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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 461: All learners
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Netizens were touched and happy after watching.

"It feels like a group of children taking care of a group of hairy children. Although they are careless, the mood shown is moving.

"Very meaningful volunteer activities, I hope that universities across the country can organize more similar social practices to cultivate students' personality, morality and conscience."

"Deserves to be a student at Capital University, please like it."

"I checked it again and found out that everyone except Liu Ye was wearing glasses, and they were all true learners."


Some netizens are also curious:

"What is the Department of Classical Literature and this specialty?"

"Oh, oh, I remember, Liu Ye was transferred to this major at the beginning."

"Whatever they study, these college students are awesome!"


Many people have never heard of the Department of Classical Literature. They did a check on the Internet to find out what this major is for.

There is a self-media introduction to the Department of Classical Literature of Capital University under the headings of #National smallest majors-a class with only single-digit students #.

Capital University's lowest-profile major became an internet celebrity major overnight.

Some reporters even got Liu Ye's student list in their class based on their own relationship. Then, based on their names, they found relevant information for everyone. They wentssip who got the award and who came from the college entrance examination.

Liang Shengnan is a provincial champion of liberal arts in colleges and universities, the first in the province. She had full marks for college entrance examinations in that year, and the whole article was written in classical Chinese. And the other students scored the worst in the county college entrance examination.

A message from netizens: "666666."

This reporter didn't want to waste his labor. He simply found the information of Jiang Chengfeng, Sun Weiwei and Tao Zhiyao. Jiang Chengfeng was also a provincial science entrance examination champion.

Sun Weiwei ranked 21st in the capital's sciences in the college entrance examination, and Tao Zhiyao was a little bit worse. He passed the 48th in the capital's liberal arts that year.

"All the proper things are Xueba ..."

"I didn't expect that the girl who repaired the roof was the provincial champion, and the women's champion was also the provincial champion (unbelievable)."

"Sister Taozi is too good, so spicy and rich, and IQ is so high that ordinary people are not allowed to live."

"It feels like I'm following the world of a group of bulls."

"While looking up to the big brother, should we study hard?"


Liu Ye knew Sun Weiwei's college entrance examination scores. The original owner remembered this, but she did not expect Liang Shengnan and Jiang Chengfeng to be so powerful.

Li Xiaoru sent a WeChat to her, "It's over, it feels like I have the lowest IQ (big cry)."

The art student's cultural class is not demanding. Liu Ye remembered the former master 's college entrance examination cultural class results and responded to Li Xiaoru, "It's all right, I'll give you the bottom."

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