Chapter 325

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Chapter 325: Are hospitalized

After a long night, Liu tossed himself into the hospital.

Su Maolin's two slaps were not an excuse for filming. It hit Liu's face solidly. At first Liu just had a little bleeding in his mouth and flowed out the corner of her mouth. After she wiped it off, Zhou Buzheng and others People don't see it.

About three minutes later, the police arrived, handcuffed Su Maolin, and put the person in a police car. Zhou Bujuan watched the police car leave. Looking back, Liu's right face suddenly swelled. He was startled and asked the doctor to help him. Happening.

So Liu underwent blood tests, brain ct tests, body and bone radiographs ... more than usual physical examination items.

Liu felt that he was okay at all. He would be tired and sick after such an inspection. In the end, the doctor determined that Liu had only injured the skin of his face, and that his ears had slight tinnitus, which was not serious.

Knowing the news, Yu Zhan hurried back and saw Liu sitting in the infusion room with one hand in a hanging bottle and his head asleep next to the wall.

The congestion is now concentrated on the wound, causing her right half to swell high. Her face is not very good. There is no blood outside the swelling. Even her lips are light pink and her long eyelashes are constantly trembling. I don't feel secure in my sleep

Indeed, Liu was having a nightmare. She repeatedly reappeared in her mind the process of being smitten by Su Maolin and being beaten by him. How calm she was at the time, she was afraid.

In the most critical moment of her dream, she felt that Yu Zhan held her hand, and there was a soft touch on his forehead. He was kissing her, and she clearly felt the temperature of Yu Zhan's palm, and the warmth passed from her fingertips. To the limbs and bones, a little electric shock.

She opened her eyes suddenly, facing her gentle eyes, she called gently, "Azhan."

Yu Zhan stopped her in her arms and patted her on the back.

"Continue to sleep."


Liu slowly closed his eyes and leaned into Yu Zhan's arms. His arms were too comfortable. After a while, she slept again. This time she did not have nightmares again.

When the hanging needle was finished, Yu Zhan asked a doctor in the hospital to arrange a bed for her and let her stay in the hospital for observation.

After Su Yi fell asleep, he learned from the phone that Liu was in distress at the hospital. He committed high blood pressure at the time and couldn't control his medication. The hotel hurriedly called for an ambulance and took him to the hospital.

Finally, Su Yi was also hospitalized.

Su Maolin's incident was so loud that it alarmed the traditional media. After dawn, the local mainstream newspapers in the ancient capital reported the news. Later, the TV station also came to the hospital to interview, and then there were related reports on the Internet.

All media have the ability to make a clear investigation of Su Maolin's background, and the bottom of Su Xuezhen has been lifted.

The behavior of Su Xuezhen in the calligraphy exhibition was announced to the public, and this time the calligraphy association was unable to suppress it.

Although Xizhen College closed its doors for rectification, some parents of the students did not know the specific situation. They all waited for the college to resume business before continuing to send their children to learn calligraphy. Su Maolin is one of the teachers of this group of children. It is conceivable that after seeing the news, these parents are all bad. When they think of a deliberately hurting person + premeditated rape. They have taught their children, they feel very scared, and the reputation of Xizhen College is completely stinky.

At the same time, Liu was hijacked and almost raped. The news of **** was spread across the Internet with thunder, and her fans were worried about her, leaving messages on her Weibo to ask her about her situation.

Not only that, the process of Wu Qu's serious injuries and Zhou Buzhen's wit and saving people was also understood by netizens. Since all three were the winners of the calligraphy exhibition, the calligraphy exhibition that had already ended was once again discussed, especially for the three The award-winning works, "Golden House Treasure", "Innocent" and "Western Territory" have been fired on the Internet.

The art works are priceless. If you want to enter the field of commercial circulation, you need to speculate. On that day, many local tyrants called the ancient capital exhibition center and the National Calligraphy Association to inquire about how to book and purchase the works of the three of them. The answer was that "Western Territory" has been collected by the state and cannot be purchased, and "Golden House Hidden Treasure" and "No Evil" are on sale, but the specific purchase method has not yet been determined. This is the case. There are hundreds of names registered in advance, and the first is Yu Zhan's name.

Wu Qu was awake at noon that day. He had some sequelae of traumatic brain injury. For example, he saw Liu et al. He remembered them for a long time before they remembered their names. For example, he did not remember what happened after checking out of the small hotel that night. Got it, I'm afraid even the intestines are regretful.

The doctor said that Wu Qu's condition is not serious, dizziness, headache, memory disorder, and even amnesia are all normal. He can recover after a period of rest.

However, Wu Qu still clearly remembers the calligraphy exhibition. He asked everyone where his suitcase was, and the exhibition award certificate was in the suitcase. He didn't feel relieved until he took the certificate again.

In the afternoon, on behalf of the Calligraphy Association, Ouyang Cen sent him a 50,000 yuan condolences. He told Wu Qu Anxin to be hospitalized and reassured. The medical expenses were recognized by the calligraphy association.

Ouyang Cen visited Wu Qu and went to visit his old friend. Su Yi ’s blood pressure had returned to normal, but his face was still a little red. The doctor asked him to stay in the hospital for at least a week for recuperation. Of course, he could not take the plane within three or five days. .

He ordered Ouyang Cen not to tell his daughter-in-law about his illness in the ancient capital. Ouyang Cen asked him, "Why do you continue to stay in the ancient capital?"

"I already told them that you warmly invited me to be a guest at your house."

Ouyang Cen: "..."

Ouyang Cen told him ~ ~ We have removed Su Xuezhen from the association. "

Delisting also means that Su Xuezhen has lost his status as an official calligrapher in the calligraphy circle, and the value of his works will plummet. For investors and collectors who have already collected his works, it is a great deal. Loss, for Su Xuezhen personally, his career as a professional calligrapher ends here.

Su Yi did not applaud, but said with a somewhat complex expression, "He is actually innocent in this matter."

Ouyang Cen disagrees,

"The son does not teach, the father is over, he drowned his son like this, how can he be innocent?"

The Calligraphy Association was originally a low-profile high-end organization. As a result, police, journalists, and even government leaders came to the door several times. It was also an investigation and an inquiry. It was just restless. The president of the visiting association was also very angry.

The decision to expel Su Xuezhen's membership was an order ordered by the president himself.

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