too late.

Five minutes later, Wang Xiangqin posted a Weibo, "I'm not familiar with anyone, let's talk about the situation at the time. First, Fu Feiqian did hit the makeup artist. Well, two more. Fu Feiqian today The performance was very poor, completely out of state, but complained about being overwhelmed by Liu Xun, and Lin Ding was on the scene. Lin Dian was fair and gave them both the same opportunity to compete. Only then did they have the two videos and gave Lin Dian a point. Like it. "

Wang Xiangqin is an uncle of the country. His Weibo account has reached tens of millions. His Weibo has made gourds addictive.

"Stone Hammer! Thoroughly Stone Hammer!"

"Tang Tu likes Liu Wei. I still have a bit of doubt on his Weibo, but even if Uncle Qin said so, I think Fu Feiqian may be lying."

"I also believe in Uncle Qin! He generally does not engage in disputes with juniors, and suddenly posts this Weibo. It is estimated that he really can't see it."

"Now there are two witnesses, how can I deny Fu Feiqian!"

"I didn't expect Fu Feiqian to be like this on the back. It was very different from her image on the screen. It was all artificial and fake."

"I only discovered that Fu Feiqian had deleted Weibo."

"It's okay to delete it, I took a screenshot."


Probably I saw the two leading male characters standing for Liu Ye, and other actors in the crew also dared to speak on Weibo. Li Sitong said on Weibo: "Good actors not only depend on acting skills, but also character." It alluded to Fu Feiqian Poor character.

Jiang Lin posted a Weibo ~ ~ no matter how popular you are, you should learn to respect others. "It alluded to Fu Feiqian's disrespect for her predecessors and contending with her for the rest room.

There are more crew members who show up. Some people say that Fu Feiqian scolds them at all. Some people say that Fu Feiqian despises Long Tao's work. They vent all the anger that Fu Feiqian has experienced before.

"It's terrible. I used to think of such a person as an idol before. I took off the powder. Good-bye, oh no, never again!"

"Xiao Baozi, I have loved you for five years, but this time you were too disappointed. I'm sorry, I can't continue to like you anymore."


Fu Feiqian watched his **** fans blankly one by one,

She ended up in this end, really helpless.

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