Chapter 316

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Chapter 316: Innocent child

Next to the woodcarvings is a small piece of printed ink lettering.

This is a short essay entitled "Innocent." There are several words written in it, which are very different from today, not to mention the TV viewers can't understand, and several judges who are not good at carcass can't understand.

So the book judge Cheng Zikun read it carefully, and then read it to the other judges, "The young child has a nest, the banyan trees grow, the grass is not lost, the old door of the Pengmen, the Qingxuan does not see things, the networm weaves hundreds of rows ..."

After reading the whole article, the 10 judges probably understand that this little essay describes the home of an innocent child. Her home is next to the banyan tree, the grass covers the threshold, the door is broken, and the window is blue and black. Can't see outside, spider webs everywhere ...

The content contrasts with Liu Xie's small paintings. The article has a style of prose in the Han Dynasty, with simple and simple wording, short and concise.

Her lettering skills are also quite deep. Unlike other woodcutters on the spot, she is very casual. Each stroke is very casual. She does not look back when she cuts the knife. Her power is just right. For her, lettering and holding Writing on paper makes no difference.

The judge of the engraving group took a magnifying glass to look at her score carefully, and she was amazed. It was impossible to do so without many years of hard work.

But then again, the writing is good, the small painting is interesting, the article is well written, and the overall layout is beautiful, but what does this have to do with "Hanfeng"? ?

Chen Jianqiu could not help but ask everyone's questions.

Liu Ye explained, "Last Friday, I went to the Weiyang Palace Film and Television Base with Zhou Buzhen. The place completely restored the former Weiyang Palace. From the magnificent palace, I can see the monarch coming and the pilgrimage to Baiguan. , And those dignified and beautiful palace princesses, laughing and smiling at the staggered night banquet. But this life is too far away from us, even now, how many people can live such an extravagant and extravagant life? I thought 'Hanfeng 'Not only the glory and heyday of the Han Dynasty, but also the appearance of ordinary people.'

Another judge asked, "So, did you see this child's living environment in the film and television base?"

Liu Ye shook his head, "This is what I imagined. I thought there must be a dark and ugly side in Weiyang Palace, but I went through the entire film and television base, but found nothing. Experts and architects restored the beautiful side of the palace, only I forgot that there are still a larger number of 'low-class people' in the palace. They may be low-level slaves, puppets, re-offenders in the prison, or abandoned concubines in the cold palace. So, I imagine I am A child living in the corner of the palace, my home has cyan opaque windows, fuzzy door lintels, gilt shedding **** and sun-dried hay ... "

Liu Ye's words convinced the judges, but Yu Zhan surged into turbulent waves. Before that, he had some doubts, and at this moment he could be 100% sure that Liu Ye was the little girl, and he stared at her in disbelief. Face, trying to find her in common with that little girl.

They didn't look alike at all.

But their tone and expression were exactly the same.

No wonder he felt that little girl was like Liu Wei in his dream, but it was not an illusion.

Cheng Zikun said, "No wonder you wrote" Changle Weiyang, Acacia Mo Xiangyang "at the end of the article. I also thought, how can you live in such an environment as" Changle Weiyang "? It turns out that you mean Changle Palace and Weiyang Palace. You write "Hanfeng" from the perspective of the palace's ground floor. The idea is very strange. "

Chen Jianqiu said, "It is true that the sword is on the offensive side and does not follow the unusual path." The judges so far have praised the celebrities of the Han Dynasty or the greatness of the Han Dynasty with beautiful words.

Because of the matter of Su Xuezhen, Wang Qinghai, who had been low-key and did not dare to speak casually, suddenly asked Liu Ye, "Your subject matter is not necessarily woodcut. Your painting can also be drawn with a brush. Why do you have to choose woodcut? Not paper? "

Wang Qinghai meant that Liu Ye was suspected of deliberately showing off skills and pretending to be forced.

Aside from Chen Jianqiu's annoyance to Wang Qinghai, he wondered why Vice President Ouyang Cen also disqualified his judges. Since it is a free-competition test, of course, it is to show your own housekeeping skills. It is hard to pretend to be low-key and hide, so it is not necessary to come to this exhibition.

Facing the embarrassment of Wang Qinghai, Liu Ye calmly said, "Because the title is" Han Feng ", the people at the bottom of the Han Palace are very poor, and I can't access paper at all. What should I do with paper? I have to take a knife and paint a picture. And I think everybody had the experience of scribbling on the table when I was a kid. I painted on the table, just in line with my character's nature. "

Liu Ye's explanation was very convincing. A judge of the engraving group laughed, "So your work is a graffiti of an innocent child?"

Liu Ye nodded and said yes.

The judges whispered to each other, then wrote down their scores and evaluations for Liu Ye on the paper, and then went on to judge the next work.

After that, the judges never encountered a work that made them particularly interested or refreshing, until they saw Zhou Buyi's cursive works.

Zhou Buyi's work is called "Western Region".

He skillfully wrote the twenty-eight kingdoms of the Western Regions into a seven-character poem, with exactly fifty-six characters, alternating flat and flat, with strict rules.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"The cursive writing is also subtle!"

The judges were amazed.

Not to mention Zhou Buzheng was able to write a poem with fixed words and rhythm in such a short time, and he knew the names of the 28 western countries, and generally few people could do it.

The judges did not have any doubts about Zhou Buzhen, and directly wrote comments.

By noon, the work of all authors was finally judged. The next step is to divide the time, and the staff comes in to assist the judges to save time.

The authors still have to wait at their desks, and they ca n’t move. Old people like Su Yi and Ouyang Cen, as well as leaders, ca n’t stand for a long time. The chair rested and brought hot tea.

TV hosts and photographers take the opportunity to visit authors who are interested in them.

They went straight to Liu Ye first,

"Hello, can I ask you a few questions?" Facing Liu Xie from a close distance, the host looked a little excited. She is a woman and excited!

Liu Yishou, "Of course you can."

The host took out the prepared question draft and asked, "When did you start learning calligraphy and seal carving?"

"I was a seal maker first, probably around the age of three or four."

"I can't believe it. Now many children three or four years old still have to chase after their parents to feed."

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