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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 483: Good things to stay
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After the bell rang, Professor Ma, who teaches phonology in the Department of Classical Literature, packed up the materials, and as soon as he opened the classroom door, he was frightened by the students gathered outside the door.

"What are you doing here? Are you chasing the stars?" Of course, Professor Ma knows that Liu Ye in the class is a net red. Father Su's lover, the student covered by principal Fang, which teacher in the school does not recognize Liu Ye?

Liu Ye had been absent from class for more than a month. When she first came to class, some students were waiting outside to see celebrities, but not so much at the moment. Everyone was fresh and passed. No one came. After that, Liu Ye became famous again. In addition to being good-looking, he was also a student like everyone. He didn't have three heads and six arms.

Professor Ma's impression of Liu Ye is quite good, because her Western Chinese pronunciation standards are incredible. However, Liu Ye is the first and only one in his teaching career who can read the ancient Chinese sounds more accurately than books. She read the jerky documents and poems of the Han Dynasty. Her performance is nothing like a beginner in phonology. Professor Ma thinks that it may be related to her calligraphy. I heard that she is also the best written by Hanyu. Therefore, other ancient sounds after the Han Dynasty, her level is no different from other students can make sense.

However, based on this alone, Liu Ye is enough to make Professor Ma look at her with great respect. It is no wonder that the principal Fang wants to get her into their university. This girl is indeed a personal talent.

Professor Ma thought, "Is Liu Ye doing anything earth-shattering this time?"

He asked his doubts.

One student said, "We saw a video of the fire fighting of the Department of Classical Literature on the Internet. Not only did we come to see Liu Ye, but also other classmates who showed their righteousness. We want to face them and say, you are doing great!

As soon as the student's voice fell, other students around him echoed, "Yes, they are heroes of fire fighting!"

Professor Ma also took out his mobile phone and looked for a video to watch.

Many students in the Department of Classical Literature in the classroom heard outside talk. Some students knew that Liu Ye had posted the video of the firefighting on the Internet. They did not understand why Liu Ye did this. They did not want to engage in firefighting. Everyone knows that as if they are deliberately making a show and asking others to praise themselves, everyone's point of view is the same as that of Sun Weiwei-doing good things without leaving a name is the highest state.

Liang Shengnan said to Liu Yan, "So many people know, we are all embarrassed to go to the cafeteria for dinner."

Liu Ye also didn't want to be in this position, she explained, "Sister Peach asked me to do this. I guess she went to the film and television base to check out today. If something unexpected happens, you need to use video to clarify the facts."

Professor Ma has finished watching the video. He was deeply touched and turned back to the classroom. He just heard Liu Ye's words. He pretended to be angry and said to Liu Ye, "During my class, you tweeted with two minds! "

Liu Shame, "What you learned."

"Your video is right. If you do a good thing, you should tell it to everyone and let everyone know. The morals and values ​​of today's society are seriously declining. Otherwise, the phenomenon of" the elderly can't help but fall down. " People are becoming more and more indifferent, seeing others in distress all hangs high, fearing to get into trouble, but completely forgetting the essence of our Chinese nation's thousands of years of traditional culture-saving lives, helping the elderly, loving the young and seeing justice I am very glad that your children have not forgotten their original intentions. You are role models for young people. Even the Internet celebrities can still have the power of example! "

Professor Ma's tone was loud and contagious, and the students inside and outside the classroom were boiling. Everyone applauded, "Professor is right!"

Liu Ye and the classmates saw the thumbs raised by the professor to them, and heard the applause of the classmates in the corridor, feeling a warmth in their hearts.

Jiang Chengfeng and his roommate encountered similar situations. After Jiang Chengfeng got the video last night, he originally planned to show the video to Professor Zhao this morning. Even if Liu Ye posted it online, he had to go to the professor. Who knows the professor? I usually do not see Weibo.

Unexpectedly, Professor Zhao came to the classroom to find the four of them personally. He greeted the teacher who was giving the lesson and called out the four of them. The other students thought that the vice dean was last night. Continue processing them.

Jiang Chengfeng and his roommate ABC followed Professor Zhao to walk outside. I did not expect that the other party would not say a lot of nonsense, and apologized directly to them.

This scared the four students. They hurriedly said that they were wrong for being late, and the professor should be angry ...

Professor Zhao said, "You do n't have to look at me when I am older. I 'm a professor or a deputy. I take all the mistakes to myself. It 's my problem, and I admit that I should n't use the previous students in a general way. I'm late. I guess the reason for your lateness ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ let me tell you those unpleasant words. I hope you don't shake your heart because of my angry words, "Professor Zhao regretted very much. Liu Yifa's video has now spread throughout the teaching and research room of the computer school. Teachers recognize that four of the boys in Hanfu are students of their college.

Professor Zhao was shocked at the time. Last night, Jiang Chengfeng said that they were going to fight the fire.

And in the video, the four people who rushed to the front were Jiang Chengfeng. They smashed open the courtyard door, kicked open the door of the burning room, the black smoke and firelight, and the determination and bravery of the boys' faces. Professor Zhao was disturbed. He and Professor Ma have the same idea. He must not let the children who have done good deeds, but be misunderstood, suffered, and hit their enthusiasm. Otherwise, in the future, if they encounter similar things, they will become cold, and then he is heaven. Great sin.

Therefore, he ignored other work, and asked the head of the department where Jiang Chengfeng had classes in the morning, and immediately came over.

Jiang Chengfeng originally thought that even if there was a video, Professor Zhao would not relax. After all, he took the initiative to admit his mistakes to the students. Where should the dean's face go? I did not expect such a rigorous professor to be so principled.

He said to Professor Zhao, "When will we show you our course design again?"

"If you take things with you, you can give them to me now, and I'll go back to the office to see."

Computer-student USB flash drives are always with them. Jiang Chengfeng's USB flash drive is in his jacket pocket. His roommate returned to the classroom and took out the USB flash drive from his schoolbag.

Professor Zhao left with four USB sticks.

Later, at the end of the semester, they checked their grades on the Internet. In this course, all four of them got full marks ...

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