Chapter 323

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Chapter 323: In danger

The hospital at four in the morning was very quiet, and the doctors and nurses on duty were tired from work. They all rested in their respective lounges. There was no one in the corridor except Liu Ye and Zhou Buyi.

The two of them said two words, but without interest in chatting, they were silent.

After a while, Liu Ye got up and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom is a little hidden at the corner at the end of the corridor.

At this time, the bathroom was also empty.

Liu Ye entered a compartment, and as soon as the door was locked, she heard light footsteps outside. She thought that she was also coming to the toilet, and the footsteps came to a sudden stop.

She didn't hear the sound of someone entering in the next cubicle, or the sound of water flowing from the sink.

At this time, Liu Ye was not attentive. After finishing the toilet flushing, she lowered her head and wore pants, and suddenly saw a shadow reflected from the tile under the compartment.

Someone outside the cubicle!

She crouched down, and she really saw a pair of men's feet through the gap below.

Her heart sank, how could there be a man in the women's toilet.

Liu Ye fiddled with the toilet paper box, deliberately made a sparse voice, and at the same time took out his mobile phone, and sent Zhou Buyi a message: "Hurry up to the police, a man in the women's toilet is blocked outside, I can't come out."

Seeing this message, Zhou Buyi stood up from his chair at once, he went to the end of the corridor, glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and immediately called the police.

Zhou Buzhen had just reported to the police. Liu Ye sent two more messages.

"I'm afraid he is the one who hurt Wu Qu. We have to catch him. We can't alarm him and let him run away."

"He came at me, and he must know you. There may be a weapon in your hand. Don't come here without permission."

How could Zhou Buzhen let Liu Xie alone and the gangsters stay in the bathroom, but he knew that he was only a weak scholar and had no power to restrain the chickens. Instead of rushing up, he immediately asked for help.

At the same time, the situation on Liu Ye's side became critical.

She stayed in the toilet for too long, and the other party noticed that she started knocking on the door of the cubicle, and finally kicked directly.

The lock on the compartment was very thin. He kicked two feet and broke it. Liu Yan shrank in the corner to protect herself from being hit by the door. She stared coldly at the man in front of her.

She did not expect that the murderer was Su Maolin.

Su Maolin was wearing a black suit. Liu Ye saw abnormal dyeing on his T-shirt and black pants. She thought it was the blood of Wu Qu.

Su Maolin looked like Zhou Zheng at first, but he was a handsome guy, but now his whole face is very distorted, like the kind of red-eyed badass,

He said nothing, rushed in to catch Liu Ye, and Liu Ye struggled.

"Again, I strangle you," he suddenly showed a dagger.

Liu Ye didn't dare to move. Su Maolin dragged her into her arms. She asked about a strong **** smell. "You put away the knife and have something to say."

Su Maolin ignored her, dragged her out, and went downstairs from the fire tunnel opposite the bathroom.

"What's your dissatisfaction with me?"

"Stop doing it?"

"I won't run."

Liu Ye continued to say that she kept her calm as much as possible, making her voice sound as usual, as if just chatting with Su Maolin.

The closed stairs and Liu Ye ’s cooperation gave Su Maolin a sense of security. He finally responded to Liu Ye ’s question. He said, “I ’m not only dissatisfied with you, I really like you.”

There was an ominous feeling in Liu Ye's heart.

Sure enough, Su Maolin continued to say, "When I first saw you during the face-to-face review, I was fascinated by you. I have never seen a girl of your type. Take the opportunity to talk to you and make friends. "

Liu Ye tried to keep calm, and continued to ask him, "Do you do Wu Qu?"

Speaking of Wu Qu, Su Maolin gritted his teeth and hated him.

"My dad arranged everything properly. It was clear that I had been shortlisted. As a result, Wu Qu had to step in. Not only did I be permanently barred from participating in the exhibition, but it also affected my dad from being penalized by the calligraphy association. Qualification, lost work, lost face, the most hateful thing is that Xizhen Academy was also hosted and stopped, my family lost its financial resources, and my dad now has to rely on selling words to maintain living expenses. People around me are watching my home Joke, my parents and I didn't even dare to come out. "

"As a result, you guys have a beautiful scene, live broadcast on TV, and the news on the Internet is overwhelming. Even Wu Qu can get the exhibition award. If it wasn't for him, my award would have been mine!" Su Maolin Yue Yue said Excited, can't wait to kill Wu Qu now.

While watching the live broadcast yesterday, Su Maolin came up with the idea of ​​revenge on Wu Qu. He followed Wu Qu from the Convention and Exhibition Center all the way to the small hotel where he lived, and remained outside.

"Does your father know what you did?" Liu Yan asked.

Su Maolin suddenly said fiercely, "Don't pull my dad, I'll do it alone!"

It was only at this time that Liu Ye understood that she and the police were in the wrong direction, which had nothing to do with Su Xuezhen.

"What's good for hurting Wu Qu?"

"I'm here to breathe out!"

"So are you angry now?"

Su Maolin's eyes flashed with confusion. Why wasn't he pleased at the moment, but he was panicked, terrified, afraid that the police would find himself, and felt that he could do everything.

"You have wounded Wu Qu seriously. Why do you want to come to the hospital?"

Su Maolin kept silent,

At first, he just wanted to teach Wu Qu a lesson and hurt him, but he accidentally let Wu Qu see his face. He was worried that Wu Qu told the police that he planned to go to the hospital and kill him. Already. He knew that he had completely lost his mind, but there was no turning back when he opened the bow.

He actually came to the hospital a long time ago and kept peeping in the dark ~ ~ There was a nurse on duty in the intensive care room, and the door was locked. Sitting on Liu Ye in the corridor.

He wants to have broken the law anyway, and when Wu Qu wakes up, he will definitely be arrested. Since it ’s a fixed meal, it ’s better to get Liu Ye in hand before he goes in and make himself a happy criminal.

After finally waiting for everyone to leave, Liu Ye ordered and he followed her to the toilet.

Liu Ye looked up at the floor sign on the wall. They were down to the second floor. She was in a hurry.

"Where are you taking me?"

Su Maolin answered unquestionably, "My car is parked outside."

Liu Ye knew very well that if she got into his car, she would face an unprecedented danger and she would have to flee.

But Su Maolin was a young and strong man. He clamped her arms tightly with one hand, fixed her to the side, and held a knife in the other hand.


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