Chapter 374

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Chapter 374: Personal attacks

"Why? Aren't they still making videos together?"

"It's because of Sun Weiwei of the law school. Recently, the grievances and hatred between them have been spread everywhere in the school."

As soon as this person's voice fell, people around Sun Weiwei suddenly found her and looked at her collectively. Each pair of eyes looked like a big 100-watt light bulb. Sun Weiwei looked as usual, and kindly said to the people in front of him,

"Classmate, can you pass me?"

Everyone looked at her with sympathy, teasing, and indifference that had nothing to do with herself, but everyone was polite and orderly to make way for her. Sun Weiwei kept saying, "Thank you." But she laughed at herself, This feeling of becoming a celebrity on campus due to gossip is not good.

Sun Weiwei finally came to the back door of the classroom, and she just happened to hear Zhang Jiaojiao said at the moment, "Because she knows her appearance is not good, only by working harder can she win the impression of wonder."

She is as white as paper,

That's it again!

She's talking about her looks again!

She was so sensitive that she felt suspicious that the people around her were suddenly looking at her face. These naked eyes seemed to take every inch of her face out for research. She did n’t read the mind and knew what these people were thinking. ,

Oh she is ugly

She is ugly

Why is she so ugly


It's too embarrassing.

Sun Weiwei clenched her fists, lowered her head, and couldn't restrain the sourness in her heart. There was a layer of mist on her spectacles and tears after the mist.

At that moment, she heard Liu Ye said, "You said Wei Wei is ugly. In my opinion, you remove your makeup and you are still an ugly woman. Oh no, you are not as good as her, at least she is better than you. , Her ability is better than you, and a junior student of yours is following us as a junior, don't you think it's shameful? "

"And you, He Qisi, just because of your frustration, and you feel sorry for Wei Wei's ugliness? Do you not look in the mirror before going out every day? Who gives you this self-confidence? Or is it that boys are like you, pretentious Think you are a super handsome guy? Should girls turn around you? Be part of your spare tire team? "

Among the crowd, not a male student shouted, "Our boys don't carry this pot, we all know ourselves, thank you!"

Suddenly, there was a big laugh.

Sun Weiwei's eyes were full of tears, but she couldn't help laughing. She didn't expect that the gentle “Fake Liu Ye” always had such poisonous tongues. There were some “true Liu Ye” shadows because at that time, “Real Liu Ye” "It was so sharp and merciless that she was ugly.

Obviously, it was equally unpleasant, and the same disdainful tone made Sun Weiwei feel an ironing. When encountering injustice, a friend around her is willing to help you, stand up to you without fear of words, and this unprecedented feeling makes her move.

Unexplainable, what kind of emotion is the kind of soft, slowly coming from the bottom of my heart.

Liu Qi ’s remarks and sarcasm to He Qisi and Zhang Jiaojiao were a big hit. He Qisi, who had not talked with this drool, was completely angry.

"If you have something to say, why bother attacking us personally? You are now a public figure, aren't you afraid of misfortune?"

Liu Ye regarded him, "When you attack Wei Wei personally, why aren't you afraid of evil coming out of your mouth? You can be considered as a character in school, do you dare to have a little right and a little right to speak? What about wanton slander? "

"What have we slandered her about?" He Qisi was very excited. "Did she say she didn't like me? Did she dare to say she didn't approach me intentionally?"

"At the time I created the 'Happy Pot Pot' team, she took the initiative to join. I did not force her. She would leave, and I would not retain her!" He Qisi's righteous words, if he was a victim, Sun Weiwei liked him It is his misfortune.

These remarks made Sun Weiwei feel like a heads-up drinker and dug out the reality she was most reluctant to face. She felt sad for her "first love" and sad for her heart-breaking contribution to "happy pot".

Even some bystander girls felt that He Qisi's words were a bit excessive, and no matter who was right or wrong, he was a man who described a girl's admiration for himself so cheaply and dismissively. Girls, no matter how ugly, also have the qualifications to like the opposite sex. Their hearts are also warm, and they also have self-esteem!

He Qisi had no choice but to pour dirty water on Sun Weiwei. He asked Liu Ye, "Do you want to force me to accept a girl I don't like at all? ..."


He yelled at He Qisi's words, and he recognized the voice, and the whole man was stunned. While everyone else in the classroom looked at the place where the voice was heard, another protagonist of this dispute finally appeared.

In fact, Sun Weiwei has gradually become a situational figure without knowing it. Among the classmates crowded in the classroom and corridors, some people knew Sun Weiwei before, and some people only heard that they did not see him, and only a few The person didn't hear anything outside the window, even she didn't know.

But at this moment, no one did not know her, and saw the little girl, with a cold face, entered the core area of ​​the quarrel.

It is also strange that there are many onlookers, but no one dared to approach within two meters of Liu Ye. It is probably that Liu Ye's aura is too strong, or that others are afraid of being implicated, causing trouble.

Sun Weiwei walked towards Liu Ye. Liu Ye saw her reddish eyes,

She cried ...

Did she hear the conversation they just made?

Suddenly Liu Ye stepped forward and held her hand tightly. Sun Weiwei was surprised that she had never held hands with anyone except her parents. She was really not used to being so intimate with Liu Ye. Involuntarily returned to her.

"Don't take those words that hurt you in your heart, and don't be sad for this scumbag. Today I come to decide for you, and I want to prove to everyone that you are the best girl!"

Liu Ye ’s voice was loud and powerful ~ ~ Powerful, the noisy classroom became quiet, the students looked at these two girls holding hands, to be honest, their looks were so different Sun Weiwei was short of Liu Ye, her looks were very mediocre, and she couldn't find any bright spots on her appearance, but wasn't this the "four-eyed girl" that Capital University could always see?

Everyone realizes that those rumors seem to be attacking her appearance maliciously,

"Happy Pot" and "Ladies and Sisters" are all from her hands. Who has such talent?

Everyone who once said she was ugly behind her back was asking herself,

Is she really ugly?

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