Chapter 306

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Chapter 306: Peer is the enemy

Many netizens have a blind trust in National Taiwan. After lobbying by the navy, they went to "Pet Hospital". In all fairness, "Pet Hospital" was not badly shot, and the same observation and recording method was used. , The story is complete, the picture is exquisite, and the sense of reality is strong. Every veterinarian in it has shown his face. Although their face value is ordinary, the medical technique is not worse than the doctor, and they are also responsible for the sick animals.

"The Pet Hospital is also great."

"I'm a fan of" Meng Chong Hospital ", but I want to say something with a lid, I think" A pet hospital "is no worse than" Meng Chong Hospital "."

"It's worthy of being produced by the state. It's a great shot. An episode of four independent and complete stories. There are cats and dogs, there is sadness and joy. It feels like a textbook-style documentary. Compared to" Meng Chong Hospital ", It's too casual and the levels are not clear. The previous comment was right. The director and other participants are too subjective and emotional. The documentary should be calm and objective, and discuss the matter. "

"A personally-made video cannot be compared with the official one. Under the setting of" Love Pet Hospital ", the plastic and copycat feeling of" Meng Pet Hospital "is very strong."

"No wonder Ye Liang didn't dare to disclose the fact that he had left the national station. He clearly wanted to use the name of the national station to gold his own video."


The Shuijun really has the ability to reverse black and white. They have successfully positioned "Love Pet Hospital" as genuine, but "Meng Pet Hospital" has become a pirated version. They have also brainwashed some netizens. These people followed suit. Judging from "Meng Chong Hospital" 2, these wall grasses also praised "Meng Chong Hospital" 2 last night.

When Ye Liangliang found out, the comment area of ​​"Meng Chong Hospital" 2 had completely fallen, and there were doubts everywhere. The words were intensely angry, and there was also serious polarization. Half of the netizens were "Meng Chong" "Hospital" and Dr. Yu really love the fans, and support them unswervingly. The other half of netizens are professional sunspots and wall grasses. They continue to write bad reviews and one star.

Ye Ziliang immediately contacted the website customer service and asked to delete the post. The customer service said that the commenter was a premium member, and the site was a place of free speech. Everyone had the right to express their views. His request to delete the post was unreasonable.

Ye Ziliang was so angry that he became an unreasonable party instead? !!

He quickly posted a Weibo refutation on Weibo, "" Meng Chong Hospital "was a creative idea during my internship on Taiwan. Because of my status, I signed the name of National Taiwan at the end of the documentary, but this documentary From the beginning to the end, our team independently produced and has nothing to do with National Taiwan. The reason why I resigned is because National Taiwan intends to deprive me of the director of "Meng Chong Hospital ..."

Ye Ziliang fully expressed his grievances with National Taiwan. Although he did not name his surname, the director who mapped "Love Hospital" in words was Guo Nan, who was designated by National Taiwan to replace him.

"I have reserved the right to hold you legally responsible for some pre-organized attacks on" Meng Chong Hospital "and other members of the team!

Ye Ziliang publicly angered "Never Pet Hospital" director Guo Nan, and blatantly opposed the entire National Taiwan channel to win his fans and some netizens who didn't seem to be too busy to retweet.

"In this way, it is because the National Taiwanese are not good-minded, and they are robbing others of their creativity. Anyone who is a little **** will resign."

"It's not clear who said that it is true. I have experienced too many beatings before, my face has been hurt, and I don't dare to stand in line. Let's watch it first."

"I choose to trust Ye Dao and support the original!"


Ten minutes after Ye Ziliang's Weibo was posted, Guo Nan actually responded publicly with his Weibo: "I'm Guo Nan, the director of" Pet Hospital ", and I'm here for the director's accusations on National Channel and me. Two points are explained: First, the National Channel does not deprive a director of the original identity. Even if the director is changed, the original author's signature will be retained. Second, the National Channel is the national vocal department. Representing the image of the country, the leadership is even more so. They have worked for many years and have rich experience. They have a long-term vision on some work issues and consider the overall situation before deciding to replace a director, but at the same time arranged other work for him, but he refused. Accepting, disobeying orders, and resigning willfully undermine the work plan of the entire department. "

Guo Nan's Weibo is not very popular, but he has a sailor. The sailor helped him to the top so that more netizens could see it.

Everyone thinks that Guo Nan is also justified, especially the netizens who are also engaged in the work of the system. They have become accustomed to strict work discipline and used to obey the leadership arrangements. If everyone is like Ye Liang, how can the leadership work be distributed? ? These people think that Ye Liang did something wrong.

Gong said that the reasoned wife said that the wife was reasonable,

This documentary film director's mutual conflict, so far, officially kicked off, also from the video message area to Weibo.

Now as long as celebrities are torn down, they will attract countless people's attention, even if these people have never heard of the parties or watched the documentary, anyway, life is too boring and boring. As a result, the topic's popularity has risen steadily and entered the top ten of the hot search list. In order to find out, more netizens went to watch documentaries.

At the same time, people from pet hospitals across the country made a special visit to confirm whether Dr. Yu ’s documentary about the treatment of cat food and cat plague is scientific.

These people were dubious about Dr. Yu's words, so they came to scold him. The veterinarians could not have a good look at them, and they even resented Dr. Yu's approach.

Where is this steamed bun ~ ~ He did this to let others do business, is he going to cut everyone's money? !!

Colleagues are enemies,

So a veterinarian posted a Weibo, saying, "Cat plague is not a trivial matter. It is related to the life of a cat. You should go to the hospital for treatment by a professional doctor. Follow the doctor's advice, and do not listen to the teachings of scammers."

"After busy work, I took the time to read" Meng Chong Hospital ". I have never heard of the cat plague treatment method introduced in it. I don't know if the colleague Yu surname has been clinically verified. I dare to speak so publicly in public. Let the pet owner follow the example of instigating tone. If some netizens believe in him and kill his cat in this way, he will certainly not be responsible, because the life of animals is not as precious as humans. In this era of information explosion , Nonsense is too light. "

"Invite your colleagues in the capital to help this person flesh out and see if he is qualified for veterinary medicine."

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