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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 495: Weibo Authenticity
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Liu Wei, who did not post Weibo during the Double Eleven, posted a Weibo on November 12, and it was a small video.

In the video, a group of people are "turning boxes" in the warehouse. The workers said with a smile, "I didn't expect that I could have the opportunity to work with the top students at Capital University."

A few young people moved the box down from the height by using the method of Solitaire. The next two middle-aged men said to them, "We will do the hard work, and you will pack the express box."

In such cold weather, the top boys are sweat-stained on their foreheads, and the clothes they are wearing are also cold and wet. Netizens recognize that he is the ladies' big brother Jiang Chengfeng.

Jiang Chengfeng wiped his sweat and said with a smile, "Every kind of work is hard, working at height is too dangerous. We are young, and we are more flexible to move up and down."

Once the screen turns, everyone is packing cat food. Next to it is a thick stack of printed orders and courier numbers. Not far away, the ground is full of opened cardboard boxes. Cat food of different specifications and different tastes appears in the lens. As soon as the packing student read the name on the order, someone immediately sent the cat food over here. Everyone familiar with Sun Weiwei is holding a long order and verifying that the delivery number is correct one by one.

The last shot was a courier company driving an oversized truck to pull goods. Several male students and workers picked up boxes and loaded cat food into the truck.

Liu Ye 's voice came from the video, "Dear fans and buyers, the cat food you bought on November 11 is being packaged and will be sent to all parts of the country. Due to the large number of orders, we can only follow the order of payment time. Coming to ship, everyone is already working overtime, my staff and I are really too busy, and I also invited my classmates to help. But you should be able to see that our staff is still insufficient, some The order may be shipped tomorrow, and friends who paid after 12 o'clock yesterday, your cat food still has to be delayed by one to two weeks as originally planned. The Hong Kong side is already stepping up processing, please be patient ,Do not worry!"

Seventy percent of buyers who shop at Liuye's online store are included in her Weibo 1000w + fans, so everyone saw this video and felt very at ease.

"I see that my order shows that it has been shipped, is it right in the truck of the video, so happy (yeah)."

"I always thought that Liu Ye was the same as those anchors who buy makeup and buy things for Zhang Luo. I didn't expect her cat food agent to be so big and regular. The piles of boxes in the warehouse were a bit spectacular."

"The most important thing is that those original carton labels in foreign languages ​​are stamped with customs seals, proper authenticity, my goddess is definitely a conscience agent."

"Depressed, I fell asleep and placed an order, but I had to wait in line for half a month to get the goods."

"Liu Ye's classmates have a high appearance rate recently and saw them again."

"According to this rhythm, their class is going to become the internet celebrity class of Capital University."

"There are some more eye-seeking boys."

"They belonged to the archeology department of our school. They taught in the same class as the classical literature department. They were very low-key before. They were also brought out by Liu Ye (laughing)."

"Whoever said that other college students can only read books and do nothing, eyes are low, nerds, or whatever, hurry up and watch this video. They are doing a good job, not worse than the uncles next to them!"

"Only I noticed, are the cats walking around? These cats live by the warehouse where the cat food is stored. Maybe they are too happy."

"So they're all fat."


Not only the buyers themselves, netizens are also very interested in the behind-the-scenes work of such online stores. They noticed that there are many boxes in Liu Ye's warehouse, but they are not messy. Everything is well-organized, clean and tidy, after all, it is a cat. Grain is imported food. If the delivery environment is dirty, it will inevitably make the cat owner dissatisfied, and whether it is a worker or a college student, they will be patient and methodical, unlike the violent express posted on the Internet, littering. Lost, what you buy, of course, hope to be treated well.

Probably because the sales of Double Eleven in Liu Ye's store were so good that the Westland Company also made a big profit-they must have made much more than Liu Ye.

The happy Huang Shiting reposted Liu Wei's Weibo, and the last time he posted a Weibo, when he signed a cooperation agreement with Liu Yigang, he sent a Weibo that confirmed the identity of Liu Yi's genuine online agent.

He wrote on this Weibo: "Continental Internet customers who have delayed shipments, don't worry, your cat food has already been unloaded at the Hong Kong container terminal and can pass through customs tomorrow."

At the same time, he provided a few photos of the container terminal. In the photo, the dock workers were unloading from the behemoth international freighter, and the forklift lifted out the stacked boxes from the container, exactly the same as the box shell in Liu Ying's warehouse.

"As a buyer with delayed shipments, I suddenly became psychologically balanced. I can be sure that the production date of the cat food I received must be fresher than the previous one."

"I don't think there is any online store selling cat food that is more reliable than Liu Ye here. I plan to buy from her permanently."

"Yes, some stores are too good to sell out of stock. In order to hurry, I use fakes to send to the buyer as genuine products. To be honest, most people can't tell the difference between true and false."


Huang Shiting's Weibo was immediately upset by customers. As an affiliated seller, Luo Youyou's secretary noticed this Weibo and immediately reported it to Luo Youyou ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ So after a while, their official blog "YOYO Youyou "Pets" also posted a similar Weibo post: "Buyers who bought cat food in the princess and cat garden of the online shop, your gifts are already out of the factory. If the time is right, maybe you can receive them at the same time. Cat food and gifts, for buyers who have delayed shipments, your gifts will be unaffected and will arrive in your hands on time. "

This Weibo is also equipped with a few photos of Youyou's warehouse. Compared with Liu Ye's warehouse, their warehouse is almost heaven and underground. There is no staff member in the photo because their warehouse is fully intelligent. Controlled by the system, there are advanced picking robots, box packing robots, document printing robots, and full-automated assembly lines. There is no need for people to laboriously move and organize the boxes inside.

This is the first time that Youyou Company has disclosed the internal structure of its own factory warehouse, which has opened many eye-catching people who do not understand modern manufacturing.

Liu Ye also felt great. No wonder Mao Yuchen said that the sales manager of the other party was arrogant. People have this capital!

Cross the all-round influencer

Cross the all-round influencer

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