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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 453: Spectator Motion
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While Grandma Zhan was feeding the cat, she also introduced some cats to the audience. She picked up a small orange cat and said, "It's Xiaohuang. I picked it up on the road. At that time, it was only me. I only have a big slap, and my whole body was **** with ropes by men maliciously. The road is unstable and looks so pitiful. I took it home and found that it was sick. I cleaned it up for a long time before I cleaned it. Now one year has passed. It's healthy, and there are no problems at all. "

Putting down Huang, the old man picked up a spoonful of food, walked to the front of a row of iron cages, opened one of the cages, and poured the food into a bowl in the cage. The tabby cat in the cage dragged its legs and crawled over to eat, This tanuki's leg was interrupted. I took it to the hospital to see it. The doctor said that it was incurable and was completely paralyzed. He could only crawl and walk away. I usually put this kind of cat with a physical disability. Raised in cages, they can't win healthy cats and are likely to be bullied. "

She opened a cage next to it, and a black-and-white cat peeped out of his head and licked the palm of the old man. His body was exposed in the camera. The audience realized that his hind legs were only half-cut. "It was four months At that time, I was broken by a car and my leg was now nine years old. She has been with me. She is very cute and cute. "

Grandma Zhan was talking. A few kittens ran secretly, chopped on her legs, meowed, the old man crouched down, and touched his head one by one. "Two months ago, someone secretly put a cardboard box in the yard door. Inside, I installed four little milk cats, and I adopted small animals. Everyone nearby knew that there were always people outside of my house who gave birth to unwanted pets that were born from their pets, because they knew that I could n't bear to let them go, but Why do these people have the heart to throw away such small cubs, so that they can be raised for a month or two so that they can protect themselves? "


After feeding the cat, Grandma Zhan kept feeding the dog, and the kennel was even more spectacular. Hundreds of dogs with different looks looked at the old man and the camera.

Grandma Zhan's voice came again in the video, "The first animal I adopted was a little soil dog. It was 30 years ago. It was looking for food in the trash with its tail at the time. Finally, I did n't find it, and I was shaking with hungry. Hey, it 's so pitiful. I was going to go. I 've already left a few steps. I looked back and saw the little eyes full of spirituality. Have the heart to turn around and leave, take it home, clean it up, and then sleep and eat together.

"Maybe my' bad habit 'of adopting small animals was brought by that puppy. From then on, whenever I see stray animals outside, I will definitely choose to bring them home to raise them. "

After the old man said, he concentrated on feeding the dogs in the kennel, so busy that he couldn't touch his feet.

At this time, the narration sounded again, "Now 30 years have passed since the moment of the flash. The little soil dog of that year has already returned to the planet Wang, but there are more and more small animals around Grandma Zhan, from dozens to hundreds. Thousands now, if you add those who die normally, the number will be even larger. Grandma Zhan's original house could not hold so many animals. She left the bustling capital city area two years ago and moved Go to this remote place and live alone. "

"She used to be a high school teacher. Now she is more busy every day than before retirement. She will get up at five in the morning to prepare food for all the animals. If she picks up animal cubs, the old man wo n't even have to sleep, at least I have to get up and feed every four hours. Cleaning up animal manure is also a big project. The reason why the yard can be kept so clean is because Grandma Zhan insists on cleaning in the morning and afternoon each day. "

The old man asked, "Do you feel tired?"

Grandma Zhan answered without thinking for a second, "Not tired."

"Do you regret it?"

"Why should I regret it? I feel very comfortable and practical with small animals, as if there is a hope in life. I think maybe the meaning of my life is to help these little lives to the best of my ability. I don't ask others how Understand me, I just ask for peace of mind. I know that many people like to clean, dislike animals dirty, and know that they have the smell of animals, so I take the initiative to stay away from the crowd and do not hinder anyone. "

Speaking, she showed an old and simple smile, which made the audience feel moved and sad.

See here, there are already tens of thousands of comments in the video comment area,

"After listening to Xiao Huang's encounter, I got goosebumps, I love cats, and I have dense phobia. If I encounter a stray animal with a full body worm, I will also feel it is poor, but let me adopt I definitely ca n't do it. I do n't want to touch it, so I admire my grandma from the bottom of my heart. She is really great. "

"Those who throw small milk cats and small dogs are really dregs and don't want their pets to have a baby ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ just sterilize them."

"How do you say, the person who lost the cubs is a bit conscience, knowing that the grandma will take care of them, at least not directly into the trash."

"Look at crying. Without the care of grandma, some cats and dogs would not live now."

"The elderly have good intentions, and God will bless them!"

"I think this grandma is an angel. He saved so many homeless animals with the goodness of his life. God will see in his eyes that good people will live a hundred years."

"Some scammers who pretend to be popular or cheat on the Internet and win the sympathy of netizens should come and see this documentary. The old talents are the real pets!"

"I can understand Grandma Zhan's psychology, because I am also such a person, I ca n't see the kittens and puppies stray, and I feel unconscious when I see them. I just want to help them. I ca n't control myself at all. I have adopted 27 A stray cat is helpless, and my own strength is too small, and I cannot afford it. "

"Speaking again, grandma should help so many animals, the economic pressure should be great."

"Obviously, the grandmother's living conditions are not good. The cathouse and doghouse are very rude. Just now, the camera captured the place where she lived. Except for the bed, she didn't even have a decent piece of furniture. This kind of choiceless adoption is a bottomless pit. Ten thousand assets are not enough. "


In the thirty-minute video, except for the first five minutes of the film, the rest of the content uses a fast-forward format to record Grandma Zhan's busy life.

In the pictures of a group of cute hairy children, the documentary soon came to an end, and the narrator asked Grandma Zhan, "Grandma, our video is almost finished. Do you have anything to say to the majority of netizens?"

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