Chapter 381

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Chapter 381: Oops i go

The pure man's low and rude voice, coupled with a flower-like face and a cute bow, the sense of contradiction reached 250%.

"Oh ~" Jiang Chengfeng's roommate B happened to take a sip of water, and all of them were spit out.

Roommate B just came into the live broadcast room and saw this slightly familiar face. He heard this extremely familiar voice, and the familiar and unfamiliar name.

He's all bad.

No, he can't be blind. Everyone must be blind. He went to pull the other two roommates who were reading and eating chicken.

"Look at it, this Nima is Jiang Chengfeng !!!"

Roommate A and Roommate C looked intently,

Roommate A: "I'm in a hurry, really Jiang Chengfeng."

Roommate C screamed "omg," and then clenched his chest tightly, as if the young boy had been victimized. "We actually slept with a lady in clothing for more than two years. He didn't peep at me in the middle of the night!"

Roommate B Khan Ran: "Pay attention to the wording, you just sleep with him."

Roommate A scorned: "Can you look in the mirror before you talk? Besides, women's big guys are not necessarily base guys, okay, Jiang Chengfeng has a girlfriend."

Roommate B said: "Well, her girlfriend also appeared in the live broadcast room just now. She looks the same as the online video. She is tall and has a temperament. Jiang Chengfeng is blessed!"

Fans of "Miss and Sisters" originally had many students from Capital University. Among them, they knew Jiang Chengfeng and were shocked collectively. Those who did not know him must now also know them.

At the same time, the message room in the live room is also particularly happy,

"I'm really confused. Is he a younger sister or older brother?"

"Oh leak, this face has been looking for a long time, I actually feel a sense of heart."

"I'm in love, I want to marry him!"

"Sure enough, I've been single for too long, and my younger brother who sees a clear eyebrow also wants to kiss him."

"Three abuses upstairs, put them on the top and let the ladies' ladies see it."

"Boss picks and chooses, these are your fans."


"Boss, can you give us a wink? That kind of evil charm is crazy, and it looks good, so I will give you a gift."-East China Sea (roommate A)

Li Xiaoru and Sun Weiwei were a little excited when they saw this message. Someone just wanted to give them a gift! Tao Zhiyao, like Yu Zhan, was a money-spending madness. She wondered what it was like to be gifted?

Jiang Chengfeng's heart was also moved. Gifts are equal to RMB. Who doesn't like RMB? Even if this request is a little too much, but the women's clothing is worn, what a fool!

Just toss, who is afraid of who!

So he looked into the camera and frowned and practiced. It was very funny. No one in the audience in front of the screen laughed. When he found the feeling, he calmly said to everyone, "Please everyone, please be prepared, especially ' East of the East China Sea ', please be optimistic, I will start to wink! "

All viewers: "..."

Can't you use such a force to speak like that?

Before the audience reacted, I saw a pair of dark pupils suddenly enlarged, long false eyelashes trembling, and then the eye waves flowed, and a very different bright color passed from the corner of his eyebrows ...


"Ouch, I'll go!"

"My mother!"



At this moment, all the messages are as above. However, everyone does not feel sick, but:

"When it's over, what's going on?

"It's so beautiful !!!"

"My chest seems to have been shot by Cupid!"

"In his glamorous eyes, I tasted the taste of love."

"It really is a big brother, I have to serve!"

"I'm sure I look, and I'm the one I like (laughing and crying)."


The unexpected reward followed:

"East of the East China Sea sends you three love light guns";

Lightwave snatched three pink fans on the screen in succession.

"East of the East China Sea Sends You Magic Circles"

"Hedgehog sends you 10 magic circles";

"A mouthful of salad dressing gives you 10 magic circles";

"Little dimples give you 10 magic circles";


The names of the gifts on the two live broadcast platforms are different. There is also a "refill" here. There is also a cheap gift called "Magic Circle". The habits are different. The vibrato viewers prefer to use the "Magic Circle" to reward their favorite. Anchor.

For a moment, hundreds of colorful magic circles flashed on the screen, and the scene was very spectacular. Seeing this magnificent scene, Jiang Chengfeng was stunned, as if countless banknotes were ashing in front of himself. He kept saying thank you to everyone who rewarded them.

He finally realized why Liu Ye was so passionate about becoming a celebrity. Not only did he make a lot of money, but the feeling of being supported and supported by countless people was great and a sense of accomplishment.

So he boldly said, "What else is required of me, just mention it!"

All of a sudden, various requests and even strange requests appeared in the message area.

Someone asked him to whistle, someone asked him to stand up and dance, someone asked him to take off his clothes and show his chest to prove that he was a real man ...

Jiang Chengfeng had a hard time choosing, and he told the audience, "You have asked too much, and I'm picky, I don't know which one to start with."

I don't know which audience started the rhythm, he shouted the first sentence:

"Sing, sing, sing!"

All the subsequent messages stood in line with him, and all the messages were for him to sing.

Jiang Chengfeng usually sings rarely. He has a little dilemma, but think about the gift == money, and he will get rid of it.

What are you singing?

Just as he was tangled, the piano on his side suddenly heard the familiar intro melody ~ ~ He turned around and saw that Li Xiaoru did n’t know when to sit in front of the piano and started playing "Listen, the sound of the wind 》 The theme song of the same name.

Jiang Chengfeng was Liu Xie's **** old fan. Before the movie was released, he often hummed this song in the dormitory in front of Li Xiaoru, and was too familiar with the lyrics and melody!

Involuntarily, he began to sing along with Li Xiaoru's piano.

In all fairness, Jiang Chengfeng did not sing badly. He didn't tune out. His voice was low but soft and magical. His voice was very suitable for this song.

Liu Ye is so hot now, "Listening, the Voice of the Wind" is her only publicly released song. Since the movie's release, she has ranked second in the Hot Songs chart for two consecutive weeks. In the ending song, most young people have heard this song. The same song, sung by a man with a pure piano accompaniment, instantly gave everyone a refreshing feeling, coupled with the appearance that Jiang Chengfeng was carefully dressed by the girls, it is a double enjoyment of sight and hearing!

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