Chapter 365

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Chapter 365: Ready for divorce

Mao Yuchen's name sounds very small and fresh, but she is a girl with five big and three thick types. The “big and three thick” here is not a derogatory term. She has another handsome and short ears, and she has strong facial features, and she has big bones and arms. The meat on the top was sturdy, like the body of a white woman. She was very tall and estimated to be over 175. Liu Ye had to look up at her slightly, and she was a real "woman."

Liu Ye was also very happy to meet her fans. She asked when Mao Yuchen started watching her live broadcast.

Mao Yuchen said, "I have known you since you adopted the moonlight, and started to follow your developments. I followed your Weibo and Douyin! Oh yes, I also paid attention to the veterinary god. I am still" Meng Chong Hospital "A loyal audience ..."

Obviously, she is Liu Xie's true love fan. When it comes to people and things related to Liu Xie, she is full of words.

"I have always liked cats. I used to work and half of my income was used to feed stray cats."

When Zhang Pei's recruitment information was first released, because she did not understand the hidden rules of the recruitment app, and the company was too small, at first glance, it looked like a leather bag company. The recruitment information was left online for several days.

Mao Yuchen was the first to apply, but it was not because she saw the recruitment information on the Internet that she found it herself.

She is a foreigner. After graduating from technical secondary school, she has been working in the capital for three years. She used to work as a cashier in a small supermarket.

Because she often feeds rogue cats, Mao Yuchen bought cat food twice in Liu Ye ’s live broadcast room. She is a careful girl. She wrote down the shipping address and went to Liu Ye to see their status in the original warehouse several times. "Step on the point", she wanted to have a chance encounter with her favorite net red, but never met Liu Ye once.

One day she suddenly found that the old warehouse was empty, and the owner of the restaurant downstairs was renovating. She quickly asked the restaurant floor where the cat food warehouse upstairs had moved. She said she had come to buy cat food.

The restaurant owner told her this address. When she came to see the man in the courtyard, she asked Zhang Pei directly if she wanted to recruit girls. She hoped to work here. It was a huge surprise for Zhang Pei who was struggling to find a man. .

At that time, the warehouse had just moved over, and there was a mess, and there were a lot of miscellaneous things. Zhang Pei couldn't be too busy. Although there were many workers under her hands, they were all big and rude. No way to help.

The arrival of Mao Yuchen really solved Zhang Pei's urgent needs. She was young and flexible, and helped Zhang Pei to modify the online recruitment information. Soon after, Wan Jun and Chen Yuxiang took the initiative to apply.

Moreover, Mao Yuchen was not only diligent, but also very strong. When he was busy, he moved with the workers and did not consider himself a girl at all. Zhang Pei was particularly satisfied with Mao Yuchen.

After listening to Zhang Pei's introduction, Liu Ye also liked Mao Yuchen.

She exchanged contact information with three new employees, and set up a WeChat working group on the spot, pulling everyone in. "I'm in the capital this week, and you can contact me at any time if you have any job problems."

Face to face with her idol for the first time, and received the micro-signal she was missing, Mao Yuchen actually wanted to say to Liu Ye when she had a stomach, but she knew the rules, and did n’t talk about Liu Ye any more, and returned to the other two boys. At work, other workers also continued to unload.

Liu Ye followed Zhang Pei to her office. When she entered the house, Liu Ye actually felt like going home. Zhang Pei arranged her work place very warm and cozy. A tablecloth was laid on the desk and a window sill was placed on the back. A row of green plants, a simple single bed on one side, a small quilt and a pillow on the bed, and a tea cabinet on the other, a kettle on the cabinet, and a small refrigerator, Zhang Pei from the refrigerator Give Liu Ye a drink.

Liu Ye did not know that Zhang Pei had separated from Liu Chengyu, jokingly,

"You're using your office as your home."

Zhang Pei felt that it was time to inform Liu Ye of her relationship with Liu Chengyu. She said, "After the warehouse moved in, I moved out like you, and I lived out. I rented a house nearby. I rested in the office at noon and went back at night. go to bed."

Liu Ye was surprised. She deeply remembered the contention between Zhang Pei and Liu Chengyu that night. She thought that leaving her home would not affect their relationship. Why is the problem not only unresolved, but even more serious?

Seeing the expression of self-blame on Liu Ye's face, Zhang Peilima said, "I and his affairs have nothing to do with you, you don't want to think more."

How can Liu Ye not think too much,

"Then why did you separate from him?"

Zhang Pei sneered, "I will not only be separated from him, I will also divorce him!"

Liu Ye was startled, and murmured, "Why?" In the memory of the former master, Zhang Pei and Liu Chengyu have always had a good relationship, and the number of quarrels is countless. She did not forget that after learning that Liu Chengyu was arrested, Zhang Pei looked like the sky was falling. How much did she pay to keep him out? It can be said that it was too much to lose everything!

The man he loves is finally fine, why is he divorced?

"Because of money," Zhang Pei's tone was complex and ironic.

Liu Ye didn't understand. During this period of time, the regular live broadcast rewards, the rewards of being a model, the deposit of filming, the rewards of recording the theme song ... Mrs. Lin Lin, she has accumulated more than 100,000, and she did not hesitate to use this money to help Zhang Pei pay off For all the foreign debts, they will only use bank loans bearing 8,900 yuan per month.

With their current earning power, this loan repayment expenditure is simply worthless. Seeing that life has gradually improved, they no longer have to worry about debts ...

Zhang Pei said that the problem lies in these 8900 yuan.

She directly told Liu Ye ~ ~ Liu Chengyu sold his car and piano before paying the lawyer's fee.

Liu Ye felt a mixed taste. The piano had been with the former master for more than ten years. The memory of the former master clearly marked the ecstatic mood when the young girl saw the piano for the first time. However, Chengyu Liu sold the piano in order to bet on this tone. She could imagine how much he hated himself.

"Since he is so stiff, I have proposed that the 8900 loan should be borne by himself. He disagrees. He said that his salary was not enough. I said that he would take a step back. If he was half alone, he still disagrees."

"Why not agree?" Liu Yan asked.

Zhang Pei couldn't answer her, she remembered Liu Chengyu's ugly face at the moment. He said to Zhang Pei, "She should pay this money for me. She is now a star, beautiful, and making a lot of money. How can there be so much cheaper in the world? This is the cost of occupying my daughter's body. ! "

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