Chapter 310

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Chapter 310: Start counterattack

Liu Ye found that Yu Zhan's mobile phone couldn't get through again!

She is anxious.

A dinner ate so much that she couldn't keep her heart, and she was so fascinated that Su Yi followed and worried and asked her what had happened.

She said, "My boyfriend is having some trouble."

Su Yi has long known that she has a vet boyfriend, and he has also followed the Weibo of "I am a vet".

"Someone went to his pet hospital to make trouble today. There are videos and photos on Weibo."

When Zhang Pei called her, the troubled netizens hadn't had time to post Weibo, and when Liu Ye saw the information, Yu Zhan was already on the plane.

Su Yi brought reading glasses and opened Weibo to see:

#Emergency group event! A pet hospital in the capital was maliciously besieged by people # This is the title content of Weibo ’s hot search list at this moment. Yes, Yu Zhan squeezed Tang Tu who was ranked first in the hot search list for a week.

The real information of Dr. Yu has been fleshed out. Everyone knows that his real name is Yu Zhan. The address of his pet hospital is publicly visible, but there is only this content. More in-depth information, the Navy has no ability to find it.

Su Yi clicked into the title, which contained a complete introduction to the entire event, with a very detailed description, so that people who did not know the situation, such as coming to the scene, with sharp and exaggerated words, stood on the victim's stand and described a group of Internet mobs. Discourage, rampage, disrupt normal work order.

This excellent writing style makes readers seem to be able to see through the text that the victim is isolated and helpless, so that every day should not be barred, and then express indignation and condemnation to this group of radicals who have committed neuropathy.

In order to improve the credibility, the author published four surveillance videos, the monitoring positions are located inside the store, across the street, side, and overlooking from the high floor.

Everyone can clearly see how the crowd slowly gathered together, how to rush into the pet hospital, how to surround Dr. Yu, and ignore the pleading of the little nurse.

As for the section where Zhang Dairen came to help, it was cut off.

Ask the navy to pace, who won't?

No one in this review does not support Yu Zhan, even if they are eating melon, they are also on the side of Yu Zhan.

"Too much, this group is breaking the law."

"Originally human flesh is a crime, and they went to Doctor Yu's shop to cause trouble, which is simply outrageous."

"Not to mention that the doctor Yu has not yet come to an accurate conclusion. Even if he is really posing in a documentary, acting in a person-oriented setting, and not having a great crime, he won't be under siege."

"I feel like there is a premeditated plan. Who is full and has nothing to do if they are full and will not go to work on Monday to see the net red?"


Liu Ye also sent a condemned statement using his Weibo, "Before seeing today ’s negative comments on" Meng Chong Hospital "and Yu Zhan, I did n’t know the word" people set "at all, and I deliberately Searching what it means, I don't understand what is going on in the world. A really good man will be considered fictional, so what should he do to appear real? "

"He is not an actor and does not need to play anyone. He is very low-key and doesn't want to be an Internet celebrity. He did not want to shoot" Meng Chong Hospital "at the beginning. I tried to persuade him so he reluctantly agreed. In my cognition, this is just helping a friend. With some kindness, it became a farce. When I saw the content of the surveillance video, I only hated that I was not in the capital and could not stay with him. Today I have not By calling him, I was worried about his condition. "

"I'm a webcaster, and I know all kinds of netizens. If I don't pay attention, I will be disgusted, scolded, and besieged. I feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel sad and angry for this day. Experience, how can I take it for granted that he is also drawn into this vortex? I regret it, I regret it, I killed him. I want to tell those who maliciously attack Yu Zhan, I am more red than him, Do n’t you just want to make things bigger? Any dissatisfaction, come at me! "

Liu Wei's Weibo was praised to heaven.

"Fuck, it's almost crying."

"Master Princess Girlfriend Power Max!"

"I have always firmly believed that the great veterinarian did not disguise. We have powdered the princess and the veterinarian for such a long time, and they are not fools. I still do n’t see if it is a human being?"

"Yes, I don't think Miss Sister has a team. I'm her old fan. Watching her step by step from 15 fans to 300w + fans today, there was no such thing as a veterinarian at first. How could he be young? What about sister's childcare? And I've talked to Taozi as a little fairy, and I prove that she is really a fan of her sister. "

"This pot of dirty water is inexplicable."


After reading about Su Yi, his mood was very complicated. "How did this happen!"

"It's my fault," Liu Yan felt guilty.

"It's not your problem at all," Su Yi feared that Liu Ye's reproach would really affect tomorrow's performance, so he used his Weibo to comment on this matter in the tone of an elder wise man:

"In the past century, we have overthrown too many old, feudal, and bad things. This era advocates freedom, people, and rights, so I can now post this Weibo on the Internet. The Internet is really a great invention. Everyone is enjoying the convenience it brings to us. "

"But some people use it as a shame for their own mischief. You are no different from those villains who have used everything for their own personal benefit in the past, but they advertise themselves with" civilized people "in the civilized age ~ www ~ Fools follow suit, applaud, step on morality under their feet, think that they have not violated the law, but have been lost to morality, you people, and Lu Xun ’s fools who eat 'human blood hoe' Compared to it, I look more ugly and vulgar. "

"Ancient cloud:‘ Cangjie knows the etiquette ’. I guess there is no one who is hungry for those who go to other stores for mischief. Where is your etiquette?”

Each time Su Yi posted Weibo, he was sharp, sarcastic, and unrelenting.

Those who followed him were senior intellectuals, so the well-known calligraphers, university professors, and students at Capital University reposted this Weibo to further deepen the influence of the incident.

At that time, Guo Nan, who had a golden thigh bodyguard, had not realized the seriousness of the incident, because he was not the initiator of the group incident, and he did not know Yu Zhan, and had trouble finding him, Disputing Yu Zhan was a strategy negotiated between the Marine Corps and him, but the subsequent development was also beyond their expectations.

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