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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 424: Admit
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? After Yang Huayue finished posting the Weibo of the sundry water list, she made a phone call with Liu Ye late at midnight and thanked her for her apology. She told Liu Ye that the calligraphy was bought by her and had nothing to do with Tang Tu. Jiang Yichao was making a rumor. Let her stop responding to Jiang Yichao. 35xs

Except for the first Weibo that spoke for Yang Huayue, Liu Ye did not make any further noises. She also saw that Jiang Yichao's true intention was to pretend to be crazy, and use this great opportunity to stir herself up.

Liu Ye had previously entered the suit and had a hard time with him directly, which directly caused Jiang Yichao's Weibo followers to increase from 200w to 300w in just over an hour. In an era where traffic is king and fans are crazy about the economy , 100w fans, even if a fan is 1 yuan, it will cost 1 million to buy, not to mention that the value of active powder is more than 1 yuan.

Compared with Jiang Yichao, He Qisi 's scum is just drizzle. After all, school is still more simple than society. Yang Huayue used the word scumman to describe Jiang Zechao. Liu Ye felt that scum was more suitable. He really used everything. Others, for his benefit, he wanted fire, he wanted to go crazy.

However, after hot search, Jiang Yichao thought that he could go to heaven.

In fact, the three parties who were forcibly drawn into the battlefield did not seem to see his Weibo, which was related to the auction, without fluctuations and disregard to the end.

Yu Zhan has been active on Weibo today, patiently responding to fans asking for information about his pet's condition. The fan named "Dabai" bubbling to help him again. The two cooperate with each other and the atmosphere is very harmonious. Flash dance

Tang Tu retweeted the mad monster, reposted several Weibo that he found interesting, there were videos of cooking, funny videos, and he also reposted the makeup video of Miao Xiaomei.

As for Liu Ye herself, after talking on the phone with Yang Huayue, she confirmed that she is not only in good shape, but also vigorous and energetic. She completely put down her heart and was ready to wash and sleep, and work tomorrow!

Netizens thought that the breakup between Yang Huayue and Jiang Yichao was here, after all, it was enough sensation and strong enough. The news and entertainment edition even changed the headlines to their names late at night. This is the first time she has received so much attention since Yang Huayue's debut.

But more exciting is yet to come.

The next morning, Yang Huayue posted another Weibo. This time, she posted a screenshot of her real name registration on the auction company's official website. She signed a contract with the auction company for 280,000 art purchases and a bank transfer receipt of 280,000. And the physical map of the regular edition "Yunyang Ding". The real object has been hung in the porch of her living room, which can be seen as soon as she enters the door, which is very conspicuous. 35xs

Her Weibo wrote: "I am the real buyer of" Yunyang Ding ". Jiang Yichao was dissatisfied that I spent 280,000 on buying a piece of paper and was furious with me. I am sorry to Princess Tang Tu and to be a fool of Dr. You I was bitten by a crazy dog. "

Tang Tu and Liu Ye were filming at this time, but did not see the information. Yu Zhan gave her a thumbs up on this Weibo.

Netizens now have a little understanding of what's going on here.

"It turned out that Yang Huayue was the third buyer. It's no wonder that Jiang Yichao had no head or end to mention Liu Ye's auction."

"So, is Jiang Yichao's Weibo a rumor?"

"Last night, Yang Huayue said in the live broadcast that Zha Nan had damaged more than 200,000 things before she left. It should be this word. Look at the fifth picture, there is a very obvious wrinkle under the calligraphy."

"Yes, I watched the auction live that day and it was perfect at the time."

"Broken someone else's valuables yourself, but in turn pulled the right and wrong of the original author? What is this **** operation? What **** logic?"

"The point is that people still vowed to say 'full confidence', Jiang Yichao, where is your confidence?"


At this time, Jiang Yichao was just reprimanded by his furious boss in his brokerage company and continued to be criticized by his agent.

Capital Zhongmeng Performing Arts Agency is an intermediary company specializing in the promotion of idol packaging. Among the many brokerage companies in the capital, Zhongmeng ranks lower because they are only intermediaries, specializing in mass production of small fresh meat and small fairies. These artists have been promoted to various variety shows without other self-employed businesses.

However, this company only emphasizes quantity but not quality. The quality of the signing artists is uneven. Most of them have no special skills except their faces. Most of these artists come from the vocational colleges and universities. Or select from some not-known anchor anchors, few students graduated from regular film and television colleges.

Jiang Yichao is one of the main artists currently promoted by the agent of Zhongmeng. Because of Yang Huayue, he has become the best of these trainees. In contrast to Xinghe's attitude, Zhongmeng strongly supports him and Yang Huayue in love. , Weibo's public relationship is also the idea of ​​Jiang Yichao's agent.

However, they spent so much money and so many resources to make Jiang Yichao the image of a warm young boy next door, which was destroyed by him overnight. Just search the three words "Jiang Yichao" on the Internet, and all the words are scum men and scammers.

Looking at Jiang Yichao 's 300w Weibo fans, and with such high popularity, Zhongmeng did not want to give up on him. For an artist, even if chased by millions of people, it is better than no one to deal with it. Positive or negative, attention means the interest. After a period of time, the limelight has passed, and it can make a comeback.

They urgently convened the public relations department to deal with these public opinions in an attempt to whitewash Jiang Yichao.

In a matter of urgency, the agent asked Jiang Yichao to immediately post a Weibo to apologize to the three of them.

This time, Jiang Yichao was aggrieved, and he never expected that he was a general of Yang Huayue ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ he told the agent dissatisfied, "Yang Huayue personally said the one she bought for Tang Tu Word, I didn't make nonsense. "

"Do you have evidence? Did you record it?"

Jiang Yichao froze and shook his head.

The agent was unhappy, "Yang Huayue sent all the vouchers online. What do you take against her? This matter is not handled well, can Tang Tu tell you to make a rumor? Qiao Xin's case is about to begin soon! "

Jiang Yichao remembered this time. The "senior" who was sent to the detention center by Tang Tu himself was rumored to have a deep background in Tang Tu. He was suddenly excited, and finally realized that he might have made a great disaster. Immediately wrote the apology Weibo and deleted the previous Weibo.

He said, fortunately, Yang Huayue also had no evidence to prove that the wrinkle was made by him, and he was just as guilty as he was, as long as he didn't admit it, see how she lost money with him!

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