Chapter 412

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Chapter 412: Drive up the price

But he is a self-employed person, not as good as those company owners, with limited deposits and shy pockets, and 300,000 is already his limit. He seemed to be forcing himself to make a difficult decision, then shook his head at the auctioneer and gave up.

"It seems that Mr. No. 9's desperate pursuit has forced Mr. 212 to give up. Is there any other buyer willing to increase the price?"

I responded to him in silence, and the auctioneer's brows frowned slightly. What should I do? Affected by serious flaws, the value and price of the auctioneer could not go up.

The audience watching the auction in the live broadcast room did not see any bidders. They could only hear that the auctioneer kept raising prices as if they were talking about a talk show, and felt that this scene was quite fun, as if watching a movie. Because there are often auction shows in movies, but not so professional. Everyone has a sense of insight. Netizens feel that the price of 349,000 yuan is already a high price. They can't afford it anyway, and they simply don't realize how nervous the situation is now.

Even if Yu Zhan was very willing to spend 450,000 yuan to purchase "Innocent", he could not increase the price by nearly 100,000 at one time. This is the rule.

At this moment, Su Yi, who was sitting in the middle of the buyer's seat, gave a signal, and Fang Huaiyuan took his number plate and prepared to help Liu Ye raise the price.

This is the purpose of Su Yi's coming to the auction. He is a frequent visitor to the auction. He knows the rules very much. Liu Ye has millions of followers and many people clamoring for her works. Those people may be willing to give her hundreds. Blocks are even tens of thousands of yuan, but very few people are really willing to spend hundreds of thousands to buy her works.

拍卖 This auction is about Liu Xun's future position in the calligraphy industry. In order to ensure foolproofness and prevent the flow of lovers' works, he asked Fang Huaiyuan to register as a buyer in advance and come to be a "childcare".

As a result, Fang Huaiyuan's brand has not yet been lifted up. A young man suddenly jumped onto the stage, pointed at Liu Ye, and said loudly, "You openly violate the rules and raise prices maliciously!"

Everyone was confused by this scene. The cameraman who is good at catching hot spots responded the fastest, and immediately gave this person a close-up, while taking a look of Liu Ye's aggressive face.

"What's the situation? Is this person nervous?"

"He scared the princess so much !!! (contempt)"

"Someone can come in and make trouble at such a regular auction? Security is too bad."

Uh ...

人 This person is not a miscellaneous person. He is an author of the previous auction and a newcomer calligrapher, but not at the calligraphy exhibition. Unfortunately, his works have been sold because they did not meet his expected price.

The auctioneer said politely, "Your auction has ended. Please return to your own seat or leave the venue."

The uncle young man said persuasively, "Liu Ye obviously violated the rules, why didn't you cancel her auction eligibility?"

The auctioneer did not answer his words, but called security directly to catch people.

When the young man saw this, he no longer saved face for Liu Ye. Looking at the lens of a certain media, he said, "Buyer No. 9 is Liu Ye's boyfriend Yu Zhan. He is her" childcare ". Raising prices and coaxing other buyers is really abominable. More importantly, this behavior is illegal! The bidder must not have any relationship with the seller! "

The previous Mr. 212 heard the words, stood up in surprise, looked at the No. 9 seat, and everyone else looked in his direction.

爆 This breaking point is too big, and the cameraman can't help but violate the agreement with the auction company, move the lens over, and then zoom in.

"Oh my God, really Dr. Yu!"

"No wonder the auctioneer keeps saying No. 9 and No. 9 ..."

"I don't think the veterinarian is raising prices. He should really buy it, after all, it is his girlfriend's winning work."

"Agree with the view upstairs, is there any professional who has come forward to tell us if an acquaintance can be a buyer?"

"Of course, acquaintances only have to pay the last. What this person means is that Dr. Yu deliberately competed with No. 212, let him raise the price again and again, and helped Liu Yan cheat No. 212."

"It sounds like a conspiracy!"

"This is too nonsense, aren't Liu Ye and Dr. Yu such people?"

"I am afraid that only after Doctor Yu finally paid for Liu Ye's work by himself could he clean up his grievances."

Uh ...

Yu Yuzhan was in desperate need. He just wanted to buy Liu Xie's table, and tossed from the ancient capital to the capital. How could it be so difficult?

Liu Ye is also wrong,

She didn't know that Yu Zhan had been busy several times after registering to buy her table.

If she knew Yu Zhan was so attached to this table, she would write the expected price directly at the starting price of 85,000 yuan.

Now that she is doing this, she feels that she is cheating Zhan Qian!

At this time, her mobile phone vibrated a bit. She opened it and saw a message from Tao Zhiyao:

"What's your expected price?"

Liu Yiyi, is Tao Zhiyao on the spot or watching a live broadcast?

She replied: "450,000."

Yan Taozhiyao: "OK."

At the auction venue, the whispers of the two of them increased. The authors of the previous auctions did not leave. They were forced to adjust the order, and they were already angry with Liu Xun. As a result, the selling price of their works was very unsatisfactory ~ ~ They attributed this to Liu Xuanfengtai too. Energize and **** your buyers.

The questioning of young men is very reasonable. There is indeed such a rule in the beginning of the auctioneer's reading. Now they are irritated by the young men, they are frustrated by the troubled waters, attacking them in groups, accusing Liu Xie and Yu Zhan. To take the opportunity to make things bigger, anyway, there are many people, not afraid.

The venue on the Gao Da suddenly became a mess, and the auctioneer wanted to announce the suspension of the auction.

No. 212 is probably too angry, and went directly to Yu Zhan, regardless of the auctioneer's request for him to return to his seat, questioning Yu Zhan,

"Did you really raise the price just now?"

Yu Yuzhan stood up calmly and smiled kindly at No. 212. He respected those who loved his girlfriend's work. "You think more, I just want to buy" Evil ", no matter how much money."

How big a breath!

The young man who was being dragged out by Security was still holding out and questioned, "Isn't your pet hospital suspended? Where is your confidence? Three or four hundred thousand is not a small sum! I don't believe you are lying You are cheating for the price. "

The fans in the live room are speechless,

"This man must not be a big fan of the great veterinarians and princesses, who don't know that the great gods are mysterious local tyrants and always have endless money."

"Oh, people also know that the Great God's hospital is closed."

"This means that good things don't go out and bad things spread a thousand miles!"

Uh ...

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