Chapter 401

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Chapter 401: Sympathize with the sick

It is said that when Chu Tan was still studying in the Capital Film Academy, she was picked up by a certain director, but she did not want to invite her to film, but wanted to support her. After she severely refused, the director used her position in the circle to block her. . After graduating from school, she couldn't get good resources at all. After several years, the situation improved, but she was also older.

Cantonese taro can mix to the status of the fourth line, sincerely supported by the value of the face, replaced by ordinary people can not do it for a long time, and turned to walk. When Yang Huayue listened to these gossips, she had nothing to do with hanging up high. She still had Gao Jindong as a supporter at the time, but she did not expect that one day she would be in the same situation as Chu Taro.

Inexplicably, she had a bit of sympathy for Chu Taro. Today, she got the role of Tong Shi, but Chu Taro didn't get anything, and it wasted all morning.

Chu Ya looked at her and laughed. "Don't look at me with this look. You are not much better than me. At least I have never been red. I can't feel the feeling of red, but you fell from a height. Isn't it difficult to say "from luxury to frugality", you should be sadder than me now. "

Before Yang Huayue was so high-profile, who in the circle did not know that she was leaning against Gao Near East. Today, in this audition, Chu Taro initially thought that Yang Huayue was like Fu Feiqian and Feng Qingyu.

After watching this good show, she realized that Yang Huayue, like herself, had come to play the role of foil, so sad!

Yang Huayue sighed, "Maybe I shouldn't have accepted" Listen, the Voice of the Wind "," her bad luck all started from this play.

我 "I went to the cinema to watch this movie, and I think you performed well," Chu Tao said, "better than any movie you have made before."

Yang Huayue for a moment, she knew that Chu Taro was not polite. She felt that this sister was very sincere, and was even more sorry for her bland career.

The two went out together and talked while walking. Yang Huayue knew that Chu Taro was worse than herself. So far this year, she hasn't filmed a serious drama, and only took a few small business ads. A small character cameo in the online drama, and also gave some shopping mall activity platforms, not much stronger than those car models, sporadic work, each income as little as several thousand, as much as some ten thousand, but it can basically maintain a living.

Chu Tan is very optimistic, "The average office worker can't get so much money, but it can't be compared with popular stars like you. There is no way. I'm almost thirty years old. I am the most embarrassing at this age. Those cheap youth dramas. "

"Don't talk about the heroine in a better movie or TV series. Female characters with a little more face are missed by me. Like" Bei Beifeng ", it has been booked early. Some directors who have worked with me look at me poorly. Let me play the leading role of male and female protagonist. You said that you do not want to play the villain, and I do not want to play the mother! "

华 Yang Huayue lamented that the two were truly sympathetic.

Chu Tan continued, "I do n’t have much pressure from you, I have very low material desires, I do n’t like shopping, and I usually save money. I have n’t bought a house in the capital. I saved, and returned to my hometown to find a normal job, but for the rest of my life. My contract with the brokerage company happened to be the end of this year, and for three years, I did n’t help them make any money, and I ’m so sorry for them. Attitude, my agent has not returned to WeChat, and they will definitely not renew my contract. "

These words sound so lonely and helpless, Yang Huayue was surprised,

"Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"I said I haven't been in love so far, do you believe it?"

Yang Huayue shook her head wildly. Such a super beauty is almost thirty years old. How could she never have been in love!

Wu Chuta laughed, "I don't tell him about this kind of thing, I just tell you the truth if you are cute."

Yang Huayue: "..."

She was extremely shocked inside, "Did you have been single for three decades ????"


"Are you Lala ???"

Chu Chutao: "..."

"I should still like men."

Yang Huayue wondered, "Then why ...?" After seeing Chu Tao's smile suddenly closed, Yang Huayue realized that she was unfamiliar with her and should not inquire about this privacy issue.

At this time, the two were almost out of Huaguang Building. Yang Huayue called his driver and asked them to drive the nanny car.

Yang Huayue's "cold" is just compared to her previous peak. Xinghe has equipped her with complete equipment, assistants, drivers, and nanny cars. She sees that there are no assistants or nanny cars around Chu Taro. He asked tentatively, "Where are you going? I'll take you there."

"Okay, you can take me home, thank you," Chu Taro agreed readily, and he was not polite to Yang Huayue.

She is really alone to audition, Yang Huayue feels so sad, can't help worrying about what happens if she reaches 30 years old? The only difference between her and Chu Tan is that she has a boyfriend, but Jiang Yichao's reliability, she has to put a lot of question marks!

She Chutao lives in an ordinary neighborhood near the Fourth Ring Road ~ ~ It can be seen that she has really made little money in the entertainment industry these years, even worse than some ordinary people working hard in the capital. Yang Huayue's nanny car took Chu Taro to the gate of the community, watching her lonely back going in, her heart urged to help her.

But now she is a mud bodhisattva who can't protect herself across the river, but it is still possible to make friends with Chu Taro.

Yang Huayue called Chu Taro and found a restaurant nearby and invited her for a meal.

At that time, Liu Ye was at Professor Su's house. Professor Su's family invited her for lunch today.

This morning, Liu Ye went directly to the Calligraphy Institute to meet with Professor Su. Professor Su has completely recovered from the troubles of Su Maolin. He is still so spirited and proud. Liu Ye's award at the calligraphy exhibition is not only his honor. It also indirectly adds light to Professor Su's face.

At the party on Friday, Jiang Chengfeng told Liu Ye that at the beginning of school, the school chose online elective courses, and Su Yi ’s calligraphy lessons were more scary and mad than previous years. "The word used to describe, anyway, he still did not grab.

Professor Su did not want to discourage everyone ’s passion for calligraphy. He applied to the school to open an extra elective course for undergraduates every week. Even so, the extra lesson was sent to the online system in just ten seconds. Inside was stolen.

Lunch is just a regular meal. Fang Huaiyuan and Su Juan haven't seen Liu Ye for a long time. Find a reason to call her at home to understand her situation.

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